58. It's Meant To Be Forever You & Me

Thanks for the reviews guys, I hope that you like this chapter.


He hated hospitals. Everything about them reminded him of loss and he frowned at the smell as he stepped off of the elevator and walked down to the room the receptionist at the front desk had told him to go to.

He slowly pushed the door open and saw him there asleep. And he was instantly hit with memories of the war that the two of them had fought together. And how Jay had saved his life and how he in turn had saved Jay from some demons he'd faced once they returned home.

Clearing his throat he placed the Blackhawks gift he'd gotten Jay on the table and took a seat.

He looked at the clock on the wall and suddenly he grew anxious. What if Jay didn't want to see him? It had been awhile since they'd spoken. What if all that "Brothers" talk they'd had all those years ago really didn't mean anything. He'd understand it if he wasn't welcome, it had been a minute since they'd been in each others lives. But when he heard what had happened on the news, he knew he had to at least come and see him. Regardless of the outcome.

A voice from the doorway took him out of his thoughts and he turned his head and he watched as the door opened and she stepped in carrying a sleeping baby on her hip.

Erin stopped in her step when she saw him stand up. She adjusted Everly on her hip and pulled the soft pink blanket over her still napping daughter.

"Um, hi" He said standing up looking awkwardly at the floor and then up at Erin. "I'm Greg. I was...I'm...Jay's..."

"I know who you are" Erin said stepping towards him "You're Mouse"

He nodded and shifted uncomfortably in his spot for a minute. "Jay's mentioned me?"

Erin nodded and walked the remaining distance to Mouse and exteneded her hand to him "Many times. I'm Erin, Jay's wife"

Mouse took her hand in his hand and shook it. "It's nice to meet you"

Erin looked at him and gave him a soft smile. "It's funny, I'm just meeting you and I feel like I know you"

Mouse looked over at Jay and sighed sadly. "I'm sorry for what happened. How's he doing?"

Erin looked at her sleeping husband and she smiled sadly. "He's doing better. I'll just be glad to get him home. It's been a rough few days"

Mouse looked from Jay to Erin and nodded. "I understand that. You see, when Jay and I...we were a part of this convoy and there was this blast we'd hit a IED. And...Jay...well. he...I couldn't..."

Erin put her hand on his shoulder and shook her head "I know. You don't have to tell me"

"I just felt like I owed it to him to come. He's done so much for me. Haven't exactly kept that brotherhood oath on my part"

"You're here now. That's all that matters" Erin said as Everly lifted her head off of Erin's shoulder and rubbed her eyes.

Erin turned her attention to Evie and smiled as she took the binky out of Evie's mouth. "Are you waking up sweet girl? You took such a good nap"

Everly took the binky back from Erin and turned her head and laid it back down on Erin's shoulder.

"Poor baby, are you still sleepy?" Erin softly asked as she gently ran her hand up and down Everly's back.

"She's beautiful" Mouse said glancing over at Everly, who had busied herself with holding onto the charm on Erin's necklace while she tried to wake up from her nap.

"Thank you" Erin smiled and looked at her daughter.

"What's her name?" Mouse asked.

"Everly" Erin answered.

"It's different. I like it" Mouse said. "I always thought that Jay would be a great dad"

"He's amazing. She adores him" Erin said simply.

"I'm glad to see Jay has such love in his life, he deserves it" Mouse looked away from Erin and down at his feet.

A silence fell in the room as Erin swayed side to side in her chair with Everly on her lap. "Jay misses you ya know"

Mouse nodded and ran his palms over his pants. "It's just been hard. Jay and I took very different paths when we came back home"

Erin nodded and looked over at Mouse "How are things now?"

Mouse shrugged his shoulders. "They're going. I'm trying to get a job. My past though, it's not exactly helping"

Erin continued to rock in her seat as she listened to Mouse talk. "How long have you been looking for work?"

Mouse ran a hand through his hair and down to the back of his neck and rubbed it tiredly. "About a month I guess"

"Where are you staying?" Erin asked as Everly lifted her head off of Erin's shoulder and took her binky out.

