Thank you so much for your feedback on my last chapter! Here comes part 1 (of many) of the Halstead-family. Enjoy! :)
40. Bundle Of Joy
Pregnant women were always told how they forgot the pain of labor as soon as they would finally be able to hold their baby in their arms. While being in labor a couple of hours ago Erin had thought she could never forget this excruciating pain in her life ever again but from the moment her midwife had placed her daughter on her chest it all was forgotten. The strenuous hours of handling the pain and pushing her baby out. The tears, the screams, the contractions, it was all so far far away and even now, some short five-and-a-half hours later, the only thing she remembered from the last 24 hours was the moment she'd seen her baby for the first time, the moment of love at first sight.
While eating her breakfast, Erin couldn't stop smiling as she thought about all the things that had happened ever since they'd left their apartment not even 24 hours ago. And whenever she turned her gaze from the plate with the fruit oatmeal in front of her to Jay, who was standing at the window, holding Emilia in his arms, showing her the skyline of the city that was covered in snow, the city that was slowly waking up as the dawn set in, as the stars disappeared from the clear sky, her heart wanted to burst out of her chest. There was something about tall, strong men holding tiny babies. There was something about seeing the man you love holding and cuddling the baby you created together and talking to it that gave you a whole bunch of emotions. This picture-perfect cuteness was almost too much for Erin to handle and she had to stare at the two of them all the time. Jay was made to be a dad for sure. And without a doubt, they were both debauching in pure baby bliss.
After enjoying her own breakfast, it was time for Erin to breastfeed Emmy as she started to get a little grumpy in Jay's arms. He handed her the baby and although Erin only nursed her for the third time, it already felt almost normal. Maybe it also helped that Emilia knew exactly what she wanted but still, for someone who had doubted her motherhood skills for so long, Erin took it all with an impressive naturalness.
″How was the breakfast?″ Katy asked when she entered the room just after Erin had finished nursing her and Emilia had also already burped, was now comfortably resting on her chest again.
″Not too bad,″ Erin grinned.
″Glad to hear that,″ Katy winked. ″So there's a very excited grandfather waiting outside and although I told him visiting hours don't start until ten, he refused to go home and as we always make exceptions when it comes to new family members I told him that I'll inform you that he's here. So, can he come inside?″
″Yes, please,″ Erin smiled and felt how her heart started racing again as Hank was about to see his granddaughter for the first time. She couldn't wait to see his face. And she also couldn't wait to tell him their daughter's name.
″Alright,″ Katy nodded and left the room with the empty tray and literally a second later, Hank stepped into the room, carrying a stuffed Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh in his hands, and his eyes immediately fell onto the bundle of life that was resting on Erin's chest, a bright smile flashing across his face by seeing his pseudo-daughter with her very own daughter for the very first time.
″Hey kiddo,″ he smiled overjoyed and leaned down to her to place a kiss on her forehead. ″Congratulations.″
″Thank you,″ she answered. Hank's eyes were sparkling with joy and pride when he carefully touched the baby's mellow head.
″Welcome to the family little lady,″ he said and although it was just a simple gesture, some simple words, some simple glances, it brought tears to Erin's eyes.
″You wanna hold her?″ Erin asked and her voice came hoarse.
″Was this even a question?″ Hank asked back and with these words, Erin picked Emilia up from her chest and placed the sleeping baby in his arms. Hank sat back into the chair, looking at his granddaughter in complete awe. Seeing her father-figure with her baby definitely brought Erin to the edge of her emotions as her hormones still played crazy with her. Jay saw her swallowing hardly and squeezed her hand. Erin squeezed it back and just watched Hank and Emilia bonding, being happy that she didn't have to say anything at the moment.
″She's absolutely beautiful,″ he said and lifted his head to look at her. Erin and Jay were both sure that they've never seen him smiling like this before. ″You did a great job right there. Both of you I have to admit. Although I think she looks more like you,″ he smirked.
″Do you think?″ Erin asked. Until yet she hasn't found one similarity that made Emilia more look like her or more look like Jay. She thought she was a perfect mix of both of them.
″Mhm.″ Hank and Jay nodded synchronously and all three of them had to laugh.
