59. I Wanna Hold Your Hand Forever

Thanks so much for the reviews on the last chapter. Can you believe that it's been over a year since I started this story? It's crazy to think it's coming to an end soon. I hope that you like this. I worked really hard on it, and I hope you're pleased with the results.


"Just take it easy" Erin said as she followed Jay into the living room and sat his bags down on the floor before walking back out to the car to grab a few more bags.

Jay slowly walked over to the couch and sat down. His body was aching and he winced as he sank into the usually welcoming comfort of the coushins. Jay laid his head back and looked over at the clock on the wall.

It was almost time for his pain meds.

Erin walked back into the house and shut the door behind her. She toed off her shoes and walked into the living room and knelt down on the floor in front of Jay and started untying his sneakers.

"Erin, you don't have..." Jay started.

"Just relax" Erin said as she pulled off Jay's shoes and sat them down on the floor beside her knees.

Erin slowly stood up and looked at her husband. "Can you raise your legs?"

Jay nodded and shifted so that he was laying across the couch. He went to raise his legs up and brought his hand down to grab Erin's wrist when he saw her reach down to help him.

"I've got it" Jay said.

"Sorry" Erin said taking a small step back as she looked at Jay. She waited until he was situated on the couch before grabbing the blanket off of the back of the couch and covering him up with it.

"Erin" Jay sighed "I'm fine. Honestly"

Erin sighed and looked down at her watch. "I need to go pick up your perscription"

"I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere" Jay winced as he laid back against the couch.

Erin looked over at the door as it opened and gave a small smile as she watched Hank walk in with Everly on his hip.

"We're back" Hank said shutting the door behind him and looking at Everly who held on to his shoulder tightly.

"Hi bug" Erin said a wide smile across her face as she walked over to Hank and held her arms out for her daughter.

Everly turned into Hank and put her face into his neck.

"I see how it is" Erin folded her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow at Hank.

"She's just tired" Hank explained and ran a hand down Everly's back.

"Sure..." Erin nodded "Sure"

Everly raised her head back off of Hank's shoulder and looked at Erin.

"Are you going to come to mommy?" Erin asked frowning and holding her hands out to Everly.

Evie looked at Hank and smiled before moving to reach for Erin.

Erin laughed and kissed Everly on the cheek before bending forward and placing kisses all over Everly's neck as the one year old laughed.

Erin raised back up and adjusted Everly on her hip. "You know who's home?"

Everly looked around the kitchen before looking back at Erin and exhaling.

"Daddy's home" Erin said answering her own question.

Everly's blue eyes lit up at the sound of "Daddy" and she smiled and called out for him.

Erin sat Everly down on her feet on the kitchen floor and followed behind her as she took off into the living room.

"Dad-Dee" Everly said as she spotted her father on the couch and she quickly moved to climb up onto the couch and onto his lap.

"Woah...woah...woah" Erin said as she bent down to pick Everly up. "We have to be easy"

Everly wriggled in Erin's arms and reached out for Jay.

"She's alright" Jay assured holding his arms out for Erin to place Everly down on his chest.

Erin sat Everly down on Jay's lap and watched as she scooted closer up Jay's chest.

"Dad-Dee" Everly sounded out patting his chest with her hands.

"Everly" Jay said back running his hands up Everly's legs and tickling her belly as his daughter laughed.

"Hi" Everly said as she patted Jay's chest again.

"I missed you" Jay said smiling as he looked up at her. "Can daddy have a kiss?"

Everly leaned down and pressed her tiny mouth against Jay's mouth and pulled back as she felt him blow a raspberry against her lips. She grabbed her mouth with her hand and smiled before leaning back down to give Jay an open mouth kiss on the chin.

Jay laughed and ran his hand down Everly's back. Adjusting her so that she was laying across his chest.

"I'm going to go pick up your meds. I'll be back as soon as I can" Erin said leaning down to give Jay a quick peck on the lips.

"I'll be fine" Jay assured once again as he furrowed his brow at Erin's concerned look. "Er, what's going on with you?"

Erin shook her head and forced a smile "Nothing. I'll be back"

Jay nodded and focused his attention back on his daughter as he started to rub his hand up and down her back as she snuggled her head under his chin.

"I'll be back in about an hour" Erin said looking at Hank as he took a seat on the recliner and grabbed the remote.

"Take your time" Hank said flipping the TV on and putting the foot rest up on the recliner.

"What?" Jay asked looking around as he realized what was going on. "Hank doesn't need to stay here. He can go"

"I'm staying Halstead" Hank said as he flipped through the channel guide on the TV.

