54. Stuck In The Dark, You're My Flashlight

Sorry for the delay guys. Windows 10 updated and I lost the original version of this and had to start from scratch. I hope that you guys like this chapter. I promise, NO MORE LONG DELAYS. I'm going to get back to my weekly updates. Scouts honor.


Platt scoffed and looked at Jay. "You just wait Chuckles. Wait until your daughter is sixteen, leaving the house with leather pants, getting her bellybutton pierced, dating twenty year old bikers named Spike and tell me you want to do it all over again."

Jay stopped chewing "She won't be like that," he said, not at all sure. "Erin did that. So the course is over. Everly's going to learn that she doesn't have to go along with the crowd."

"Thanks Jay," Erin smiled, moving to his side. "She's only kidding. Of course Everly's not going to turn out like that." She kissed his cheek and looked at him"We're going to teach her to be strong and independent. With any luck she'll turn out like me." She grinned at him.

"I wonder who that could be?" Jay said walking over to the door and opening it.

Jay came face to face with a middle aged man with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes. Age lines adorned the mans face as he looked down at the ground before looking at Jay.

"Can I help you?" Jay asked.

"I'm looking for Erin Lindsay" The man said softly.

Jay nodded and looked at the man for a moment. "Can I ask who you are?"

The man nodded and looked down at the ground again before looking at Jay.

"I'm her father"


"Excuse me?" Jay asked as he looked at the man in front of him.

The man extended his hand out to Jay and Jay reluctantly took it.

"I guess I should start over. I'm Edward Lindsay. I'm looking for Erin. Is she here?" Edward asked.

Jay was about to say something when he heard Erin walk up from behind him.

"Jay? Who's at the do-" Erin started and she stopped when she looked

"Dad?" Erin said in disbelief as she looked at the man in front of her.

"Hello, Erin. It's been a long time" Edward started.

"13 years" Erin said not taking her eyes off of her father.

Edward took a step towards Erin and on reflex Erin stepped back away from him. Edward stopped in his tracks and it was then Jay saw the inmate work release van sitting in the driveway.

Edward noticed what Jay was looking at and he cleared his throat. "Yeah...I can't stay. I just wanted to let you know that I'm up for parole in a few months. And I was wondering if you'd be willing to come to the prison and visit me sometime. I've actually been moved to the Metropolitan Correctional Center for the rest of my sentence"

"When?" Erin asked as she cleared throat.

"Anytime, sweetheart. I'd love to get to know you. I tried to reach out to your brother, but he told me not to bother him" Edward explained as he slipped his hands into his pockets.

"I..." Erin started.

"You look so much like your mother" Edward said with a smile "Is she around?"

"I don't know where she is" Erin answered.

"Oh" Edward said as he nodded. "I just figured you two were still close. You were always so close with her when I last saw you"

"When I was six?" Erin asked.

Edward was silent for a moment before he looked at Erin. "I know that it's been awhile, Erin. But I was hoping that we could put the past behind us. Could I have a hug?"

Edward took a step towards Erin and Jay on reflex stepped between Edward and his wife.

"Jay, it's ok" Erin assured in a reassuring tone and she slowly stepped towards Edward and slowly wrapped her arms around her father's back.

Edward sighed and wrapped his arms around Erin and closed his eyes as he breathed in the scent of her perfume.

Jay stepped back from the doorway as Hank came around the corner and he stopped in his tracks as he looked at the man at the door. He didn't need an inroduction, he knew exactly who he was looking at.

The flicker of rage that filled Hank as he stood in the doorway was hard to supress as he looked at Erin hugging the man who caused her so much pain when she was a child. Her father, the man who was supposed to protect her, but was the cause of her pain.

Why was she hugging him? Why would she step into the embrace of the man who put her in the hospital as a child? And who the hell was Edward Lindsay to just show up like he was supposed to be here. He wasn't just going to step in after 13 years and take the place as her father. Hank sure as hell wasn't going to let that happen and this guy sure as hell wasn't going to ever have anything to do with his granddaughter if he had any say.


