Terrigen Crystal

Nick Fury thought in silence for a while after Fanny left before asking Natasha, "Do you think he was telling the truth?"

"From his expression, tone, and eyes, I don't think he was lying. I also can't think of any reason for him to lie to you," Natasha replied honestly.

Nick Fury stood up. He couldn't just stay still after obtaining the information from Fanny. SHIELD's style was to disperse the cloud before the rain could fall.

Nick Fury glanced at Natasha beside him and recalled Fanny's attitude. It seemed that he had some prejudice against Natasha, so letting her contact him again might have a negative effect.

"General Ross was starting to move against Banner again. Go over there and observe them."

Nick Fury decided to reassign Natasha. Banner was also crucial to his plan, so he couldn't let Ross snatch his prey away.


Fanny returned home with the 'obelisk,' but he didn't tell Skye or Tony about it. He planned to look for Ancient One first thing in the evening.

Fanny hid the box in his room and left for school.

Frenzied discussion about yesterday's battle filled the school. Fanny's stunt had attracted fans; after all, young people are attracted to strength.

In the battle against Iron Monger, most people only saw Fanny observing the battle until the very last minute. The limited amount of information left most things about him a total mystery, including his combat strength.

But yesterday's battle loudly announced Fanny's power to the world.

If someone bothered to do the statistic, they would find that around half of Iron Man's fans had switched to Fanny's 'Silver Knight.'

"Hey, Fanny, did you see what happened yesterday?" Billy immediately spoke to him as soon as he reached his seat.

"See what?" Fanny replied indifferently, secretly taking note of the gossip around him. Perhaps Spider-Man would be the one superhero that could understand his situation best.

Fanny then recalled that in this universe, Peter Parker probably hadn't been bitten by a spider yet. He was probably just a smart little boy.

"The Divine Punishment!" Billy excitedly took out his phone and opened a video. "You didn't know? Not long after you left yesterday, Iron Man and the Knight of Divine Punishment fought with a huge swarm of robots."

"The Knight of Divine Punishment is super powerful! His move could be seen from almost every corner of New York. Did you really not see it?"

Billy's praise filled Fanny with weird emotions. He grimaced a little and asked, "Aren't you afraid that he is a bad guy?"

"How is that possible!" Billy was suddenly enraged as if his idol had been insulted. He scolded Fanny, "The Knight of Divine Punishment is definitely a superhero, the strongest one out there. Besides, he was Iron Man's friend."


Fanny didn't expect his involvement with Tony to have this kind of effect. He pouted and continued, "He probably doesn't even like that nickname."

"You don't even know about yesterday's battle; what would you know about the Knight of Divine Punishment?" Billy's eyes were filled with contempt.


Fanny opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Yes, he was just a mage of Kamar-Taj; what did he know about the Knight of Divine Punishment or whatever?

Fanny gave up on arguing with Billy and rested his head on the table, letting his thought wander. Billy kept on jabbering beside him, explaining how powerful the Knight of Divine Punishment was—who knows where he got all this information.

Fanny returned home, greeted Skye that evening, and then quietly brought the 'obelisk' to Kamar-Taj.

"Master, can you help me inspect this thing?" Fanny opened the box, showing the 'obelisk' to Ancient One.

Ancient One looked at the silver 'obelisk' and reached to pick it up. Fanny immediately stopped her, "It might be dangerous to touch it."

"Indeed!" Ancient One nodded in agreement. She raised her hand slightly, and the 'obelisk' floated out from the box. It flashed with orange light, like a beacon or testing probe.

"This is a containment shell. There seems to be something inside," Ancient One said after inspecting it for a while.

"Uh, I know that. Would you be able to remove the outer shell?" Fanny asked. He vaguely remembered that the 'obelisk' was a storage system for a type of crystal. This crystal could allow people with certain genes in their bodies to awaken their abilities.

Fanny didn't want to go to the weird underground temple, if possible. He was also worried that doing the ritual there would pose a hidden danger.

"Yeah..." Ancient One muttered to herself for a moment, glanced at Fanny, and then opened the Eye of Agamotto on her chest with a gesture.

This was the first time that Fanny had seen Ancient One use the Time Stone. His eyes widened, and his face was full of curiosity.

A sparkling green light flashed. Ancient One's shadow seemed like it multiplied, but there didn't seem to be any other changes. Ancient One closed the Eye of Agamotto a few seconds later and turned to Fanny.

"It would be a little troublesome, but it can be done. Why do you want the crystal inside?"

Fanny's face lit up. He hid nothing from Ancient One and said, "Skye's body should contain an alien genetic modification. This crystal can help her awaken those genes. I want her to be able to protect herself."

Ancient One nodded. She then conjured several spells that Fanny didn't understand at the 'obelisk.'

Fanny then noticed a faint mark on Ancient One's forehead. He already knew what it was; it was the mark of those who drew their power from Dormammu's dark dimension. It was also the reason why Ancient One could live for so long.

However, Fanny didn't care about the dark power or the dark dimension as long as the power was useful. If Ancient One couldn't control that power, she would've already gone mad a long time ago.

But the Ancient One in front of him was still the kind master, the same gentle Sorcerer Supreme who had guarded the Earth for centuries.

Ancient One's spells gradually opened the shell of the 'obelisk.' Fanny cautiously took a few steps back. Ancient One would've taken precautions to protect his safety, but it was still better to be careful.

The outer shell was finally removed, and the crystals were unveiled.

"Alright." Having finished casting the spell, Ancient One turned at Fanny. "How do you plan to use these crystals?"

"I don't know either."

Fanny scratched his head. He only remembered that in the original plot, Skye and the other woman entered the temple and put the 'obelisk' inside. The temple had handled all the awakening process, and Fanny remembered none of it.

Ancient One sighed at Fanny. "Just bring Skye here and let her absorb the crystal."

"Okay." Fanny nodded happily.

This was the reason why he had come to Ancient One. With Ancient One present, any problem that occurs could be mitigated. At worst, they could use the Eye of Agamotto to rewind the time.

Fanny returned home via a portal and quickly found Skye, who had just taken a shower and played on the computer in her pajamas. He told her, "I have something very important to tell you."

Fanny's solemn expression scared Skye to the point that she almost dropped her mouse from the fright. "What... What is it?"