"Erin, I don't need a babysitter. I'll be fine. I won't leave the couch. Besideds, I especially don't need Hank here" Jay explained.

"I'm not deaf, Halstead" Hank looked over his shoulder "And I'm pretty sure a there wasn't a "thank you" in there anywhere"

"Erin" Jay said his eyes pleading up to her.

"I'll be back. Just rest" Erin leaned down and kissed Everly's forehead and gave Jay one last kiss before grabbing her purse and walking out the door.

"You like Gunsmoke, Halstead?" Hank asked as he settled on TVLand and relaxed back into the recliner.

"No" Jay answered.

"Well, today you do"


An hour later Erin pulled into the driveway and parked the car in the garage. She ran her hand over her flat stomach and sighed.

"It's not that I don't want to tell your daddy, I just need a little more time. You understand that right?"

Erin sighed and grabbed the medicine bag off of the passenger side seat and got out of the car. She opened the door and walked in as she spotted Hank in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee and reading the paper.

"Everything ok?" Erin asked setting the perscription and her purse down on the counter.

She walked into the living room and she felt her heart skip as she saw her husband and daughter sound asleep on the couch.

Everly was snuggled under Jay's chin. the binky she'd spit out in her sleep had rolled down and was resting on Jay's shoulder. Jay's head was turned to the side his arm draped protectively over his daughter's back.

Erin smiled at the sight and she adjusted Everly's pink blanket that Hank had draped over her back before she walked into the kitchen.

"How long have they been out?" Erin asked as she took a seat at the table next to Hank.

"About twenty minutes" Hank answered not looking up from his paper.

"We need to talk" Erin said looking down at the table.

Hank looked up from his paper and at Erin. "If this is about Jay's friend, Greg. He's already been interviewed. Platt said he seems like a good kid. He's pretty good with the IT stuff. This is his one shot. You know me, Erin"

Erin nodded "I know. And I know that he and Jay both appreciate the chance that you're giving him. But it's not about that"

"What's going on?" Hank asked.

Erin took a deep breath and looked at Hank "I'm pregnant"

Hank was quiet for a minute as he took in what Erin had just told him. "Okay"

Erin held her hand up to stop him from continuing "Before you say anything. This isn't going to change anything. I'm going to stay in IU for as long as I can. Dr. Backus said that I'll be fine to work. And that's what I'm going to do. This doesn't change anything"

Hank looked at Erin and sighed. "Can I say something now?"

Erin nodded and sat back in her chair fully ready for the lecture she knew was coming.

"I just want you to be careful, Erin" Hank said as he sat back in his chair and ran his hand over his mouth. "Does Halstead know?"

Erin shook her head "I haven't told him yet. I'm going to. I was just going to wait until he was feeling up to talking. Let him get some rest before I kill him"

Hank reached his hand across the table and grasped Erin's hand. "I'm so proud of you, kid"

Erin looked at Hank and gave him a small smile. She didn't know why, but she just found it so hard to take compliments from people.

"Thanks" Erin said as if she was brushing off what Hank had just told her.

"I'm serious" Hank said tightening his grip on Erin's hand so that she couldn't pull her hands away. "You've made a hell of a life for yourself. That's something to be proud of"

Erin looked towards the living room and then back at Hank. "Do you think it's going to be hard?"

Hank was quiet for a minute as he looked at Erin. "I don't think it's going to be easy. But since when do you and Halstead do things the easy way?"

Erin half laughed and shrugged her shoulders. "Funny"

"We're going to be here for you. You'll make it work. You always do" Hank cleared his throat and moved to grab his cup of coffee before taking a drink.

"So, when are you going to tell Halstead?"

Erin sighed and looked down at her hands. "Soon. I just want him to get well first. Maybe after Burgess and Ruzek's wedding this weekend"

"You can stay on IU until your vest doesn't fit anymore, after that you're on desk duty" Hank stood from the table and picked up his coffee cup.

"Hank..." Erin started.

"My rule. If you don't like it, I'll put you on desk duty Monday morning" Hank walked over to the sink and washed his cup before putting it back on the coffee mug tree on the counter.

"Fine" Erin said standing up from her seat. She watched as Hank grabbed his coat and walked over to the counter to get his keys. "You're leaving?"

Hank nodded "Yeah, Olivia's coming in for the wedding. I've got to pick her and Noah up at the airport"

"Are you all going to come back for dinner?" Erin asked as she followed.

Hank shook his head. "No, you guys just take tonight and relax. Especially you"

Erin nodded as she walked into the doorway and onto the porch.