″Well, I guess we have to wait and see how this will turn out,″ she grinned.
″I just want to say that I already said she looks like you when we got the second print of the sonogram,″ Jay said, giving her a winning wink.
″Yeah, you're my hero,″ she chuckled and raised her eyebrows playfully.
″So, does hero's baby have a name?″ Hank interrupted their little moment as he's been quite curious about this ever since Jay had called him last night.
″Yes, she has,″ Erin smiled. ″We've named her after our mothers.″
Hank's first reaction to this statement was priceless. His eyes widened in disbelief and Erin knew he assumed that her name therefore was Bunny or Barbara. At the same time she wondered how he could think she would name her daughter after this person she didn't want to have any contact with ever again.
″I hope this is a joke,″ Hank said.
″It's not actually,″ Erin answered. ″But Bunny isn't the person I consider my mother just like Eddie is not the person I consider my father,″ she said and gave him a meaningful glance and by the way Hank's face changed instantly, she knew that he was getting it. ″You're holding Emilia Camille Halstead in your arm,″ she smiled. Hank looked down to the baby, then lifted his gaze and looked directly into Erin's hazel eyes, tears burning in the corners of his own eyes. It was a glance full of emotions, a glance of pure thankfulness and Hank even had to clear his throat before he could speak.
″This is the most perfect name for this little lady,″ he said. ″Thank you Erin. Wherever Camille is, I know she's smiling right now,″ he added and squeezed her hand, tears falling from Erin's eyes. ″And I know your mother is smiling, too, Jay,″ he said, looking directly to Jay now.
″She is,″ Jay nodded, swallowing down his own emotions. He had never thought that Hank Voight could bring him close to cry but on a day like today, where everyone was a bit emotional, everything was possible.
″Camille would be so proud of you kiddo. I think they both would be so damn proud of you two,″ Hank said and in this very moment, all three of them wished that these two amazing women, Camille Voight and Diane Halstead, were here with them today and could celebrate the arrival of the newest family member, of this little bundle of joy that would change all of their lives completely but would also bring them so much happiness.
″Sarge, do you have any news on Erin and Jay and baby Halstead? All we got last night was a friggin' message that she's here. No pics, no name, no more infos and no answers to our texts,″ Adam said as soon as Hank reached the last step that led into the bullpen. All of the others were also standing around, even Platt, Burgess and Roman. They had obviously discussed about it while waiting for Hank to arrive.
″Maybe,″ Hank smirked and walked to the board to pin some very special pics on it. Pics Jay had sent him last night, pics he had taken half an hour ago in the hospital and had printed in a copyshop on the way to the district. As all of their colleagues couldn't visit them until the evening, Jay and Erin had decided to give Hank the honor to share the first pics of his newborn granddaughter with the rest of the unit.
″Oh my God, is this baby H?″ Kim sqeaked as she was the first to see which kind of pictures Hank was pinning onto the board and all the others gathered around the board as well, all of them wanting to be the first to see the photos.
″Look at this cute little face,″ Antonio smiled, eyeing the family picture of the three of them, the picture with just Erin and Emilia, the picture with just Jay and Emilia and the portrait-like photo of just the sleeping baby.
″She is beautiful,″ Kevin said and kept on staring at the pictures.
″Damn, Jay really outdid himself with this one,″ Adam laughed and shook his head slightly.
″Yeah, he did a good job. But I think she looks more like Erin though,″ Al said.
″She totally favors Erin,″ Hank confirmed smilingly.
″So you've already seen her, right?″ Antonio asked and Hank only nodded in response.
″Will you give us some more details or will you leave us in the dark, boss?″ Kevin asked. Pictures were great but they all of course wanted to know more, a name particularly since there's been another bet.
″Well, you already figured out that she's beautiful, which I can confirm,″ Hank smirked. ″She's also super healthy and so is Erin. She was born last night at 1.21am, weighs 6lbs 12oz and is 19.7 inches long.″
″1.21am?″ Adam echoed. ″Didn't Erin call Jay at around 12.15pm?! Jeeez, that makes more than thirteen friggin' hours,″ he noticed, his voice sounding like he couldn't believe it.