Hank shook his head as a small voice called out to him. He looked down with a smile and saw a blue eyed, six toothed grin smiling back up at him.

"Hello" Hank smiled as he reached down and picked Everly up off of the floor.

"Papa" Everly patted Hank's chest and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm papa" Hank smiled.

"Lub" Everly said reaching out to grasp Hank's nose.

Hank's heart swelled with pride as he looked at the infant in his arms. God, how he loved this baby. There wasn't anything like his grandkids.

"Papa loves you, too" Hank smiled as Everly dropped her hand from his nose and leaned forward to lay her head on his shoulder.

Hank ran his hand down Everly's back and closed his eyes for a moment as he took in the feel of her in his arms.

"Everything ok?" Olivia asked as she walked up to Hank.

"Yeah...Yeah" Hank said clearing his throat. "She's just getting tired"

"Must be going around" Olivia said gesturing to Noah who was asleep on the floor beside Everly's play kitchen asleep.

"These two wear each other out" Hank smiled as he felt Everly starting to relax in his arms letting him know that she was drifting off.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to go ahead and take Noah back to the hotel so we can check in" Olivia said reaching up to touch Everly's back.

"Just stay at my place" Hank said

"Hank..." Olivia started

"Olivia, just stay. We're adults, and whatever this is or isn't, doesn't need to interfere with you and your son having a place to stay" Hank explained.

"Thanks, Hank" Olivia said and gave him a genuine smile.

Hank held her gaze for a few long moments before the sound of Kane barking broke their gaze.

"Kane" Jay said grabbing ahold of the dog's collar as he came around the corner barreling towards Edward.

The sound of Kane's growling caused Edward to step away from Erin. "Don't forget about me, Erin. Please come see me"

And with that Edward Lindsay stepped down off the porch and made his way to the work release van.

Erin watched the van drive off before she turned and walked inside in silence.


Hank walked into the kitchen later that evening after the party had wrapped up and watched as Erin loaded the dish washer.

"You ok kid? Hank asked walking up to the counter.

Erin nodded and busied herself with cleaning off the counter top.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" Hank said taking a seat on the stool at the kitchen island.

Erin's hand stilled on the kitchen sponge and her gaze finally rose to meet Hank's. "What's your opinion on me going to visit my dad?"

Hank couldn't deny the sting in his heart hearing Erin call another man her father. And everything inside him was screaming for him to tell her no. To tell her to let that bridge burn. But as he looked at her standing across from him, he was reminded of the sweet six year old who had nothing but love in her heart for the two people who always failed to protect her.

"What do you think you should do?" Hank asked.

Erin shrugged her shoulders. "Would you be disappointed if I went to see him?"

Hank shook his head. "Never. I want you to do what you need to do. If it's closure you need. If it's opening your life back up to him, then just be careful. I just don't want to see you get hurt. It's been a rough few months on you, Erin"

Erin walked around the counter and stood at the kitchen island beside Hank."Everytime I've thought about going to see him I've talked myself out of it. It's like with Bunny, I always expect them to be different but really, it's just different shades of the same thing. What if I have another parent who's exactly the same?"

Hank nodded as he looked at Erin and she sighed before continuing.

"I guess I'm just afraid. I used to be afraid of so many things, that I'd never grow up, that I'd be trapped in the same place for all eternity, that my dreams would forever be shy of my reach, it's true what they say, time plays tricks on you. one day you're dreaming the next your dream has become your reality and now that the scared little girl no longer follows me wherever I go, I miss her. I do. because there are things that I want to tell her, to relax, to lighten up, that it is all going to be okay. I want her to know that meeting people who like you, who understand you, who actually accept you for who you are will become an increasingly rare occurrence: You, Camille, Jay, everyone at work, these people who contributed to who I am they are with me where ever I go. and as history gets rewritten in small ways with each passing day my love for you guys only grows, because the truth is it was the best of times. mistakes were made, hearts were broken, harsh lessons learned, but all that has receded into fond memory now. How does it happen? Why are we so quick to forget the bad and romanticize the good? Maybe it's because we need to believe that the time we spent together actually meant something. That we were there for each other in a time in our lives that defined us all. That time in our lives that we will never forget. I can't swear that's exactly how it happened. but this is how it felt"