Hank turned around and looked at Erin. "I know...I know...Don't say anything"

Erin folded her arms over her chest and smiled. "Thanks Hank"


Erin looked around the dress shop as she sat on one of the oversized couches waiting on Kim to finish her final dress fitting. Platt sat a few spots over and was flipping through a wedding magazine.

"Organza?" Platt said shaking her head. "I have some lingerie made from Organza"

"Platt" Erin shook her head and looked away from Everly who was sitting on her lap and over to Platt who turned to look at Erin.

"What? I'm just saying that Randy is satisfied" Trudy shrugged her shoulders and went back to her magazine.

Erin looked back at Everly on her lap and brushed her fingers across Everly's cheek. "Are you just so excited to be a flower girl?"

Everly nodded her head and pointed to the dresses hanging up on the different racks. "Pwitty"

Erin smiled and looked to where Everly was pointing. "Yes, it's very pretty"

Erin leaned forward and placed a kiss on Everly's chin only for the baby girl to lift her hand up and wipe it away.

"Did you just wipe my kiss off?" Erin gasped and feigned shock.

Everly laughed and raised her shoulders up before dropping them back down with a sigh.

"Don't wipe my kisses off" Erin teased leaning in and kissing Everly's chin again.

Everly repeated the action of raising her hand up to her chin and wiping the kiss off and she belly laughed as Erin tickled her sides.

"Are you guys ready?" A nervous Kim asked from behind the curtain.

"We've been ready for the last twenty minutes, Burgess" Platt said closing the magazine and looking towards the curtain.

Kim rolled her eyes from behind the curtain and pulled it open as she walked out.

"You look amazing" Erin said rubbing Everly's back as she stared at her friend.

"Thanks. You don't think it's too tight?" Kim asked as she stepped up onto the small platform and looked into the mirror.

"Not at all. You look great. I mean for someone who had a baby not even a month ago, you look amazing" Erin assured as she slid Everly off of her lap and stood up.

"Do you think Adam's going to like me in it?" Kim asked.

"I think he'll like you out of it" Platt said from her place on the couch.

Erin and Kim exhanged a look ignoring Platt's comment before Erin took Kim's veil from the sales lady and placed it in Kim's hair. "All done"

Erin stepped back and Kim looked into the mirror and smiled at her reflection. Here she was 4 days away from her wedding and she couldn't wait. She had a son she loved more than anything, and was about to spend the rest of her life with a man she couldn't imagine her life without.


Four Days Later

Kim hummed softly to herself as the beautician toyed with the loose curls that cascaded down her back. "You are being awfully calm Kimberly," her grandmother smiled. "I remember when I married your grandfather I was shaking in my boots."

Burgess smiled and looked at the older woman in the mirror. "Marrying Adam is perfectly natural for me. We've been together for so long I can't imagine not marrying him."

"It's a wonderful thing to see two people as in love as you and young Adam. Even if you are young."

"We know we're young but why wait for something when you know it's going to happen eventually anyway."

Burgess shrugged and began to touch up the makeup she had applied earlier. "Besides, we already consider ourselves a family, why not make it legal."

"As long as you're happy dear girl, that's all that matters. I have a feeling you and Adam will make a marriage work no matter what God throws your way."

Burgess smiled as Erin approached behind Kim's grandmother, Kim's veil in her hands. "Last touch Kim," she said with a smile. She placed the veil on top of her friend's silky head and stepped back, surveying Kim's form as she stood in front of the mirror. "You look incredible Burgess."

Kim beamed happily and smoothed her hands over the silky fabric of her long white dress. The material was a creamy satin with a tight bodice and long flowing skirt. The sleeves were long and off the shoulder with tiny pearls lining the neck and waist.

"Nadia would've loved this" Kim said with a sad smile. Her eyes welling with tears.

"Don't start crying, We'll have to redo your makeup" Erin wrapped her arms around her best friend's shoulders, her own eyes welling with tears as she thought about Nadia and how much Nadia had loved weddings.

"She would be so happy for you. But she's up there right now thinking how beautiful you are today and she's thinking "Man, that cake looks delicious."

Kim laughed through a strangled sobbed and turned around in her Erin's arms. "I miss her so much Erin."

"I do too, but I think we've done pretty well for each other since she's been gone. And we need to think about all the good times that we had with her and know that she's proud of everything we have become, We sure were proud of her"

Burgess looked at Erin and gently hugged her again. "I love you Erin, I know I don't say that enough but I really do love you. I couldn't have done any of this without your help. I am so glad that you're my best friend."

Erin pulled Kim close one last time. "Me too Kim, I couldn't have done any of this without you either so we're even. Now let's clean you up and get you married. Atwater and Antonio are probably corrupting your son."