"Just with some friends" Mouse looked at Jay and then down at his shoes again.

Everly looked up at Erin and smiled "Mama"

"What is it, ma'am?" Erin asked bouncing Everly on her knees.

"Kaney?" Everly asked.

"Kane's at home, he's probably being a bad dog and digging up the yard again" Erin kissed the side of Everly's head and pulled her crooked flower headband off.

"Bad. Kaney" Everly said putting her binky back in her mouth as Erin fixed her headband and put it back on top of the baby's head.

"Yes, very bad" Erin said as she finished putting Everly's headband on and adjusted her on her lap.

The door to Jay's room opened and a nurse popped her head in. "Mrs. Halstead?"

"Yeah?" Erin asked looking over towards the nurse.

"Would you mind stepping downstairs to the insurance office to work on some paperwork?" The nurse asked.

Erin looked at Everly and then up at the nurse. "Can I do it another time?"

The nurse was quiet for a minute before nodding. "Sure"

"I can watch her while you're downstairs" Mouse offered.

Erin looked at her and then at Mouse. "Are you sure? I'll only be a few minutes"

Mouse nodded "Of course"

"Thank You" Erin said as she slid Everly off of her lap and onto the floor.

"Mama?" Everly said taking her binkey out of her mouth as she turned to face Erin and reach her arms up to her mother.

"I'll be right back baby. Can you stay here with Mouse for a little bit?" Erin asked kneeling down to the ground.

"No no" Everly said walking into Erin's arms.

"Evie, mommy will be right back. I promise" Erin assured.

"Mama" Everly said sadly as Erin stood up and walked out of the door.

Everly frowned and covered her face with her hands as she put her face in the chair that Erin was just sitting in. "Mama"

"Hi Everly" Mouse said scooting his chair just a little closer to the baby.

Everly raised her head up and looked at Mouse. "Mama?" She said and pointed at the door.

"She'll be back" Mouse said reaching for Everly who took a step back from him.

"No no" Everly said and shook her head.

"It's ok" Mouse said sitting back up in his seat and reached for his phone.

Everly looked back at Mouse and then at the door before walking over to it. "Mama"

"Everly. Hey" Mouse called and walked over to her and knelt down.

"No" Everly said backing away from him. Her small body curling into the door.

"It's ok. Do you like Doc McStuffins?" Mouse asked holding the phone up for Everly to see the cartoon that started playing.

"Doc?" Everly said pointing at the screen.

"Yeah" Mouse said offering a smile. "Do you want to come watch and wait for your mommy?"

Mouse extended his hand out to Everly and she took a small step towards him. "Doc?"

"Yeah. Come on" Mouse encouraged.

Everly walked into his arms and Mouse picked her up before walking back over to his seat.

He sat down with Everly on his lap and she put her binky back in her mouth and watched the screen on his phone as Doc McStuffins played.

"Mouse?" A groggy voice called.

Mouse raised his head up and looked over and saw Jay.

"Hey buddy" Mouse said with a soft smile.

"What are you doing here?" Jay asked as his eyes focused on his old friend and his daughter who was sitting on his lap.

"I heard about what happened and I wanted to come and see you" Mouse said. "If you want me to go, I will"

Jay shook his head. "Stay"

Mouse felt relief wash over him as Jay said for him to stay. It wasn't that anything bad had happened between them, it had just been so long since they'd seen each other and he was afraid too much time had passed for their friendship to still be strong.

"Looks like things have been going really good for you man" Mouse said looking down at Everly.

"Better than I deserve" Jay said. "Where's Erin?"

Mouse gestured towards the hall. "She had to step out to fill out some paperwork. She'll be back in a few minutes"

Jay nodded "How have you been man?"

Mouse shurgged his shoulders. "I've been better...I've been worse too. But you know that"

"I wish you'd been here, man. You missed so much" Jay said looking at his friend.

