55. Even When The Night Changes

I really need to stop telling you guys that I'm going to do weekly updates. Made me a liar right out of the gate. Really sorry about that. I underestimated working two jobs. But I hope this chapter is worth the wait. Also, thanks so much for the reviews. I appreciate each and every single one. I know I say it all the time. But this story has meant so much to me and I hope that you guys still enjoy reading it. Can you believe that it's been close to a year since I started it? It's unbelievable. So thanks again so much, I could never put into words how much I appreciate ya'll for giving me an outlet to write my version of Linstead.


4 Weeks Later

Jay walked into the kitchen and yawned as he pushed the button on the Keurig to start making his coffee. He looked down at his watch and then out the window at the foggy morning. He saw Kane spot a bird sitting on the grass eating bird seed that had fallen from the bird feeder and barked before bounding down the back porch and after the bird.

"Dumb dog" Jay shook his head and turned back towards the kitchen as Erin walked in carrying Everly.

"Morning" Jay said as he looked at his wife and smiled.

"What's good about it?" Erin asked as she walked over to Everly's high chair and strapped her in it before putting the tray on top of the chair.

"Well, it's your first day back at intelligence, That's something to look forward to" Jay offered as he walked over to the Keurig and picked up his now full coffee cup.

"It's also my first day leaving Everly" Erin sighed as she ran her hand over Everly's dark head of hair as Evie happily played with the toy in her hand oblivious to her mother being upset.

"Erin, she's going to be fine. She's going to be with your brother. What's the worst Teddy can get into? Teach her how to steal hotel toiletries? Ooo the danger of Hotel Managers watching babies" Jay lifted the mug to his lips and took a drink of his coffee.

Erin ran her fingers through her hair and pulled it up into a ponytail on top of her head. "I just don't want to leave her. It makes me nervous. We've never really left her with anyone other than Hank before"

"Erin, she's going to be fine" Jay assured as he walked over to the freezer and pulled out a box of Eggo mini pancakes and pulled a few out and put them in the microwave.

Erin walked over to the counter and took a drink of Jay's coffee before making a face as she had to fight to keep from gagging. "What did you do to this?"

Jay looked back over his shoulder at Erin as he pulled the pancakes out of the microwave and shook his head "Nothing. It's the kind you always buy"

Erin looked in the Keurig and looked at the Kcup and shook her head. "Jay, it's not that hard to throw that away"

Jay looked over at Erin and rolled his eyes "Could you give me a minute before you start nagging me? I'm trying to feed our daughter"

Erin grabbed the Kcup and tossed it into the garbage. "I'll do it. Don't worry about it"

Jay watched as Erin walked out of the kitchen and he sighed and walked over to the high chair and sat the small pancakes in front of Everly. "Yummy. Breakfast"

"Yum" Everly repeated and grabbed one of the small pancakes and put it in her mouth as the doorbell rang.

Jay walked over to the door and opened it and came face to face with Teddy.

"Morning" Jay said.

"Good morning indeed" Teddy said a small smile on his lips as he eyed Jay up and down. "Nice to see you filling out those new jeans"

Jay frowned and shook his head. "You know I don't like when you do that"

Teddy shrugged his shoulders "Which is exactly why I do it. No offense Jay, but you're not my type"

"Thank God" Jay sighed as Teddy walked past him and into the house.

"Hey stink face" Teddy said walking over to Everly's high chair.

Everly squealed happily as she saw her uncle and she quickly held up a mini pancake for him.

"Thanks. But with those arm and leg rolls, you should probably let go your Eggo" Teddy teased as he pulled a kitchen chair up in front of Everly and tickled her thighs.

Jay looked over to make sure that Erin wasn't within ear shot and looked over at Teddy. "Are you sure you're ok with her today? I mean if this is too much for you then we can put her in daycare"

Teddy looked over his shoulder and raised his eyebrow. "It's fine. I can handle taking care of her"

Erin walked back in the kitchen with her hand on her stomach and a frown on her face.

"You ok?" Jay asked taking a drink of his coffee.

Erin nodded and sighed. "Yeah. Leaving her just makes me nauseated"

Jay looked up at the clock and walked over to the sink. "We need to get going"

Erin took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she tried to fight back the tears that were burning her lids. "Okay"

Erin walked over to Evie in her high chair and bent down to place a kiss on top of Everly's head.