"God," Burgess groaned. "Let's get this show on the road then."

Gaby Dawson-Casey entered the room and looked over at the Erin and Kim. "Good God, what have you guys done to your makeup?"

"Come on Gaby," Burgess sighed. "Fix me."

Gaby shook her head, amused and moved to Burgess's side, makeup box in hand. Touching up the small trails of mascara, she stepped back to survey her handiwork.

"Perfect, now Adam is about to have an aneurism out there so you should probably let him know you're not going to be a runaway bride."

Burgess took one last look in the mirror before taking a deep breath and moving to the door. She took her small tulip bouquet from Gaby's hand and waited for her signal.


Adam shifted nervously inside the gazebo on the lawn of the Chicago Botanic Garden. The sun was shining brightly and the cool breeze had halted, making the air warm and sweet with the scent of lavender and daffodils. Birds chirped happily in the trees and Jay and Casey exchanged amused glances at the fidgeting Adam.

"What is taking her so long?" he whispered to no one in particular, checking the watch on his wrist for the third time in as many minutes.

Suddenly he heard the music and looked up to see Kim's sister making her way down the aisle, carrying Jackson in her arms. He grinned proudly at the sight of his son in his suit, sound asleep oblivious to what was going on around him.

Everly looked back at Erin who gestured with her hand for her daughter to go ahead down the aisle. Everly took an unsure step when she saw the crowd as her blue eyes scanned for someone she might know. And she smiled when she spotted her father at the end of the aisle.

"Dada!" Everly said happily as she took off down the grass aisle ignoring the fact that she was supposed to be dropping the flower petals in her basket.

Jay laughed at his baby girl as she waved her pudgy fists at the guests, smiling happily at all the attention. Sylvie came next followed by Gaby then Erin, each taking their places on the opposite site of the alter.

The familiar chords of "Here Comes The Bride" sounded and Adam grinned as Burgess and Atwater came into view. Arm in arm they slowly made their way down the grass aisle. Atwater held onto Kim's arm with one hand and he shakily walked her down the aisle. Atwater had worked round the clock and fought through the pain so that he'd be able to walk Kim down the aisle and not embarrass her. Finally they reached the alter and stopped, Atwater kissed Burgess gently on the cheek before placing her hand in Adam's.

He brought her hand to his lips and whispered to her. "You are absolutely breathtaking." A single tear slipped from her eye and they turned towards the Priest, waiting to marry them.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," the short chubby man began. "We are gathered here today to witness the union of this man and this woman in holy matrimony." Burgess flashed Adam a look and he squeezed her hand in silent response.

"Who gives this woman away?"

"I do," Atwater called from his place in the first row. The priest nodded his assent and continued.

"It is my understanding that you have written your own vows, is that correct?" Kim and Adam nodded silently, before turning towards one another. "Adam you may begin."

Adam took a deep breath and flashed her a quick smile before beginning his speech. "I love you. I've always, always loved you and I've known it since I met you that there was something about you that made me want to be near you all the time. It started as a playful banter, teasing and calling names, and it turned into something so pure and so right. I never thought I could love the way I love you. I never thought a love like this existed. You gave me faith in myself, in the future and in us." He reached up and wiped away the tears escaping from her eyes. "You gave yourself to me completely and I am going to spend the rest of my life giving back everything you have given me. Most of all, I will love you, Darlin. forever, I promise with all my heart."

Burgess smiled happily and brought her hand to her eyes, taking away her tears before beginning her vows. "I never would have thought I'd be here today. But as I stand here beside you I know that this is where I am meant to be. I never wanted to give myself as completely as I long to give myself to you. You've had my heart for so long now I can't even remember when it happened. You are so many things to me, you're my best friend, my confidante, my lover. Now I'm giving you my soul. You are my true soulmate and I am going to spend the rest of eternity showing you how much I love you." Adam blinked the tears loose from his eyes and squeezed her hand tightly resisting the urge to pull her tightly to him and never let go.

"Do you have the rings?" the priest asked. Jay stepped forward and handed the rings to Adam and Burgess. "Do you Adam take Kim to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold for better or for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Adam smiled, his tears falling freely now.

"Now repeat after me..."

"I give you this ring as a sign of my unending devotion to you, so that we may be bound together for all time."

Adam slid the ring gently over Burgess's trembling finger. She smiled up at him and waited for the priest to continue.

"Do you Kim take Adam to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold for better or for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Burgess sobbed. Listening to the priest repeat her line she took Adam's finger in her hand and slid the ring on it. "I give you this ring as a sign of my unending devotion to you, so that we may be bound together for all time."