Hank reached out his hand and placed it on top of Erin's. "I can't tell you what to do, but just know that no matter what you decide. I'm going to be there to support you no matter what"

Erin nodded as she bit back tears. "I just don't want to let you down. Or for you to ever think that I'm not grateful for every single thing that you and Camille did for me. I'd hate to think you were disappointed in me"

Hank stood up from the stool and pulled Erin into his arms. "Kid, you could never let me down. Always know how proud I am of you. If you want to go see your dad, go. I'm not going anywhere. And as far as disappointing me. You married Halstead, that's enough disappointment for a lifetime"

Hank gave a small smile when he felt Erin laughing in their embrace. "You ever going to let that go?"

Hank shook his head "I mean, are you still that serious about him?"

Erin nodded and was about to respond when Jay walked in the kitchen with Everly and her diaper bag. "Someone is ready to spend the night with Grandpa Hank"

"Who could that be?" Erin asked as she forced a smile and walked over to Jay who was holding his squirming daughter.

"Not enough room for you, Halstead" Hank said as he grabbed his keys off of the table.

"Funny, I'd rather sleep in the yard" Jay mumbled under his breath.

"Keep talking under your breath, you're gonna be sleeping with the fish" Hank said with a smile as he reached for Everly. "Isn't that right?"

Everly looked at Hank as he pulled her to him and then back at Jay before laughing.

"See, she agrees" Hank said.

"It's always great when you stop by Voight" Jay rolled his eyes as he handed Hank Everly's diaper bag and leaned down to kiss his daughter goodbye.

"Have fun birthday girl. Make sure your sugar high keeps grandpa up all night long. I love you" Jay kissed Everly on the cheek and walked towards the counter.

"No more sweets" Erin said as she pulled Everly's snow hat over her ears.

"Alright" Hank said

"I mean it" Erin said again.

"Okay" Hank looked at Everly and shook his head "You'd think your mom didn't trust me. I don't give you sweets do I?"

Everly smiled and shook her head "Papa yes"

Erin and Hank laughed at Everly as he walked towards the door.

"Be careful going home. Call if you need anything" Erin said as she opened the door to the cold February evening.

"We won't need anything" Hank assured. "I'll bring her back in the morning"

"Ok" Erin smiled "Bye bug, Happy birthday. I love you. Can mommy have a kiss?"

Everly turned her head and leaned forward as she gave Erin a closed mouth kiss on the mouth.

"Thank you" Erin said with a smile.

"Tak ooo" Everly repeated.

"See ya later, kid" Hank said as she stepped outside. "See ya later, Halstead"

"Bye" Jay yelled from the kitchen as Erin closed the door.


Erin placed her hand under the running water, checking the temperature before she flipped the lever to shower. She stepped back and closed the glass doors before turning to look in the mirror above the sink, looking at her reflection for a moment before she sighed softly. It had been a long day and she was exhausted, wanting nothing more than to take a hot shower and climb into bed.

She checked around her eyes for wrinkles before grabbing a hair clip out of the medicine cabinet and tying her hair up into a messy bun on the top of her head. She untied the belt on her short robe and let the silk drop from her body to rest softly at her feet. She opened the shower doors and stepped under the warm stream of water, letting it seep into her tired bones, brushing softly over the skin of her chin and neck and chest. She turned around and let the water cascade down her back as she closed her eyes and reached out to steady herself against the tile wall.