″Giving birth isn't a walk in the park Ruzek,″ Platt chimed in, as always when she talked with Adam in particular, a sarcastic undertone in her voice.
″I know Sarge, but THIRTEEN hours, holy crap.″
″This is a complete normal timeframe for a natural birth Adam,″ Kim told him before turning her attention to Hank again. ″And Erin is doing fine, Sarge?″
″She's a bit exhausted of course but all in all she couldn't be any better and she's over the moon. They both are. Erin would never admit it herself but according to Jay she was a rockstar, doing it all without any medication,″ Hank said, the pride of a father sparkling in his eyes.
″Wow...I mean, I always knew she's tough but,″ Antonio said and all the others nodded approvingly.
″So what about a name Sarge? Does she have a name or are they still arguing about it?″ Mouse asked, bringing the conversation back to what they all wanted to know.
″She has a name,″ he grinned, obviously enjoying it to keep them all on the tenterhooks.
″So?″ Adam asked curiously. ″I bet for Anna.″
″Charlotte,″ Kevin chimed in.
″Ava,″ Mouse disagreed.
″Sophia,″ Kim said.
″It's none of them, any more guesses?″ Hank smirked.
″Trudy,″ Platt stated and when all of them started to laugh, she didn't know whom to shoot a death glare first.
″Sorry Trudy, but I have to disappoint you here,″ Hank said. ″Her name is Emilia Camille Halstead, named after Jay's mother's second name and my wife's first name,″ he finally told them and 'aaaww's' escaped from his team member's lips's.
″This is one perfectly beautiful name,″ Al said and placed his hand on his old friend's shoulder, knowing pretty well how emotional it must've been for Hank to learn that Erin has named her baby after his late wife.
″And it's a very unique name, I like it a lot,″ Antonio said.
″It definitely suits her,″ Kim smiled. ″I can't wait to see her this evening.″
″I think neither of us can,″ Adam laughed, giving Kim a way too fond wink considering that they were still just friends.
Throughout the whole morning, baby Halstead of course stayed the number one topic in the bullpen and the 21st district in general and they all couldn't get tired of looking at the pictures pinned on the board which were for sure the cutest and most beautiful pictures that've ever been pinned there.
Meanwhile at Chicago Med, Erin, Jay and Emilia got a visit from another very special person soon after Hank had left them alone. With the brightest of smiles on his face, Will Halstead entered the room, carrying a pink balloon with 'It's a girl' written on it as well as a little stuffed elephant they could add to Emmy's already quite big collection of stuffies.
″I heard there's a new Halstead in town,″ he greeted them and of course his eyes instantly fell on the tiny baby that was swaddled in a cozy grey-and-white blanket and sleeping in Jay's arm.
″Guess my big brother can call himself an uncle now,″ Jay chuckled.
″Hard to believe,″ Will laughed and then leaned down to give his sister-in-law a hug. ″Congratulations.″
″Thank you,″ Erin smiled and Will walked around her bed to join his brother and to get a better view of his new niece.
″Damn Jay, congratulations,″ he said, gave him a pat on the back and slightly shook his head by seeing this little, perfect human peacefully sleeping in Jay's arm. ″You guys did an amazing job with this one for sure,″ he smiled.
″Yeah, I think we did quite good,″ Jay laughed, giving Erin a fond wink. ″You wanna hold her?″
″May I?″ Will asked and looked from Jay to Erin, waiting for her approval.
″Sure,″ she smiled and Jay got up to place Emilia in his brother's arms.
″This is awesome,″ Will grinned from ear to ear, gently rocking his niece. ″Look at this little angel, I might have to kidnap her.″
″Don't you even think about it,″ Jay smirked.
″After the first weeks with her at home you'll wish I kidnap her so you guys can sleep through the night for once,″ Will winked.
″Most likely,″ Erin chuckled.
″I hate to break it to you Jay but she looks completely like Erin and not so much like you,″ he laughed.
″I don't have a problem with that,″ Jay answered, laughing once again.
″Why does everybody keep telling that?″ Erin chimed in. In her opinion Emilia didn't look as much as her as they all pretended she did.