"I love you. You be a good girl today"

Everly looked up at Erin and smiled before holding up a hand filled with a mini pancake. "Yum"

Erin laughed and looked at Teddy. "If you need anything call my cell or call the station"

Teddy nodded "How many times do you need to tell me this? Go to work before you cry all over Everly's new outfit"

Erin gave Everly one last kiss and walked past Teddy and out the door.

"Thank for that" Jay said putting the rinsed coffee cup into the dish washer. "Thanks"

Teddy shrugged his shoulders and picked one of Everly's mini pancakes up and took a bite of it. "What?"


Kim moaned in her sleep and Adam checked his watch from his seat by the window. It was almost 11:00 in the morning and he had been watching her sleep all night, timing her contractions. It had been almost twelve hours according to Kim and her contractions were still an hour apart. She had managed to get a few fitful hours of sleep in between her short contractions, gaining her strength for the day that was ahead.

"Adam," she moaned, from the bed. "It hurts so much."

"I know Darlin," Adam rose from his seat and climbed back into the bed beside her. "Roll over and let me make it better." Kim rolled onto her side and Adam pushed his fingers into her back,

massaging roughly to relieve some of the tension in her back. "Tell me if I'm hurting you."

She took deep breaths, exhaling through her nose as Adam tried to ease her pain. "Harder, Adam," she whispered, tears leaking from her eyelids.

"Burgess, I want to take you to the hospital now," he told her. "Maybe they can make the pain a little easier to bear."

"How far apart are they?" her voice wavered.

"Still a while to go." Adam answered

She let out a small sob and he pushed his knee into her back, giving her the pressure she wanted.

"I don't know how long I can do this, Adam," she whispered.

"Let's get you dressed and we'll go to the hospital." He pushed himself off of the bed and grabbed a small duffel bag from the closet of the attic. Throwing a change of clothes and his shower bag, he zipped it shut. "Did you already pack a bag for yourself?"

"Uh huh," she panted. "It's in the closet."

"Clothes for the baby are in it too?"

"Yeah," she eased herself upright and began to stand, using the headboard of the bed for leverage. Adam plucked a pair of tights and a sweater from the drawers and moved to Kim's side. Holding his shoulders, she stepped into the pants and let him pull them up. He tugged the sweater over her head and picked up the bags, slinging them over his shoulder. Holding her arms to help her walk, they walked slowly down the stairs.

"You guys okay?" Kim's mother, Tracey asked, approaching the stairs.

"I'm taking her to the hospital," Adam stated. Pulling her coat from the front hall closet he helped her slip it on. "Come sit down, let me put your shoes on," he whispered to Kim, leading her to the couch.

"I can't Adam," she cried, clutching her abdomen tightly.

"Hold on to me while Adam puts on your shoes Kim, okay?" Kim's dad, Steve told her gently, taking her hands from Adam's. Leaning against him, she lifted her feet letting Adam slip her running shoes on.

"Do me a favor Tracey?" Adam said quietly, standing to collect his girlfriend. "Call everybody who's gonna want to be there and let them know that I will let them know what's happening. It's pointless to come now, nothing's going to happen for a while, anyway."

"Sure Adam," Tracey reassured him. "I'll tell them what's going on and we'll be there as soon."

"Thanks Tracey." He pulled Kim closer as she moaned again and walked her slowly towards the door.


Erin leaned over the trash can as her stomach settled. So much for her first day back. She expected to spend the day chasing perps and not leaned over the trash can in the locker room voiding her stomach of the lunch that she and Jay had earlier.

Once she felt her stomach settle she walked over to the sink and rinsed her mouth and splashed water on her face.

"Do you hate Kenny?" A voice from behind Erin asked.

"What?" Erin asked wiping her mouth with a paper towel and tossing it into the garbage.

Platt leaned against the lockers and folded her arms over her chest. "Kenny. You know the janitor who cleans up here"

"You mean Manny?" Erin asked as her stomach finally returned to normal.

"Whatever. I don't have to know everyone's name" Platt scoffed. "How many trash cans do you plan on puking in? This is the second time today"

Erin walked over to her locker and opened it and pulled out a bottle of water and took a drink. "I'm fine. I just ate something that didn't agree with me"

Platt sighed and looked at Erin. "Go home detective"

"I'm fine. Do me a favor. Don't tell Jay about this" Erin asked as she closed her locker.

"Please. I have better things to do than go confess your sins to Detective Chuckles" Platt narrowed her eyes at Erin "I was just coming in here to tell you that Burgess is having her baby. You know the chosen one or whatever"

"Kim's in labor?" Erin asked. "Why didn't you start with that?"