The soft sound of clothes hitting the floor barely registered in her brain until the doors slid open and she felt a rush of cool air hit her body. She smiled softly as she opened her eyes to see the also tired eyes of her husband.

"It's ok if I join you, right? I mean it is still Valentine's Day" He asked softly and Erin nodded her head and smiled.

"Of course" Erin assured. Jay stepped toward her and slid his arms around her waist, resting his large hands on the cheeks of her ass. "Today was a good day"

Erin laughed. "Can you believe our baby is one? It's been the craziest year." She slid her arms around his neck and pressed her naked body against him, causing him to groan softly.

He nodded his head again and he leaned down and ran his tongue along her shoulder softly as his cock twitched against her belly as it slowly came to life. "I love you."

Erin's head lolled back and Jay took her invitation and began sucking on her neck. He pulled her closer as he urged her under the water, turning their bodies so he could get wet as well. He kissed a gentle path along her throat and up over her chin, his lips taking gently sips of her soft skin. As his nose passed her lips she kissed the tip softly and a smile tugged on the corner of his lips.

"I love you," she murmured against his lips once his were touching hers and Erin sighed softly as she opened her mouth, giving him the entrance he sought. Jay ran his tongue along her lower lip before dipping it inside the moist cavern of her mouth. Her tongue slid forward and met his, seeking out the intoxicating taste of him.

Softly their tongues caressed as they kissed, unhurriedly, both enjoying the mere act of tasting one another. Jay slid one hand up Erin's back to her neck, his fingers brushing softly against her spine and the back column of her neck until he reached the knot in her hair. He gently pulled the hair clip out of her hair and it fell in waves over her shoulders, the tips getting wet from the spray of water. He lifted his other hand and thread his fingers into the silky strands, holding her mouth captive against his as he moved to deepen the kiss and Erin tilted her head back, urging him to take what he wanted.

Erin's hands wandered over the slick skin of his back at the water poured down on them, her fingers bunching the hard muscles until they rested on his ass. She pulled him closer and felt his hard cock pressing insistently into her belly. Jay gently urged Erin back against the tile and she gasped softly into his mouth as her back pressed against the cool tile. Jay released her hair and slid his hands slowly down her sides, the gentle touch of his fingers eliciting a soft giggle from her.

He crouched down in front of her, sliding his hands down and then back up the back of her thighs, lifting her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist and his cock poised at her entrance, the tip brushing softly against her. He teased her gently, just pressing his tip inside her, knowing how much she loved and hated when he did it. Erin moaned into his mouth as she tightened her legs around him, digging her fingernails into the hard flesh of his ass, telling him without words she was in on mood for teasing.

"Jay," she growled softly as she pulled her lips away from his and tilted her head back, inviting him to suck on the warm wet skin of her throat. Jay smiled against her skin as his tongue swirled over her jaw and down her neck. When he reached the hollow of her throat he started sucking on her skin while thrusting his cock into her hard and deep with one powerful thrust.

Erin gasped for air upon the intrusion but tightened her thighs around him, keeping him trapped. They both remained still for a few moments, enjoying the feeling of finally being joined. The warm water cascaded over their bodies as Jay began moving inside her. He pulled back slowly, pulling almost all the way out of her, before sliding back into her heated depths, letting her warm, wet walls engulf him. His lips traveled down her over her breast and he took the hard tip of her nipple into his mouth as she thread her fingers through his hair.

Jay flicked the tip of his tongue over the hard bud and then took it between his teeth, tugging gently in rhythm with his thrusts into her body. Erin panted above him as she buried her face against the top of his head, her lips brushing against his soft hair as she titled her hips, giving him the ability to reach deeper inside her. His cock slid along the tip of her clit with each thrust and Erin could feel her orgasm rapidly approaching. Jay switched breasts and gave her other nipple the same treatment before soothing it with the pad of his tongue.