″Because she does,″ Will shrugged, giving her a smiling wink. ″So is this little cute lady still nameless or could you guys decide on a name?″
″We decided on a name in December already,″ Jay grinned, ready to reveal their little secret.
″Impressive,″ Will laughed.
″Her name's Emilia Camille Halstead,″ Jay said and he could see in his brother's face that he was a little perplex and speechless in the first moment.
″I'm sure mom would love that,″ Will managed to say but his voice was raspier than usual while he looked directly into his brother's eyes, seeing the silent pain reflecting from them. ″She was born after midnight, wasn't she?″
″1.21am,″ Jay confirmed with a nod.
″Wow...″ Will sighed. ″You picked a very special day for your big entrance little lady.″
″She did indeed,″ Jay agreed pensively. ″I mean, she let us wait for quite a while, really tried our patience but now it all makes sense.″
″It does,″ Will said. ″Mom would've loved this kind of birthday present for sure.″
Until Will's pager forced him to go to the ED, they kept on talking about this special day, about how the Taylor-family had reacted to the big news, who opposite to all the others, had gotten some pictures as they all couldn't meet Emmy so soon. Will also told them congratulations from Natalie and when they wondered how she already knew about it, Will just smirked and said she was the first person he had met in the breakroom this morning and had therefore told her the news instantly. Talking a little more about Natalie he also revealed that he had attended her son Owen's first birthday party two weeks ago and Jay only had to look to Erin for a split second to see that she was thinking the same thing he did: Will Halstead and Natalie Manning were obviously on a good way to finally be more than just friends.
The morning passed and the three of them could enjoy some more hours of undisturbed bonding. After she'd changed Emilia's diaper for the first time and had nursed her again, Erin even dozed off and slept for a couple of hours, her body slowly but steady regaining all the energy she'd lost last night. And all the time Jay stayed awake and took care that Emilia wouldn't wake her up again immediately so she got the sleep she needed so urgently.
″Why don't you go home and take a shower and come back then?″ Erin asked Jay after waking up, when he yawned as loud that the whole hospital could hear it.
″I rather stay with my girls,″ he winked and looked at the clear bassinet where Emilia was sleeping, all snuggled up in her blanket, looking like an angel.
″Jay, you're awake for almost 30 hours now, so just go home, take a shower, drink a cup of real coffee and another one for me. I feel pretty good now and Emmy and I will get it handled,″ she smiled.
″You sure?″ he asked. He didn't want to leave them but he had to admit the thought of a long shower sounded pretty attractive right now.
″Positive,″ she nodded.
″Alright,″ he sighed and got up. ″Do you need anything from home?″
″Not that I know of,″ she answered and shook her head.
Jay nodded in response, leaned over the bassinet and placed the softest of kisses on his daughter's head. ″Be nice to your mommy baby girl,″ he whispered.
″And you be nice to our daughter,″ he joked when he leaned down to Erin and kissed her lips.
″I'll try my best,″ she chuckled.
″I love you,″ he said and kissed her again.
″I love you, too,″ she smiled. ″Drive safe.″
″Always,″ he assured her and then left his two girls alone for the next three hours.
The first thing he did when he was in their apartment was walking into the nursery, checking whether everything still met his requirements or whether they needed to change something, needed more things. But the nursery was still perfect in every single way and he couldn't wait to bring their baby home as soon as possible, to see Emilia lying in her crib or on the baby mat on the floor, to change her diapers and clothes on the changing table. To have a domestic life as a family of three.
Jay went to the kitchen and poured a cup of black coffee down as soon as the coffee machine had finished brewing it. Actually he was still too excited to be really tired and he wondered whether it maybe was a bad idea to drink coffee as this would make him even more hyped than he already was. Giving it no further thought he went to the bathroom and took a long shower and even when he had his eyes closed and the water ran down his back, the only thing he saw were Erin and Emilia, his two girls which were his whole life.