Erin quickly walked past Trudy and out of the locker room.

"I'm not everyones' keeper. Excuse the hell out of me for being concerned about you. It smells like puke in here. Good job" Platt said following Erin out of the locker room.


Kim focussed her eyes on the portrait of a baby that hung on the pale white wall of her room as the doctor performed her pelvic exam. She looked over at Adam and scrunched her nose up as a sign of distaste and Adam smiled at her good spirits. She hadn't felt a single contraction since the epidural and she had slept for hours without interruption. However, it had been almost twenty nine hours since Kim had felt the first of the labor pains and Adam was worried.

"Okay, Kim," Kim's doctor began. "Here's the deal, you're dilated to six centimetres and you need to be ten. The baby's heartbeat is still good and strong and your water hasn't broken yet so there's no risk of infection to the baby if we let labor progress naturally."

Kim took Adam's hand and waited for the doctor to continue. "I don't want to risk anything going wrong so I want to break your water and give you an IV drip that will make the contractions stronger and get you fully dilated."

"Do it," Kim said, without hesitation. "I'm tired, I just want this over."

"Alright," the doctor smiled. "I'll be right back with the drip and we'll break your water."

"Yippee," Kim muttered, forcing a smile at Adam. She grimaced slightly as a particularly strong contraction came over her and looked up at Adam's exhausted face. "Adam you've been awake for over twenty four hours, will you please just get some sleep."

"When this is over I'll sleep," he promised, bringing her hand to his lips. "Let's hope it's not much longer."

"Thirty hours is not fair," she joked. "Some people sneeze, out comes the baby and I get thirty hours."

"Your body is still young," he noted, gazing out the window at the starry sky.

"I guess," she shrugged, wincing again. "Okay, either these drugs are wearing off or the contractions are getting stronger."

"You in pain?" he asked, concerned.

"A little," she nodded. "Not as bad as before, I'm still pretty numb."

The door opened and the doctor returned hanging a small bag from Kim's IV pole and hooking it into the tube.

"She's feeling some contractions," Adam told the doctor, squeezing Kim's hand. "Is that normal?"

"Yep," The doctor nodded. "I decreased the epidural. If Kim is too numb she won't be able to push as hard and it will take a lot longer to deliver. We need her in control if this baby is going to be born soon."

Kim winced again as she felt another contraction. "They're so close together," she noted, looking at the reading on the fetal heart monitor. "I barely get over one before another one comes."

"That's a good thing, Kim," the doctor reassured her, returning to the foot of the bed. "It will make things go a lot faster that way. Now I am going to break your membranes, alright. You won't feel anything just the fluid leaking out."

Kim nodded and gasped as she felt the warm fluid escape. "Yummy," Kim muttered distastefully. "That's something I could live without feeling again."

The doctor laughed and pulled the sheet down over Kim's legs. "Most women think they've just wet their pants when their water breaks."

Kim looked over at Adam's curious look. "I can see how they'd think that."

The doctor patted Adam on the shoulder and looked down at Kim. "Things are going to get nasty now, Kim, I just want you to be prepared. The contractions are going to get stronger and closer together and you are really going to start feeling them. Just find something to focus on and breathe through the pain and it will be over before you know it."

"Okay, I changed my mind," Kim whimpered, placing her hands on her belly. "I don't want to have a baby anymore." The doctor chuckled and moved towards the door.

"You're gonna be fine Kim. I'll be back when the nurse tells me there's a baby coming."

Kim's face was filled with panic and Adam noted the crest of another contraction. "Breathe Darlin, breathe through it." Kim moaned as the contraction continued.

"God they're so long," she panted as the epidural tapered away and left nothing but pain.

"It'll be over soon, Burgess," Adam promised. "I know it."

"It was supposed to be over a long time ago, Adam," Kim whined, squeezing the sides of the mattress to keep control of her increasing pain.

"I forgot to tell you," he started, trying to make her smile. "This kid and I are in cahoots to win the entire pot of money on his birthday. They just have to come before midnight and we win."

"Screw money Adam," she screeched. "Just get it out of me, please."

Adam squeezed her hand as the contraction faded away and she fell back onto her pillows, exhausted. "You want some ice chips?" he asked, noticing her parched lips.

"Yeah," she whispered, breathing long deep breaths. "You can tell everybody to come in her for a while too."