"Is there anyone here who thinks these two should not be wed let him speak now or forever hold his piece."

Burgess's gaze never left Adam's as their eyes silently declared their love for one another.

"Then by the power vested in me by the holy spirit, I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." He gestured to Adam, a small smile on his lips.

Adam grinned and gently pulled Burgess's mouth to his own in a passionate kiss, declaring all they didn't say to one another. Hearing the catcalls and whistles Burgess pulled away grinning and looked out over the small bunch of guests. Hands still entwined they made their way down the steps of the gazebo into the crowd of their friends and family.

Everly kicked the stroller happily as her parents made their way down the aisle and toward her and squealed in delight as Jay picked her up and swung her gently over his head. Erin beamed at the pair and eased herself into Platt's awkward hug. "I can't believe Burgess got married before me," Platt pouted.

"I think Mouch's been getting some ideas from Adam," Burgess smirked, her eyebrow raised. "You never know. Your wedding might be next."

Turning back to her friends Burgess faced the seemingly endless streams of congratulations and hugs before finally spotting Adam through the crowd. The guests began to file to the large canopy where the reception was to be held and everyone retreated to the canopyto prepare the food and drinks. Burgess moved slowly to her husband and son where they stood surrounded by their own well wishers.

Kim kissed Adam on the cheek and grunted in surprise as Adam dropped Jackson into her arms.

"Somebody's hungry," Adam whispered into her hair as he nodded his thanks to the guests and walked away, his arm around Burgess's shoulder.

"You or the baby?" she grinned, mischievously.

"You're so funny, you know that?" he tickled her sides and she squealed in surrender. Jackson began rooting against Burgess's chest, their excitement rubbing off on the impressionable infant, and they laughed in fun and in happiness.

"I can't believe we did it Adam," Burgess sighed, leaning into Adam's body happily.

"It's kind of hard to grasp isn't it?"

"I can honestly say I never would have thought two years ago that we'd be married with a baby today."

"You complaining Mrs. Ruzek?" he grinned resting his chin on her shoulder as he made faces at the baby.

"Mrs. Ruzek," she said aloud, almost reverently. "That sounds amazing."

"I agree." Kim sighed and brought her mouth to Adam's nose, giving him a kiss. "Jack likes it too, don't you Buddy?"

"We should get him a sweater, a bottle and a new diaper before we go in there," Burgess hoisted the baby higher on her shoulder as she gestured to the brightly lit canopy.

"'Kay," Adam grinned goofily at his son before lifting him out of Burgess's arms. Burgess reached into the stroller and placed a blanket over his tuxedo clad shoulder.

Stepping back she burst into laughter. "That's a fashion statement. Tux and flannel pigs."

Jackson squealed along with Burgess's laughter and Adam pouted jokingly. "Okay Ruzeks'. Enough picking on me."

Burgess stepped into his embrace and together they walked into the house, preparing for the party ahead.


Erin made her way through the small crowd and she smiled when she saw Jay on the dance floor with Everly. Her small hands held tight to his thumbs, her feet planted on top of Jay's as they swayed back and forth to the song "What A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong.

Erin couldn't help the tears that welled in her eyes as she stared at the sight in front of her.

Jay was staring down at Everly and her back up at him, nothing but love and pride across his features. She thought back to the little girl who was dancing with Jay at the policeman's ball the night before she'd had her panic attack and how she'd thought then what an amazing father that he'd be. But she was wrong.

He was so much more than she ever thought he could be as a father, as a husband, as everything.

Every single part of her was in love with that man, and she only wished she could go back in time and follow her heart from the moment she'd met him. And not ran from love like she always did.

"That's really sweet" A voice said from behind Erin.

Erin turned to look and saw Olivia Benson standing next to her.

"Yeah" Erin said clearing her throat. Embarrassed that she'd shown emotion in front of someone she admired as much as she admried Olivia.

"It's ok to be happy, Erin" Olivia furrowed her brow as she looked at Erin. "Believe me, you deserve to be happy"

Erin nodded "It's just overwhelming sometimes...the love"

Olivia nodded "I understand that. But from what I can tell and what I've learned about you over the short time I've known you is, you've had a hell of a life. And as someone who sees horrible mothers, and who's had mother issues herself. You can trust me when I tell you... Everly is the luckiest little girl. So this nagging feeling you carry around that you're not good enough for this life. Is wrong"

Erin nodded and looked at Olivia "Thank you"


Burgess and Adam took their seats at the largest table and Adam gently removed the veil from Burgess's head. She gently patted the bum of the silently dozing baby in her arms and mouthed a thank you to her new husband. One of the waiters, who was serving as their wait staff for the night placed plates in front of each of the patrons of the few tables.