With a towel wrapped around his waist he went back to the bedroom a couple of minutes later and a bright smile flashed across his face when he opened the drawer of his dresser to grab some boxers and socks as the prints of the sonograms they had gotten during the past months still lay atop of them. It's always been so unreal to see their baby on the screen, almost unimaginable that she would one day really be with them, but with Emilia's birth last night it all became reality although it still felt like a dream. They didn't only have to stare at the prints anymore, couldn't feel her kick inside of Erin's stomach anymore. She was here now, with them, made them a family. They could kiss and cuddle her whenever they wanted, could touch her soft skin, her fuzzy hair, her tiny fingers, could smell the famous scent babies had after a bath.
Sitting down with his phone on the couch in the living room, scrolling through the many many photos he'd taken within the last couple of hours, smiling by seeing everyone of them, he decided to give his aunt and uncle in New York a call as he knew they were waiting for it. They weren't satisfied with just pictures and some info about Emilia's weight. They wanted to hear their nephew's voice, wanted to hear him talk about his daughter. And this was what they did, talking for full twenty minutes, about the birth, about this tiny little miracle called Emilia, about the perfect birthday. Promises were made that Jay would of course send more pictures soon and they also discussed that they could maybe facetime or skype with Erin as soon as she was home. Jay already sensed that Erin's first days home would be busy not only because they now had a newborn but also because all their friends and family, who lived all over the continent, like Liv and Noah, Justin and his family, Susan and Michael, Nick and his family, and who lived in Izzie's case, on the other side of the world, wanted to skype with her so it was almost like they could see Emilia in person.
Returning to Chicago Med in the early afternoon, Jay opened the door of Erin's room quietly and once again his heart almost bursted out of his chest by the beautiful, cute sight that greeted him. Erin was sleeping peacefully and so was Emilia, resting on Erin's chest comfortably, her little hand close to her mouth like she was almost sucking on it, Erin's hand covering the baby's back protectively although she was sleeping. His two girls were angels for sure. Angels from heaven to light up his life and make him endlessly happy. Knowing that Erin would wake up as soon as he sat down right next to her because she was always able to feel his presence, he turned around and tiptoed out of the room so she could sleep a little while longer.
Earlier, when he'd been at home, thinking about how blessed he was he had also thought about the one man in their family, who acutally wasn't a part of their family in his opinion but who was bound by blood to him anyway, who didn't know about the birth of the newest Halstead yet. And on a day like today, the happiest day of his life for sure, so full of love and joy and gratitude, all of this hate and bitterness towards his old man has somehow faded, there simply wasn't space for it anymore. And there was nothing, absolutely nothing that could ruin this perfect day, not even a conversation with his father. He still wasn't ready to forgive him and most likely he never would, but he was ready to make a step into his direction. He should learn from him and not from Will that he was a grandfather now. And although he wouldn't play a big role in Emilia's life as her grandfather for sure because Jay didn't want to give him that right, he deserved to know that she's been born into this world last night.
The room of his father was on the Oncology floor and Jay has been sure he had to wear scrubs to minimize the risk of bringing any germs or diseases into the room but the only thing he had to do was disinfecting his hands and wearing a surgical mask. Taking a deep breath he knocked onto the door and got a silent ″yes″ in response.
He opened the door slowly, not because he was afraid or regretted his decision, but because there was always something about seeing his father that took him back in time to the days when the only thing he got from him were contemptuous glances and harsh words.
His old man lay in his bed, looked pretty weak but not too bad all in all and when he saw who was entering the room his face brightened up in a way that it could easily compete with the sun that shined from the blue sky outside and let the city, that was covered in white, sparkle like diamonds.
″Jay,″ he said and his voice was a hoarse whisper.
″Uhm...hey,″ Jay said, took some more steps towards his father, for a moment not being sure whether he should remain standing on the bottom end of his bed or sit down in the chair that was placed on the left side, close to the window. ″How are you doing?″ he asked, walking around his bed and taking a seat in the chair.
″Things are looking good,″ he answered, scanning his son sternly.
″That's good,″ Jay nodded, not knowing what else to say. The atmosphere in the room was awkward as both of them didn't seem to know how to deal with each other. He still didn't feel good being in company with his father and most likely this would never change, but what helped him to feel better was the fact that donating his bone marrow to him had been a success and hadn't gone out of the window for nothing.