"Okay," he agreed, leaning down to kiss her head. She ignored his movement, focussing on her breathing and the portrait on the wall. "Don't leave me alone too long, Adam," she whispered.

"I'll be right back, I promise." She nodded and continued her breathing.

Adam walked to the door and entered the hall, the anxious friends and family jumping at the sight of him. "It looks like a circus out here," he chuckled.

"Is she okay?" Platt asked, wringing her hands with worry.

"They put her on a drip to get the contractions a little stronger, they broke her water too. It shouldn't be much longer but the epidural's worn off and she's in a lot of pain."

"Can we see her?" Erin asked, her arm around Jay's waist.

"She wants to see everybody, but first I have to get her some ice."

"Let me," Hank offered walking down the hall.

"Okay then everybody can come in, but I have to warn you she's not very happy right now."

Everyone nodded their assent and followed Adam into Kim's room, where she was moaning from the force of another contraction. Adam rushed to her side and took her hand. "Hank's gone to get your ice, breathe deep." She turned her attention to his face and breathed through the pain, dropping her head when it receded.

"Hey Burgess," Atwater smiled, from the end of her bed.

"Hey guys," Kim whispered, out of breath. "Thanks so much for being here, it means a lot to me."

"Where else would we be, Kim?" Erin asked, taking her hand.

"I'm not very good company right now..." she trailed off. "Oh God. This sucks," she moaned.

"Okay Darlin," Adam said gently. "I'm here, squeeze my hand." Kim moaned as Adam rubbed her belly with his free hand, trying to ease her suffering. "It's almost done, Darlin, just a few more seconds."

"I have to push Adam," she cried out. "I can feel it, it's coming."

"I'll get the doctor," Atwater said running from the room.

"Don't push yet Kim," Adam ordered her. "Wait until the doctor gets here."

"I can't," she sobbed, writhing in pain. "I can't wait anymore. Please get it out."

"I need everybody out but Mom and Dad," Kim's doctor shouted from the door. "I told you it wouldn't be long, Kim."

"Make it stop, please," Kim begged, clutching Adam's hand with white knuckles.

"Alright Kim, I'm gonna try, now you're dilated to ten centimetres so I need you to start pushing when you feel the next contraction okay?" Kim nodded as a nurse moved behind her and held up her shoulders.

Watching the monitor, she spoke again. "Deep breath and push," she ordered as two other nurses pushed her legs to her stomach. When she reached ten, Kim took another breath and continued pushing. "That's perfect Kim, keep going just like that." Kim screamed at the sensation of the baby's head descending and fell back against the nurse. "One more like that and the baby's head will crown. One good push."

Kim nodded and took another deep breath before pushing again. "Good, Kim," the doctor encouraged her. "I can see the head, it's coming out fast."

Looking at Adam she spoke. "Do you want to see the baby's head?" Adam looked at an unresponsive Kim and nodded his head. Moving to the end of the bed he stared in awe at the small patch of his baby's head that was in view.

"It's amazing Kim," he whispered in astonishment. "You can see it's head."

Kim forced a smile at him inhaling deeply, ready to push again. "Look in the mirror, Kim," the doctor pointed to the mirror capturing the events at the end of the bed. Kim sobbed in pain and amazement as more of the baby's head came into view. "Give me your hand." Continuing to push, Kim held out her hand to the doctor, who brought her fingers to her baby's dark mat of hair. A burst of adrenaline at the thought of her baby gave her the strength to continue pushing and she screamed in pain as the infants head emerged completely. "The head's out Kim, you did wonderful, now I need you to wait for a minute while I clean out the lungs."

Adam kissed her forehead lovingly, tears brimming in his eyes. "It's got so much hair, Kim," he laughed through his tears. "I can't believe it."

Kim moaned and the doctor allowed her to continue. "One more push Kim, and it'll be over." Kim nodded, pushing with a strength she didn't know she had and with a scream, it was done." She fell exhaustedly to the bed, tears streaming from her eyes as she heard a baby's cry.

"It's a boy," The doctor laughed, holding up the screaming baby. Adam let out a sob and buried his face in the crook of Kim's neck. Holding each other tightly they cried.

"I love you Darlin," he whispered, through his tears. "I am so proud of you, you did it."

Kim cried and pulled Adam's mouth to hers. "I love you."