Jay felt his balls begin to tighten and he sped up his thrusts and released her nipple. He lifted his head and captured her lips again, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. Erin bit his tongue gently as she felt her climax overtake her body, washing through her in waves and she whimpered in his mouth. The feeling of her walls gripping him like a velvet glove caused Jay to groan and he exploded inside her, his semen bursting from his tip and coating her insides.

He slumped against her, pulling his lips away and burying his face in her neck as they both waited for their breathing to slow.

"I love you," Erin whispered softly against his ear and Jay kissed her shoulder before lifting his head and smiling at her.

"I love you too, Er," he murmured before he kissed her softly once more.

Erin unhooked her ankles and let her legs drop to the floor. She stood on shaky legs as Jay stepped back, slipping from her body, and stepping under the water. Erin reached for the soap and, with a comfortable silence surrounding them, they washed one another before Jay finally turned off the water.

He slid the shower door open and handed her a towel before he stepped out of the shower. He grabbed another towel and wrapped it around his waist before walking into the bedroom. Erin slid on her robe and reached for her brush on the counter and brushed the wet strands of her hair. So much for not getting her hair wet.

When she was finished she walked into the bedroom and found Jay sprawled across the bed face down, snoring softly. He'd managed to put on a pair of clean boxers before passing out and Erin chuckled softly as she bent down and picked up the wet towel from the floor beside the bed. She walked into the bathroom and hung it up before grabbing her pajamas and slipping the silk over her body. She shut off the bathroom light and walked back into the bedroom, intending to push Jay over onto his side of the bed, climb under the covers and pass out just as he did.


Jay walked down the steps after he woke up and found the bed next to him empty. He pulled on some sleep pants over his boxers and walked into the kitchen where he found Erin sitting at the table eating a slice of leftover birthday cake. The radio played softly in the background of the kitchen as he watched his wife picking at the cake before taking a small bite.

"You ok?" Jay asked walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah" Erin nodded and took another bite of cake as Jay grabbed a clean fork and took a seat next to her and dug into her slice.

"You know you can be honest with me" Jay said.

"I'm just thinking about my dad" Erin said simply.

"What about him?" Jay asked.

Erin shrugged her shoulders and sat in silence.

Jay siged and looked at his wife as a new song came over the radio.

Baby why you wanna cry?You really oughta know that IJust have to walk away sometimesWe're gonna do what lovers doWe're gonna have a fight or twoBut I ain't ever changing my mind

"Dance with me" Jay said standing up.

"What?" Erin asked as she kinked her eyebrow at him.

"Humor me, it's still Valentine's Day for 20 more minutes. Dance with me" Jay said extending his hand out to Erin.

Erin looked at him for a few moments before she gave him her hand and let Jay walk her into the dimly lit kitchen.

Jay wrapped his arms around his wife and pulled her into his arms as they started to sway to the music.

Crazy girl, don't you know that I love you?I wouldn't dream of going nowhereSilly woman come here let me hold youHave I told you lately I love you like crazy, girl?

"Erin, I know you're scared" Jay said as he ran his hand down her back as they moved back and forth to the music.

Erin pulled her head back and looked at her husband "What?"

"I know that you're trying to push me away. And don't tell me that you're not scared, because I know that you are. I mean, I've known you too long and seen you push away too many good things to let you push me away right now. In my whole life, you have been the most beautiful thing in my orbit. And my feelings for you were what proved to me that I could be great. And those feelings were stronger and were wiser and more persistent and more resilient than anything else about me. I'll admit I'm afraid. I'm afraid because you're the single-most, important being to ever grace my existance. and I am hopelessly in love with you"

I wouldn't last a single dayI'd probably just fade awayWithout you I'd lose my mindBefore you ever came alongI was living life all wrongThe smartest thing I ever did was make you all mine

Erin looked into Jay's eyes and as always was met with nothing but pure and unfaltering love. She didn't know why she was so afraid of telling him things. Maybe it had a lot to do with her dad. But Jay was the only man other than Hank that Erin knew without a doubt would always love her, but part of her was afraid that she was just a disappointment"

"I guess I'm just afraid of what will happen if I let him back in my life. He hurt me so bad last time and I'm afraid that if I go down this road again that he's going to be the same person that my mom is. And what would I do then? What would I do with two parents who didn't love me?"