Without a word Adam pulled Burgess's plate in front of him and began to cut her chicken into small pieces, pushing it back in front of her when he was done. "How do you guys do that?" Sylvie sighed, her chin resting in her hand as she watched the newlyweds.

"Do what?" Burgess asked picking up her fork and adjusting Jackson before taking a bite of her dinner.

"That whole mind reading, anticipating each other's next move sort of thing."

Adam looked at her amused. "What can I say," he shrugged. "I am a God."

Burgess nearly choked on her food and she quickly bounced the startled baby to prevent her from waking up. Looking over at him, her eyebrow raised she replied to Sylvie's comment. "I think we've been around each other too long. I can't tell where I end and he begins."

The table of friends erupted in laughter. "I'll second that," Antonio grinned.

"So where are you guys going on your honeymoon?" Casey asked, looking up as he cut his dinner.

"We're not actually," Adam said, his mouth full.

"Why the hell not?" Gaby dropped her cutlery on the plate. "It's a must after a wedding."

"We're waiting," Burgess shrugged. "We can't really afford to go too far after paying for a wedding and we're still not entirely comfortable with leaving Jackson when he's still so little."

"So you're just not having a honeymoon?" Gaby asked.

"We didn't say that, Little Dawson," Adam smirked. "Calm yourself. Burgess and I will soon. I actually have a little surprise." When the confused looks passed around the table he continued. "Actually Burgess and I are going to buy a house. We figured that could be our summer project while I'm working and she's home with the baby. We're going to fix up the house and hopefully be done by next summer when we can finally settle down and take a delayed two week honeymoon."

"We just want to be settled before we go too far" Burgess shrugged. "Besides, we'll have some money saved up and Jackson will be old enough to either take with us or leave with family. We'll have more choices next year."

Their friends nodded their dismissal as the music started up. "Ladies and Gentlemen it's time for their first dance as husband and wife, can we have the bride and groom on the dance floor please." Adam stood and dropped his napkin on the table as Burgess gestured to the sleeping baby in her arms. Erin eased the baby from Burgess's grasp and cradled him gently on her lap as the newlyweds made their way to the middle of the canopy.

The gentle strains of a piano filled the room as the song that was to be Burgess and Adam's filled the twilight.

Burgess almost laughed at the thought of a country song being their 'official' song until she heard the beautiful lyrics and melted into Adam's touch.

You know I'd fall apart without youI don't know how you do what you do'Cause everything that don't make sense about meMakes sense when I'm with you

Like everything that's green, girl, I need youBut it's more than one and one makes twoPut aside the math and the logic of itYou gotta know you're wanted too

Burgess looked deep into Adam's eyes as they held each other tight and swayed to the music. The perfection of the song hit her as she listened to the words and thought about everything they meant to each other.

'Cause I wanna wrap you upWanna kiss your lipsI wanna make you feel wantedAnd I wanna call you mineWanna hold your hand foreverAnd never let you forget itYeah, I, I wanna make you feel wanted

Adam smiled, and clutched Burgess tighter to his chest, revelling in the feeling of her in his arms where she belonged. He brought her hand to his lips and leaned over to whisper in her ear. "I love you."

Anyone can tell you you're pretty, yeahAnd you get that all the time, I know you doBut your beauty's deeper than the make-upAnd I wanna show you what I see tonight...

When I wrap you upWhen I kiss your lips.I wanna make you feel wantedAnd I wanna call you mineWanna hold your hand foreverAnd never let you forget it'Cause, baby, I, I wanna make you feel wanted

As good as you make me feelI wanna make you feel betterBetter than your fairy talesBetter than your best dreamsYou're more than everything I needYou're all I ever wantedAll I ever wanted

And I just wanna wrap you upWanna kiss your lipsI wanna make you feel wantedAnd I wanna call you mineWanna hold your hand foreverAnd never let you forget itYeah, I wanna make you feel wantedBaby, I wanna make you feel wanted

The song ended and a light smattering of applause could be heard in the night. Burgess placed a hand behind Adam's head and gently guided his mouth to hers for a tender kiss. When whistles erupted she pulled away blushing furiously and held Adam's hand as he led her back to the table.

Jackson began to cry in Erin's arms and Adam took her from his friend, kissing his head gently as he made his way back to the dance floor with his son. Burgess smiled happily as she watched Adam sway gently in his tux, the baby resting against his broad chest as he rubbed his back contentedly.


"No No. Do it wike dis" Noah explained as he watched Everly spin in a circle.

Everly stopped and watched as Noah spun around three times and fell to the dance floor.