"Here he is kids," A nurse moved to hand Kim the baby. "All seven pounds two ounces of him." Kim took her son from the doctor's arms and placed him on her chest. Hearing his mother's heartbeat, the baby stopped crying.

"Hello little one," Kim whispered, her tears still flowing. "You've had a rough night haven't you?"

"He's so beautiful," Adam whispered in awe as he stroked the chubby red cheek of the exhausted infant.

"He's perfect." The new family was unaware of the medical team finishing up their work and exiting the room quietly. They sat for what seemed like hours memorizing every feature on their new son's body.

"We did it my boy," Adam whispered, placing a gentle kiss on the sleeping infant's head.

"Did what?" Kim whispered, exhausted. Adam smiled and held up the baby's wrist, showing Kim the tiny blue wristband. "Jackson Adam Ruzek, born at 8:45pm."

Kim smiled and ran a hand across his cheek. "It must be our lucky day."

"It is from now on," he whispered, placing gentle kisses on the forehead of the woman he loved.


"Are you excited to stay with grandpa?" Erin asked as she finished putting together Evie's pack n play in her old room.

"Papa?" Everly said dropping her Doc McStuffins doll from her mouth from her place on the bed.

"Yes papa" Erin answered with a yawn.

"Dada?" Everly called crawling towards the edge of the bed.

"Where are you going?" Erin called and climbed up on the bed and reached for Evie grabbing her by the middle and flipping her over sending the infant into a fit of giggles.

Everly held onto fistfuls of Erin's hair as Erin bent her head down and kissed and playfully nipped at Evie's chest and stomach. Erin pulled back and smiled as she looked down at her daughter.

"Mama" Everly sighed and locked eyes with Erin. Her 4 toothed smile with matching dimples lit up her blue eyes. As she looked at Erin. "Wuv"

Erin dropped her head and kissed Evie on the side of the mouth. "Mama loves you too"

Erin sat up on the bed with her legs crossed she pulled Everly and tuned her to sit in the gap between her legs. She flipped the TV onto the Sprout Network to distract Evie long enough to fix the bow that was clipped into Everly's dark hair.

"Dinner's ready" Hank said as he walked into the doorway. "I talked to Olinsky, he said the stakeout going well. You can stop worrying about Halstead now"

"I'm not worried" Erin said through the bow she was holding between her lips as she swept Everly's dark locks to the side.

"So that's why you've set up the pack n play in here when Everly has a perfectly good room across the hall" Hank asked folding his arms over his chest.

"I didn't want her crying to wake you up in the middle of the night" Erin answered as she clipped the bow into Evie's hair.

Everly reached her hand up and Erin grabbed it quickly. "No no. Pretty. Leave it alone"

Everly tilted her head back to look at Erin and smiled before letting out a laugh as she reached her hand up to grab her bow again.

"No no. Don't touch. Ouch" Erin said.

"You ready to eat. Bug?" Hank asked as he walked into Erin's room and held his arms out for Evie.

Everly quickly moved off of Erin's lap and crawled over to her grandpa across the bed. "Papa"

"I got you" Hank assured and leaned down to pick Everly up before raising her above his head and pulling her back down to him and placing a kiss on her cheek.

Erin smiled as she watched the two of them. She never thought in a million years she'd be here in this place watching Hank with her daughter. But she wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

"You ok, kid?" Hank asked as he eyed Erin. "Trudy mentioned you weren't feeling well"

"Yeah. I'm fine" Erin assured. "I'm just tired. It's been a crazy day. With Kim and Adam having their baby and my first day back with IU"

Hank nodded and placed a kiss on Everly's cheek. "We don't have to do anything tonight if you aren't feeling up to it"

Erin shook her head "Hank, I'm fine. Really. And it's a special occasion. I wouldn't be anywhere else toinght"

Hank looked at Erin and then looked at Evie who was squirming in his arms in an attempt to get down.

"Camille would've been eating this up" Hank's gruff voice said softly. "You'd think celebrating her birthday would get easier. But somehow it doesn't"

Erin nodded "I miss her too, Hank. And I'm always going to miss her. And it's ok for you to miss her too. It's Ok for you to always miss her. Nobody's going to take her place"

Hank was quiet for a minute as he took in what Erin was telling him. "I just wish she was here to see how damn good you and Justin turned out"

"She sees" Erin assured.

"Olivia wanted to come in this weekend. But I told her not to. I didn't think it was a good time. Felt like it would be disrespectful to Camille to bring another woman to the cemetary" Hank adjusted Everly in his arms and smiled sadly as he looked at her.

