Captain America

Fanny realized that he had said too much when he realized Nick Fury had fallen silent. That baldie must be deathly curious about how Fanny knew this information.

That reaction basically confirmed that SHIELD had indeed discovered Captain America.

Fanny had been thinking of letting Captain America look after Hulk, which was why he blurted out about Captain America to Nick Fury.

After calming himself down, Nick Fury realized something wrong with what Fanny had just said.

Fanny asked that question as if he was expecting Nick Fury to find Captain America at some point. He wouldn't have done that if SHIELD's internal information was leaked.

Nick Fury could only attribute this to another mysterious ability that Fanny had, increasing his evaluation of Fanny. He wasn't sure of the extent of Fanny's ability.

"Yes, we found Captain America. He was frozen, but we still detected life signs from him. I hope you can bring him back so he can be treated as soon as possible!"

Nick Fury put aside the matter of Fanny's powers for now; they were still allied, after all. The most important thing right now was to rescue Captain America.

"No problem." Fanny didn't mind helping with this trivial matter. "Give me the specific coordinates. Do you need to go with me?"

"If you would please!" Nick Fury wouldn't pass on any opportunity to see Fanny's abilities with his own eyes.

After agreeing on a meeting point, Fanny packed up and told Skye that he was going out. He equipped 'Demon Armor Incursio' and went to meet Nick Fury.

Someone else was with Nick Fury when Fanny arrived; it was their mutual acquaintance Coulson, which Fanny hadn't seen in a while. Coulson's balding forehead was shining ever brighter since the last time Fanny met him. He was obviously on the path to standing among the strong.

"Would you mind bringing another person along?" Nick Fury greeted Fanny with the question.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Silver Knight. Would you mind bringing me along as well?"

Coulson looked at Fanny with a face full of expectation. When he learned that Captain America was still alive, his excitement eclipsed even Nick Fury. He even wanted to handle this matter directly.

It took his all to pressure Nick Fury to bring him to the rescue operation with Fanny.

"It doesn't matter; let's go together!"

Fanny recalled that Coulson was Captain America's biggest fan. He had a good impression of Coulson as well, so he didn't mind the agent coming along. It wouldn't matter for the portal if one more person went in.

Coulson smiled happily, his eyes full of impatient excitement. He never thought that he would ever have the chance to meet his idol with his own eyes.

Fanny used Ars Magna to help with opening the portal to the coordinate given by Nick Fury. It was a small forward operating base.

Captain America's frozen body greeted them when they arrived at the base, encased within a massive ice block. Fanny had no idea how SHIELD detected life signs through the ice.

"Is this really him?" Coulson asked while leaning close to the ice cube, observing Captain America's sleeping figure. This moment was unimaginable for him, despite being a special agent who even came face-to-face with a mythological figure not long ago.

"Unless he had a twin, it must be him!" Nick Fury replied. This was also the first time he saw Captain America. His subordinate had reported everything they knew when they discovered this place, so he was reasonably certain that this was the same Captain America as recorded in the history book. That's why he asked Fanny for help.

Fanny also observed Captain America. Perhaps it was the effect of the super soldier serum, but Captain America was indeed very handsome. His angular face and graceful figure were not very clear at this angle, but it was undeniable.

Steve Rogers was a very kind and upright person. The serum had only amplified his kindness and justice, transforming him into the Captain America that everyone believed in. This kind of person would correctly assess Hulk's threat, but he would not form prejudice. That was why Captain America would be a perfect nanny for Hulk—or so Fanny thought.

Looking at Captain America reminded Fanny of Tony. There wasn't any hatred between them yet, but one person would radically change their relationship.

Hydra's top combat personnel, the Winter Soldier Bucky.

Captain America's childhood friend, brother, gay love—comrade-in-arms, Bucky could be said to be the most important person in Steve Rogers' life.

At the same time, he was also the person who had personally killed Tony's parents after being hypnotized by the Hydra.

Fanny knew that Tony loved his parents very much, especially after discovering the new elements that his father had left him. That was precisely why he would feel such deep grief and guilt.

If he knew that his parents had been murdered, he would never forgive the murderer—even if he knew that the murderer had not done it consciously.

Although the current Tony was full of justice and hope, he was not a magnanimous person. Or rather, the current him was still very impulsive.

He might have experienced some extraordinary things, but he still had a long way to go. The personalities engraved in his bones were not so easily changed. Fanny was sure that if Tony discovered this matter, he would abandon everything else to exact his vengeance.

Fanny didn't want to interfere in this problem. In his opinion, both sides were right. Tony wasn't mistaken in wishing for revenge, but neither did Bucky in the wrong for doing something he had no control over.

The only one in the wrong was Hydra.

The only way to fix this problem peacefully was to resurrect Tony's parents, which Fanny obviously couldn't do. Thus, he decided not to meddle in the matter.

Let the future hold its secrets. Fanny returned to the present and asked Nick Fury, "Where do you want to send him?"

Nick gave an address to Fanny. The one-eyed director had launched an investigation within SHIELD ever since the Ivan incident, but he hadn't found anything. That incident seemed to have resolved just like that.

The less he could find, the more suspicious he felt. Yet he couldn't find any concrete clues, so he could only keep his guard high.

This incident was the same. He did not have that much trust for his own agency in his heart, so he had asked for Fanny's help. This way, he could keep Captain America as a trump card in the future.

Fanny opened the portal again. Then, he lifted Captain America's ice cubes with both hands while walking through the portal. Coulson watched him closely; it seemed that he was afraid that Fanny would accidentally drop the ice on the ground.

Fanny considered his favor over after they arrived in Nick Fury's secret base, despite the ease of the favor.

Fanny reminded Nick Fury after watching Coulson and the medical staff take away the ice block, "Remember, you still have two more times."

Nick Fury simply nodded.

"Do you think he will survive?" Nick suddenly asked. He looked anxious, like the family members of someone who was undergoing vital surgery, hoping to be comforted by the people around them.

"Of course!"

But Fanny knew that Nick Furry wasn't worried about that. The bald director just didn't want to gain anything after orchestrating such an expensive operation.

"He will wake up and make a bet with you about how fast he could adapt to this world!"

Fanny looked in the direction where everyone had left. Captain America's appearance also meant that Loki's invasion was drawing closer.