"I'm sorry man. I really am...I just...I couldn't handle it...It was a hard road" Mouse ran his hand over Everly's knee and he smiled sadly as she reclined back against his chest still engrossed in her cartoon.

"I was there too, buddy. I know" Jay said.

"It's just hard seeing you like this man. The last time I saw you like that I was in the bed next to you and we were in a military hospital" Mouse shook his head at the memory as if in an effort to forget.

"I'm ok man. and you're ok. I'm glad you stopped by. I've missed ya" Jay said honestly.

"I've missed you too, man" Mouse confessed and for the first time, in a long time, he finally felt like things were going to get better.


"And we're going to take it slow. We're just going to try standing today. We're not going to over-do it" The physical therapist explained to Kevin as she and April braced themselves on either side of Kevin's wheelchair.

"Ok" Atwater nodded and held onto the parallel physical therapy bars.

As the swelling in Kevin's spine had went down the feeling in his legs had returned. He was so thankful and knew he was blessed by answered prayers, but he was still uneasy on his feet and had yet to take any actual steps on his own.

"We're right here, Kevin" April encouraged. "We're not going to let you fall"

"You know you would just so you could check out my ass in this hospital gown" Kevin joked as he used his upper body strength to pull himself to stand.

"You know me well, Kevin" April smiled and rolled her eyes as Kevin stood up.

Kevin winced as he forced a smile and tried to keep his sense of humor. "You can touch it later if you want"

April and the physical therapist shook their heads and laughed as they helped support Kevin's weight.

"Ok, Kevin. how does that feel?" The physical therapist asked.

"It still feels numb. Kind of like how you feel when you get off a trampoline" Kevin explained as he adjusted his grip on the bars under his hands.

"Do you think you can take a few steps for me?" The physical therapist asked.

"I don't know" Kevin answered honestly as he he felt the pain in his legs and hips intensify.

"Come on Kev, you can do it for me" April encouraged. "Just a couple steps".

Kevin looked at April and shook his head. "You don't quit do you?"

"Not when it comes to you. You can do this. Just one foot in front of the other. We're not going to let you fall" April assured as she stood next to him.

Atwater tightened his grip on the bars and very slowly raised his left foot and moved it forward. His face turned into a grimace as he put his weight on his left leg and moved his right one forward.

He repeated the action two more times and shook his head. "I can't do it anymore"

"One more time, Kev" April encouraged. "You're doing great"

Kevin's arms shook and he exhaled a shaky breath as he took another step. Before shaking his head. "I can't do it anymore"

Another nurse pushed Kevin's wheelchair up behind his legs and let him sit down.

Kevin's body welcomed the relief of the chair and he sank down in it in solace.

"You did great, Kevin" April praised. "I'm so proud of you"

Kevin nodded a defeated nod. "It's not that good"

April knelt down in front of Atwater. "It's more than what you did yesterday. It's going to get better, Kevin. I promise that it is. It's just hard. But you have to keep the faith that it's going to get better. You can't let this defeat you"

Kevin exhaled and gave a small smile. "If this nursing stuff doesn't work out, you should try being a life coach"

April stood up and placed a kiss on the side of Kevin's head as she leaned to stand. "You're crazy"

Kevin looked over April's shoulder and saw Burgess and Ruzek standing inside the therapy building. Jackson sleeping soundly strapped to Kim's chest.

"Looks like you've got some company" April smiled and stepped behind Kevin and pushed his wheelchair over to where Adam and Kim were standing.

"Hey buddy" Ruzek said reaching down to shake Kevin's hand.

"What's up?" Kevin asked. "How's parenting going?"

"Eh, two weeks in, we're exhausted and I'm pretty sure this is what we both wore yesterday. But we're kind of stuck with the kid now. So..." Adam shrugged his shoulders.

"Stop" Kim said nudging his shoulder. "It's great, Kevin. How are you feeling? How's the rehab center treating you?"

"It's going" Kevin said turning his head to where April was standing in the corner talking to another nurse.