"Hank, I think Camille would want you to be happy. I know she would. And if Olivia Benson makes you happy, then I think you should be happy. You two can figure it out. You both obviously like each other. And I don't think you're doing Camille wrong by moving on. It's been 11 years Hank. Camille would want you to live the rest of your life with someone that makes you as happy as you made her" Erin stood up from the bed and walked over to Hank.

"I don't know" Hank said. "It's just hard coming into an empty house"

"Then talk to Olivia, Hank" Erin looked at Hank and she felt her heart ache for the man who was her father in her eyes.

"I'll think about it" Hank said. Changing the subject before he could show any emotion.

"Evie" Erin called softly "Can you give Papa Hank hugs and kisses?"

Evie looked over at Erin and then at Hank as she thought about hugging her Papa.

"Give Papa a hug. He's sad" Erin encouraged.

Everly looked at Hank and leaned forward and placed an open mouth kiss on his chin before wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Aww so nice" Erin praised.

Hank closed his eyes as Evie hugged him and he opened his eyes when he felt her raise up off Hank's shoulder.

"Thank you" Hank said as Evie leaned down and gave Hank another kiss.


Adam smiled as he eased the sleeping baby from his exhausted mother's arms. "Sleep for a while Darlin," he whispered, brushing the hair from her eyes. "It's time for some father son bonding."

Moving slowly towards the door, he opened it quietly, not wanting to wake either of them. Holding it open, he made his way into the hall, a proud smile on his face.

Adam walked down the hall with Jackson sleeping soundly in his arms.

Adam walked down the hall to a wheel chair in the corner and sat down. Jackson grunted softly in his sleep and opened and closed his small hands before opening one of his eyes.

Adam smiled as he looked down at his son in his ams. "That's how your mom looks at me too"

Jackson gurgled softly and opened both of his eyes. His brow narrowed as his little gaze adjusted to the lights in the hallway.

"Is that too bright?" Adam asked bringing his free hand up to shield Jackson's gaze.

Jackson's gaze focused on Adam's face and Adam looked down at his tiny son in his arms.

"I gotta be honest with you buddy. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. This is crazy. But I promise I'm going to do everything I can to protect you and your mother. Your mom, man. You hit the lottery. She's the most amazing woman. She's strong, beautiful, brave. She's a hell of a woman and why she ever agreed to marry me I'll never know. And I promise you I'm going to make an honest woman out of her. It's just so damn crazy to look at you. I know Jay said that it's overwhelming, but man, he didn't lie. This is like a dream"

Jackson closed his eyes as he fell back asleep. Adam stood up and walked the short distance into Kim's room. Adam closed the door as his eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room. He quietly walked over to the small hospital bassinet and he gently laid Jackson down in it.

"I love you, buddy" Adam said softly leaning down to kiss Jackson softly of the face.


Erin felt her stomach start to ache as she picked at the grilled chicken on her plate. She really wasn't feeling up to eating. But she didn't want to face any more questions from Hank. So she forced herself to finish what was on her plate and silently prayed that it wouldn't 'make a reappearance later in the night.

"So, I've got a question for you" Hank said breaking the silence as he put another cut up green bean on Everly's high chair tray.

"What is it?" Erin asked as she took a drink of her tea.

"You know the globe paper weight in my office. I noticed a few weeks ago that it had a crack in it. Do you know anything about that?" Hank asked looking away from Everly who was happily eating and over to Erin who looked like a deer in headlights.

"Um" Erin stalled as she tried to come up with an explanation as to how the paper weight globe got broken. She knew exactly how the globe was broken and she felt the heat rise in her cheeks as she thought about her husband bending her over the desk in the throws of passion.

"Well" Hank asked.

Erin looked at Everly and then at Hank. "I meant to tell you. Evie was playing in there and she accidentally knocked it over. I'll replace it, Hank"

Hank looked at Erin and ran his hand over his chin "Don't worry about it. It was just a holiday gift from the city"

Erin nodded as she felt her heart rate return to normal and made a mental note to never let anything like that happen between her and Jay ever again.

"Evie, did you knock papa's globe over?" Hank asked looking at her as she held a green bean in each hand.

"No no" Everly said shaking her head.

"You didn't?" Hank smiled and looked at Erin.

"She's going to be a storyteller that one" Erin said shaking her head and looking down at her plate.

"Right" Hank said standing up to clear the table.