The two toddlers looked at each other before they both started laughing.

"You gotsa go fast" Noah explained as he stood up.

Everly looked at Noah before spinning around. She made it around one time before falling down onto the floor.

Everly put her hands on the dance floor in front of her as she braced herself to stand when a child of a wedding guest walked by and stepped on Everly's fingers.

Everly pulled her hand back and whined as Noah walked over to her.

"It ok, Ev Ev" Noah said knealing down next to her. "Mommy put a band aid on it"

"Mama?" Everly asked her her eyes welling with tears.

"I fix it" Noah said leaning down to kiss Everly's red fingers.

Everly looked at Noah as Jay walked over to her and knelt down.

"What happened?" Jay asked as Everly started whining and reached for him.

"Ev ev gotsa boo boo" Noah explained. And in true two year old fashion pointed at the kid who had stepped on Everly's hand.

"Da-dee" Everly said as she started to cry.

"Come on, you're fine" Jay said pulling Everly towards him and looking at her hand. "You're a big girl"

Everly whined and looked at Jay "Binky?"

Jay shook his head "No Ma'am. You don't need that"

Everly pouted and looked up at Jay. Her lower lip sticking out and her blue eyes clouded with tears. "Binky"

Jay shook his head "Nope. Daddy's immune to that look"

Everly stepped towards Jay and put her head into his chest.

"I know. I'm just so mean, huh?" Jay asked wrapping his arms around Everly's back and bending her back before placing kisses all over her neck. Sending the once pouting Everly into a fit of giggles.

Noah stood next to Jay and laughed at Everly with her daddy.

Jay pulled Everly away from him and reached for Noah and did the same to him.

Noah howled with laughter as Jay tickled him and Hank walked up.

"What's going on?" Hank asked.

"Help" Noah called to Voight "Daddy, help. Pwease"

Hank smiled and reached for Noah as Jay let him go.

Jay stood up and looked at Hank as he knelt down to Noah's level. "I'll teach you how to take care of Halstead. It's an old family secret"

Jay rolled his eyes as he spotted Erin at the dinner table and he walked in her direction.

"Dance with me?" Jay asked reaching his hand out to Erin.

Erin smiled and reached her hand down to him. "Ok"

Erin and Jay walked to the dance floor as the DJ played "Something Like You" by N'SYNC.

Jay pulled Erin into his arms and the two started to sway to the music.

"Thank you" Jay whispered as he placed a kiss on Erin's forehead.

"For what?" Erin asked as she pulled back to look at Jay.

Jay reached his hand up and brushed his finger tips over Erin's jaw. "For everything"

Erin closed her eyes as she felt Jay's caress and she leaned her head into his hand. "I love you"

Erin opened her eyes and saw Jay looking back at her. His eyes shining with love and pride for his girl.

"I love you, Erin. More than I could ever put into words"

Erin stood on her toes and crushed her mouth to Jay's. He groaned against her mouth and kissed her back. Wrapping his arms around her and pulling her tighter against him. Erin pulled back and looked at Jay.

"What was that for?" Jay asked.

"I'm pregnant" Erin confessed.

Jay's eyes searched Erin's for a minute before a smile formed on his lips. "Are you serious?"

Erin nodded as her eyes searched Jay's for his reaction. She didn't have to wait long. Because his lips crashed against hers a few seconds later.

Erin pulled back and looked at her husband. "What was that for?"

"It's because I wanted to kiss you" Jay answered.

The sound of Everly laughing pulled Jay and Erin's gaze from each other and over to their daughter.

Everly was in Hank's arms and Noah in Olivia's as they danced.

"It's a good life, Erin Halstead" Jay said looking around the reception.

"Yes. Yes it is" Erin agreed as Jay pulled her back to him and kissed her.


"Dance with me Burgess?" Atwater asked, holding out his hand to his friend.

"Sure," she grinned, following him to the dance floor.

Kevin walked them slowly to the dance floor, he was still at times shaky on his legs, but that wasn't going to keep him from dancing with his best friend and as "Lean on Me" by Bill Withers came on he wrapped his arms around his friend and smiled through the ache in his back and legs.

"It was a beautiful wedding, Burgess," Atwater sighed.

"Thanks," Burgess smiled, looking up at him. "I couldn't have done it without you guys. I couldn't have done any of this without you guys." She gestured to Adam his eyes closed and his chin resting gently on Jackson's downy head. "We've got really great friends."

"We love you guys," Atwater smiled. "After everything you've been through," he paused. "After everything we've been through."

"Kev," Burgess began.

"Don't Burgess," he started. "Let's only look to the future."