Adam and Kim's gaze followed Kevin's and they both smiled. "Ah, I see"

"She not working at Chicago Med?" Kim asked as she gently patted Jackson's back in his sling.

"She's working here while they're short staffed. She'll be heading back to Chicago Med once they hire some nurses here" Kevin explained.

"So...I know ya'll are friends but are you..." Ruzek asked raising his eyebrows.

"Everything below my waist in numb. What do you think?" Kevin's eyebrow raised.

"Well, hers isn't" Adam joked and nudged Kevin's shoulder.

Kevin's face broke out into a grin and he and Adam shared a laugh as Kim rolled her eyes.

"Standing right here" Kim said frowning as she patted Jackson's bottom.

"You can improvise man. Let me tell you about the time that Kim was shot and I gave her the best..." Adam started before Kim sharply nudged him in the rib.

"If you finish that story, then I'll make sure I never give you one again" Kim tilted her head and raised her eyebrow to emphasize that she was serious.

"Backrub" Adam said looking at Kim as he spoke to Atwater. "The best backrub of her life"

Kevin watched his friends and he couldn't help but feel a little less sad when they were around. He couldn't imagine someone better for his best friend than Adam Ruzek. And he was just thankful that he could consider Adam a friend, too.

"Are you guys hungry?" Atwater asked. His arms reaching down to unlock the brakes on his wheelchair.

"Well..." Kim's voice trailed off.

"You hungry, Darlin?" Adam asked wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"I'm starving actually" Kim confessed. She was breast feeding, so she was burning all the calories she was taking in. But still, she couldn't help but be a little embarrassed at her out of the ordinary appitite.

"Well, let's go" Kevin said as he started to wheel towards the rehab cafeteria.

Adam walked up behind him and took ahold of the handles on the wheelchair.

"Did I mention that it was FOUR backrubs that I gave Burgess that night?" Adam asked his voice low.

"I can still hear you" Kim shook her head and looked down at Jackson before following Adam and out into the hall.


Erin knelt down by the tub as she turned the water in Everly's bath off and tested the temperature.

"You ready to get in, naked girl?" Erin asked and reached forward to tickle Everly's bare belly.

"Mama" Everly said laughing as she reached for Erin.

"Come on, let's get you in the tub and get you clean" Erin smiled and lifted Everly up and placed her in the tub.

She reached in the small plastic bin beside the tub and dumped Everly's bath toys into the tub and she reached for the wash cloth and the bottle of Johnson's Baby Wash.

"Daddy?" Everly asked as she reached for a little Firsher Price Little People Policeman and held it up.

"Daddy's not here, remember. He's at the hospital getting all better" Erin explained as she took a small cup and rinsed Everly's back and body before squirting the baby wash onto the washcloth and soaping Everly's body.

"Papa?" Everly asked as Erin rinsed her body.

Erin shook her head and laughed. "Papa is working. You'll see him in the morning"

"Mama?" Everly said turning to point her finger up at Erin.

"What?" Erin asked as she smiled at her daughter.

"Love" Everly smiled before slapping her hands down into the water and splashing.

Erin laughed as Everly splashed in the tub. "Mama loves you too, you're so silly"

Erin gently tilted Everly's head back as she washed and rinsed Everly's dark hair and she let the one year old play for a few minutes before standing up to grab a towel and Everly's pink lamb bath robe.

"You ready to get out?" Erin asked.

"No no" Everly said shaking her head.

Erin smiled and shook her head. "That's your answer for everything silly girl"

Erin pulled the drain on the tub and reached in and lifted Everly out and onto the floor as she started to dry her little body off. She lotioned and diapered Everly before pulling the robe onto her body and pulling the hood up.

Erin turned to pick the toys off of the floor of the tub and dropped them into the plastic bin before turning back and lifting Everly up into her arms.

"You ready to get your jammies on, Evie bug?" Erin placed a kiss on Everly's cheek and walked out of the bathroom and into the master bedroom where Everly's pajamas lay across the bed.

Erin sat Evie down on the bed and she dressed Evie before climbing on the bed and turning the TV onto Disney Junior.