Crazy girl, don't you know that I love you?I wouldn't dream of going nowhereSilly woman, come here let me hold youHave I told you lately I love you like crazy, girl?Like crazy, girl

Jay studied his wife's features for a few moments before he spoke. To him there was something so beautiful about Erin's vulnerablility. But it also made his heart ache. He wasn't the one to talk about relationships with fathers or even brothers. But, he had his mother, Arden. and she was everything to him. A mother, a father, a friend. and he didn't understand how not only one, but both parents could turn their backs on their children.

"Erin, I wish I could tell you that this is all going to work out, but the truth is. I don't know. It's a decision that you have to make for yourself. I suggest going and visiting him. And then taking it from there. One day at a time. But what I can tell you is, someone who doesn't love Erin Halstead? I don't know how that person can make it through life. Because Erin Halstead is brilliant, she's everything that anyone could hope to be. And if our daughter grows up to be even half as strong as her mother, then we'll have done everything right. Because it doesn't get any better than you"

Crazy girl, don't you know that I love you?I wouldn't dream of going nowhereSilly woman come here let me hold youHave I told you lately I love you like

Erin stood on her toes and kissed Jay softly before pulling away to look at him. "Will you come with me?"

Jay smiled and nodded "I wouldn't be anywhere else"

Erin rested her head on Jay's shoulder as the song started to fade to a close. "I love you"

Jay smiled and kissed the top of Erin's head as she tightened her arms around him.

"I love you too, Er. So much"

Crazy girl, don't you know that I love you?I wouldn't dream of going nowhereSilly woman come here let me hold youHave I told you lately I love you like crazy, girl?


Erin clutched Jay's hand tightly as they walked slowly down the echoing cement corridor. He smiled reassuringly as they entered the room at the end of the dark hall, walking towards the row of tables on the far wall. Jay let go of Erin's hand and kissed her gently on the lips. "I'll be right here."

She nodded her head and gave him a slight smile before turning and continuing to her goal.

"Hi Dad," she whispered, sitting slowly across from her haggard looking father.

"Erin," he smiled, taking her hand in his. "Please sit"

Erin smiled back and squeezed his hand.

"How are you Dad?"

"As good as can be expected," he shrugged, still smiling. "It's my own fault so I have no right to complain." She looked down at the table. Noticing her discomfort he brought her hand to his lips. "I'm fine Erin, I promise." She looked up and nodded slightly. "How are you doing? How is life? I haven't heard from you in so long I don't even know where to find you."

Erin took a deep breath and began. "Well I graduated high school. And I'm a detective, now"

Edward Lindsay beamed. "I knew you had it in you, Sweetheart." Erin smiled back at her proud father.

"Is work going alright?" her father asked, toying with her fingers happily.

"Actually, I'm not on the IU right now."

Her father looked worried. "Did something happen Erin? You're not sick are you?"

She shook her head gently. "I'm not sick but something did happen."

"Tell me," he whispered, nervously.

"Do you want the long version or the short version?" she asked, pulling her hand away from his to fiddle with her necklace.

"I want to know everything," he sighed, rubbing his neck to rid himself of tension.

"When you were arrested things only got worse at home with mom. And as Teddy and I grew up we realized that we only had each other. One night I came home and mom was high and we had a fight and I went to live with Hank Voight and his family. They took me in and helped me to get my life back on track. I joined the IU and I met Jay, who you met at the house and we became partners and worked together. We were sent on an undercover assignment and I was almost killed. But Jay saved my life"

"Really?" Edward said

Erin nodded.