Burgess smiled and kissed his forehead. "I'm so happy you're here today. And I'm so happy you walked me down the aisle. I'm so proud to know you Kevin Atwater. You're the best friend a girl could ask for and the greatest Godfather to my son."

Kevin smiled and pulled her close. "I'll kill him if he hurts you. I mean I know Ruzek's my friend and all. But really, I'll kill him." When the song ended he kissed her hand and led her silently back to the table.


"You'll have to excuse me, I'm not the best at this. It's been awhile" Hank explained as he and Olivia took to the dance floor.

"That makes two of us" Olivia said as she stepped into Hank's embrace as "Can't Help Falling In Love" by Elvis Presley played.

Hank wrapped his arm around Olivia's waist and and took her hand in his. "So, Lieutenant. That's amazing Liv, I'm happy for you"

Olivia gave him a soft smile "Thanks, it feels good"

Hank nodded and exhaled "I'm proud of you, Liv"

Olivia was quiet for a minute before she spoke. "This doesn't have to change anything, Hank. Whatever this is we'll work it out"

"How? Cross country trips every weekend? It's hard enough seeing you as it is" Hank explained.

"Then come to New York" Olivia offered.

"And do what? Work for you?" Hank furrowed his brow.

"It wouldn't be like that Hank. You know that. It would be..." Olivia stopped talking. She was at a loss for words.

"It would be what?" Hank asked. "Me and Noah waiting on you. I'm not your babysitter"

Olivia stopped moving to the music and looked at Hank "I never said you were. But using my son as some pawn in this arguement isn't going to work. I deserve better, Noah deserves better"

Hank nodded and was quiet for a moment. He cleared his throat before speaking. "If we've been doing whatever "this" is for these past few months and you think that I think I'm just your babysitter, then we've been doing something wrong. Liv, I care about you, I care about Noah. I'm not good at this emotional stuff. You're the first person I've shared my life with since my wife died"

"Hank" Olivia said as she felt him pull away from her.

"It's fine. My life is here Olivia. I can't leave my family or my job and it's selfish of me to ask you to give your career up"

"Hank" Olivia said again.

And for the first time in a long time, Hank Voight felt the familar sting of heartache "I'm always going to be here for you, Liv. Noah too. I just want you to be happy. But I also want to be happy. I want to settle down and spend the rest of my life with someone. And as much as I want it to be with you, I couldn't get up every day knowing that you were unhappy"

"Hank, It's not that I don't want this" Olivia started. "I do care about you"

Hank gave Olivia a small smile and stepped towards her. "I know"

Hank leaned in and gave Olivia a soft kiss on her cheek and stepped back. Looking at her one last time before turning on his foot and leaving her on the dance floor.


Erin waved over her shoulder as she and Jay made their way out of the tent and into the night and Adam slumped back into his chair. Dreading the idea of leaving for the night already.

"It's only one night," Platt grinned, picking up on their sorrow as they both looked at Jackson who was asleep in his stroller. "Besides," she said picking at a slice of cake and raising her eyebrows. "How can you get any action with a baby in the room."

Burgess shook her head as she choked on her drink of water.. "Have some class, Sargeant."

Platt sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just saying. We're all adults here"

"We should get out of here," Adam held out his hand to Burgess. "We've still got to check in to the hotel."

"Okay," Burgess sighed, tiredly, pulling herself out of her chair. Giving their thanks and hugs to all the guests and their families Burgess took her seat on a chair as the men gathered around.

Adam waggled his eyebrows as she rested her foot on his knee and he slid her skirt up to her thigh. Sliding his head underneath her skirt she gasped as his teeth closed over the flesh of her thigh and he slid the garter down her leg.

Catcalls and high fives came from all the single men, except Atwater, as Adam tossed the garter over his shoulder. Mouch blushed furiously as the garter landed on his head.

Helping Burgess up she turned her back to the crowd and tossed her bouquet to the grouping of women, turning to see Trudy Platt shoving Sylvie out of the way as she caught the arrangement. Laughing, Kim took Adam's hand and ran towards his car.

As they waved goodbye, Burgess gazed to the house hoping for one last glimpse of her baby. "Everyone's right you know. It's only for one night," Adam smiled, taking her hand as he drove.

"You're gonna miss him too," Burgess grinned. "You know it."

Adam held up his hands in surrender as they made their way down the dark streets of Chicago. "I can think of something that will take our minds off the baby." He teased as Kim raised an eyebrow and laughed as they drove off into the night.


I don't own the rights to any songs that were mentioned in this chapter. But, if you want to check out the song "Something Like You" by NSYNC then you won't regret it. It's a great song.

Please Review.