"It can never happen again" Erin said into her phone as she turned the water off in the bathtub. "It's not funny, Jay"

Jay laughed into his phone as he pulled into the district. "Erin, there's no way he knows what we did. I wouldn't worry about it"

Erin sighed and sat on the edge of the of the tub and untied the knot on her robe. "Jay, he knows"

Jay ran his hand over his stubbled face and looked down at the clock on the dashboard. "Erin, then we won't do it again. It was fun though"

Erin sighed and looked at ran a hand through her hair. "Do you still have a lot of paperwork left?"

Jay yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Yeah. But I don't think it'll take too much longer. Atwater and Antonio have the majority of the work to do. I should have mine finished up by midnight. I just wanted to grab something to eat"

Erin nodded and tested the water in the tub with her hand. "Are you going to stop by Hank's and spend the night?"

"No, I'll just head home. Hank would probably use me coming in his home in the middle of the night to finally shoot me" Jay said only half joking.

"That's a shame. I am about to take a bath all by myself. It sure is lonely in this tub" Erin sighed softly and stood up to slip her robe off.

Jay groaned into the phone and closed his eyes as images of his nude wife filled his mind. "Not fair"

"You had your chance to come over and join me" Erin teased.

"Send me a pic?" Jay asked.

Erin laughed into the phone and shook her head. "Not happening"

"It's not fair for you to get me woked up and now I have to go in there and work the rest of the night. You owe me" Jay explained as he leaned his head back against the headrest.

"Maybe one day" Erin said hanging her robe over the hook on the door. "I'll talk to you in the morning. I love you"

"I love you, baby" Jay said "Give Ev a kiss for me"

"Text me when you get home so I'll know you made it there safe" Erin walked over to the sink and grabbed her hair clip off of the sink.

"I will. Love you" Jay said as he opened the door of the car and got out.

"I love you" Erin said before ending the call and setting her phone down on the sink and pinning her hair back before slipping into the tub.


Hank walked up the steps and down the hall. He turned the corner to Erin's room and stopped in his steps when he saw her asleep on her bed. He wanted to tell her that he'd talked to Olinsky and that they were headed back out on a tip they'd gotten from a CI.

Hank decided not to wake Erin and turned to leave when he heard a noise from Evie's pack and play and he smiled when he saw her stand and peek over the side.

"Hi" Hank whispered as he walked into Erin's room and over to the pack n play.

"Up" Everly said holding her hands up to Hank to pick her up.

"It's time to go to sleep" Hank reasoned.

"Up peas" Everly said holding her arms up and reaching for her grandpa.

Hank looked at Erin who changed position in her sleep. He turned back to Everly and reached down in the pack n play and picked Everly up. He grabbed her blanket and wrapped it around her.

"Hi" Everly said smiling

"Hi" Hank said back as he quietly walked out of Erin's room.

"Hi" Everly repeated clapping her hands.

"I think Papa could use some Evie time tonight" Hank nuzzled Evie's cheek as he walked down the steps to the living room. "Does that sound ok with you?"

Evie nodded and pointed to Hank's recliner. "Yay"

Hank laughed as he passed by the picture of Camille on the mantle and he smiled sadly at the smiling face of his late wife and his gaze then moved to the picture of him, Evie, Noah and Olivia from Evie's birthday. He didn't know what would happen between him and Olivia Benson. He hoped it would be something good. But was this what he really wanted? Was he ready to finally move on and live his life with another woman? Especially taking the role of raising a toddler? And while it seemed like a lot of baggage for a man his age, he couldn't help but feel like it was the beginning of something amazing.


"Are you sure this is the right way?" Jay asked from the passenger seat as he looked at Kevin.

"That's what the CI said" Atwater explained as he drove towards downtown Chicago.

"How are things with April?" Jay asked making conversation.

"They're good. Taking it slow" Atwater said. "She's been working at the hospital a lot, but if nothing happens at least I get a good friend out of it"

"That's true" Jay said.

"Just kind of wonder when it's going to happen. Especially with Burgess having her baby today. I just wonder when it's going to happen" Atwater said as he drove down the road.

"It's going to happen for you man. And I can't wait until-"

The sound of twisting metal filled the Chicago air as the black GMC truck collided with Atwater's police car. Glass and debris flying everywhere as the force of the truck hitting the car shattered the glass and pushed the police car across the intersection and the smell of fuel and the sound of silence filled the quiet Chicago night.


Please Review.