"Doc" Everly shouted and pointed at the TV clapping her hands excitedly.

"I see that" Erin said covering her mouth as she yawned and she smiled at her daughter's excitement.

"Doc" Everly said again laying down in the middle of the bed and curling into Erin's body.

"My sleepy girl" Erin said kissing Everly's head and running her hand through Evie's dark hair.

"Binky" Everly said looking at Erin.

Erin sighed as she listened to Everly's request. Her baby girl was every bit addicted to her binky and as the baby books recommended, Evie was only a few months away from being broken from her binky. A Hell in which Erin was dreading to endure.

Erin reached for Evie's binky on the nightstand and handed it to her before turning back to flip off the bedside lamp and grabbing Evie's blanket and draping it over her daughter.

Erin closed her eyes and wrapped her arm over Evie's body as she kept rubbing Evie's hairline. Soon Evie fell into a slumber and Erin quietly stood up and picked her up before carrying her down the hall and to the nursery. She gently kissed Evie's cheek and laid her in her crib before walking out of the nursery and pulling the door to a crack.

The sound of Erin's cell ringing made hew quickly walk down to her room and answer it.


"Hey, beautiful" A tired voice said into the phone.

A smile formed on Erin's lips as she recognized the voice on the other end. "Kelly, I thought I told you not to call me at this number"

"Funny" Jay said into the hospital phone and shook his head.

"I'm just kidding" Erin said as she pulled back the covers and climbed into bed.

"I miss you" Jay confessed. "And that's not the pain pills talking"

"I would hope not" Erin pulled the covers up over her body and snuggled down into the blankets. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel like I wish you were in my arms. I want to come home" Jay rubbed his tired eyes and winced as the tape on his hand from his IV pulled at his skin.

"You'll be here tomorrow night. You can have a nice welcome home" Erin yawned again and turned the TV off plunging the room into complete darkness.

"I really hope we're talking about sex" Jay confessed.

Erin laughed in the phone and shook her head. "I think that's off your radar for awhile, Halstead"

"Have I told you I'm completely recovered?. Good as new. Put me back in the game, coach" Jay looked out the window at the moonlight shining down on the city.

"It's a miracle" Erin said smiling at even the sound of her husband's voice.

"Calls for a celebration. With our bodies" Jay tried to convince his wife. But was pretty sure it wasn't working.

"We'll see" Erin said. "Seriously, how are you feeling?"

"I'm ok, baby. I just miss you. I want to get better at home. And I've had Mouse on my mind" Jay confessed.

"I was thinking about talking to Hank. Seeing if we could use him at the district" Erin ran her hand through her hair and yawned again.

"That's why I love you, Erin Halstead. You have the most beautiful heart and I'm so lucky that I get to be your husband"

"You're not so bad yourself" Erin smiled

"What did you want to talk about today? I know something was on your mind, but you acted like you didn't want to say anything in front of Mouse?" Jay asked.

Erin was quiet for a minute as she contemplated if she should tell Jay or not, but she decided it wasn't the best time for them to have the conversation.

Erin assured. "It's nothing for you to even worry about. I was just missing you and didn't want it to be awkward if I said anything in front of Mouse"

Jay yawned "I miss you too, Er. But I'll be home tomorrow. And I'll have you and Evie all to myself. That's all I need. My two girls. Our family is complete and I couldn't be happier"

Erin nodded as she listened to Jay. "I'm going to head to bed. I have to work in the morning. I'll be there to see you when I get off. I love you"

"I love you too, Er. So much. Give Ev a kiss for me and I'll see you tomorrow"

"Ok. Bye" Erin quickly hung up from her call with Jay and got out of bed and walked down to the bathroom.

"Our Family is complete"

The sentence repeated over and over in Erin's mind as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her gaze shifted down to the wastebasket by the toilet and at the white stick with the pink plus sign burning into her gaze.


Please Review.

Also: How about that Linstead? My heart is so happy ya'll. So happy.