"Anyway something happened between Jay and I, actually he kissed me and everything sort of turned upside down. I realized I had feelings for him that were deeper than Hank wasn't happy, he actually threatened to transfer us."

"He did what?" Edward snapped, stunned.

"Just listen Dad," he nodded in a silent apology and Erin continued. "Anyway, I realized I was in love with Jay and I went to him, and told him how much I appreciated him staying with me through my attack and everything that followed and that I wanted to be with him. And we've been together ever since"

"That's quite a little love story you've got for yourself," her father smiled.

Erin shrugged sheepishly. Her father chuckled and took her hand back. "Definitely my daughter"

She smiled and looked up at her father. "There's more Dad."

"More?" he asked surprised. "By all means continue."

"Something happened last year"

"What Erin?" her father prodded, becoming nervous again.

"I got pregnant." she looked down at the table, not wanting to see her father's reaction. He exhaled deeply and ran his hands through his hair.

"Wow, that is something."

"Yeah" she whispered.

"No Erin, I'm just surprised. What did you do about it?"

She looked up at him and smiled, her first real smile since she walked into the prison. "I had the baby." She stuck her hand in her pocket and pulled out a picture of Jay, herself and the baby before setting it down in front of her father. "Everly Katherine Halstead. She just turned a year old"

"She's beautiful," her father sighed, examining the picture. "She's why you're not in IU anymore."

Erin became defensive. "I'm going back soon. Actually really soon. It's just hard cause.I don't think I'm ready to leave her all day long just yet."

Her father nodded, his face blank. "Are you happy Erin?"

"I am so happy, Dad," she whispered. "Jay and I are in love, and we have an incredible baby girl. We're both happy. And..." she continued.

"And what?" her father asked surprised. "There's more. Good God."

Erin smiled sheepishly. "This is it I promise." Her father sighed and waited for her to continue. "Jay and I are married."

Her father looked up at her surprised. "Married? You two are so young."

"Dad,I'm 29"

"29. Wow" Edward sighed. "Things have changed. It wasn't like that with your mother and I..."

"No they haven't Dad," she reasoned. "They've changed for you because you're not the one who's in love. You didn't let anyone talk you out of it either." Edward leaned back in his chair.

"I'm not going to talk you out of it, Erin. I just want you to be sure you're made the right decision."

"Jay and I love each other, Dad. We want to be together forever and we want to give Evie the family she deserves. There's nothing else to be said about it."

"Then I wish you all the happiness in the world, Princess. God knows you deserve some of it after the hell your life has been." He kissed her hand gently.

"Time's up," the guard behind her father spoke.

"I'm sure you two have rolls of pictures of my granddaughter.I'd love to meet her. Most of all, be happy. I'd love to be part of your life" Edward said with a smile

Tears sprang to Erin's eyes, as she stood and embraced her father. "I think I'd like that." Edward squeezed his daughter tightly.

"I'll make it right soon, Baby girl. I love you."

"Okay." She felt her father being pulled away and she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I'll be back soon." Her father nodded over his shoulder as the guard led him out of the visiting room. She felt a strong hand on her shoulder and she turned into Jay's embrace. "I hate this place."

"Let's get out of here," he whispered into her hair as she wiped her tears.

She looked at him. "He's happy for us Jay," she smiled through her tears and wrapped her arm around her husband.

"I'm glad," Jay smiled back. "Now Everly is probably driving Hank crazy so we should get home."

"Yeah," she nodded.

Jay chuckled and led her to their car.

"I love you," she smiled happily.

He grinned and kissed her passionately as he opened her car door. "You know what Erin?"

"What?" she asked coyly, tracing his ear with her finger.

"For the first time in my life, I can see forever."

She smiled and kissed him again.

"Me too Jay," she whispered against his lips. "Me too."



Song Credit: "Crazy Girl" Eli Young Band. I don't own it

Sorry for the lack of Burzek. But baby Burzek is next chapter.

So names and Gender suggestions are appreciated.