″Listen Jay, there's nothing I can say that expresses my gratitude for what you did for me. I didn't expect you to do this and being in your shoes I don't know whether I would've done it to be honest. You had every reason to decline it, so thank you Jay. I don't know what else to say. What I know though is that there aren't many people out there with such a history like we have who would do this for their father,″ he said, never taking his eyes off his son. ″But you are different than many people Jay. And I mean that in the most positive way although I remember the time years ago when I didn't mean it positive at all. You have golden attitudes, Jay. Keep them. Forever.″
Jay didn't answer immediately. He kept on focussing his father's brown eyes and let his words sink in. This wasn't the person he knew, this behavior wasn't the behavior he used to know, these words were words his father's never told him before, speaking them out in a voice he's never heard him speaking before. Rueful. Honest. Thankful. Trustworthy. Proud. In this moment, and for the very first time, Jay was sure that his father didn't play a game but that he has changed. That life had taught him a lesson and was successful with it. That he had thought about the things he'd done in the past, that he regretted them. He wondered whether it was having leukemia that has changed him or whether something else had happened in between the time he had accused him being guilty for their mother's death and the day he appeared in front of their apartment.
″I will,″ Jay only nodded in response. He didn't have to tell his father that he hadn't done it for him. He was sure he knew anyway. And as all the bitterness was gone he didn't feel the need to tell him exactly this in his face like he would've done maybe a couple of weeks ago. To challenge him. To bring home to him what a lousy father he's been. To tell him that he didn't care about him. Because deep inside he did care. Has cared all the way along although he had never been able to admit it, had suppressed this feeling of caring for someone who didn't deserve his care at all. But this was who he was. He couldn't turn this off with a button like turning off a light though sometimes he wished he could as it would make many things so much easier.
″You're a grandfather now,″ Jay stated matter-of-factly, changing the topic of their conversation with his words and also the atmosphere in the room. Opposite to Jay, his father didn't have to wear a surgical mask, so Jay could see how a faint smile rushed across his face.
″Congratulations,″ he said, nodding appreciatively.
″Her name's Emilia and she was born last night at 1.21am weighing 6lbs 12oz and being 19.7 inches long,″ he smiled proudly and without further thinking about it he asked: ″Do you wanna see some photos?″
″I'd love to,″ his father answered and Jay was sure seeing tears welling in his eyes behind his glasses. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started to show him some pictures of their perfect daughter.
″She's absolutely beautiful, Jay,″ Robert said after scrolling through the photos. ″And the name you chose is just as beautiful. Did you guys decide on this date for her birth or was it coincidence?″
″She was due last Thursday and Erin went into labor on Tuesday morning but Emilia decided she needs over 15 hours to enter this world, so it was all coincidence.″
″Wow, 15 hours is a long time. Were you with her?″ he asked.
″Every single second,″ Jay answered, remembering everything from the moment he had locked up the apartment to the moment Emilia had slipped from inside of Erin's body. For nothing in this world he would've wanted to miss this. And he was sure that these long hours of her getting through the pain somehow and him supporting her in the best way he could, had brought them together even closer.
″I didn't expect anything else,″ Robert said, once again giving him an appreciative glance. ″I wasn't there when Will and you were born.″
″This honestly doesn't surprise me,″ Jay shrugged.
″I regret it,″ he admitted.
″I would, too,″ Jay said. ″This was the most amazing and impressing event of my life.″
Jay had the feeling that the air in the room was getting thicker again, maybe because of the statement of his father that he hadn't been there for their mother during the births of their sons. He had in fact never really been there for their mother so this honestly wasn't that surprising but still, in Jay's opinion it was preposterous to leave your woman alone during labor, while she was giving birth to the baby you created together, when she actually needed your support most. So before Jay started to regret his decision to make a step into his direction however, he decided it was better for him to leave now.
″I will go back to Erin and Emilia now,″ Jay said and got up from his chair. He couldn't wait to be back with his girls anyway.
″Yeah, you should. I'm sure they're already waiting for you,″ Robert answered and Jay only nodded in response before walking to the door.
″Jay,″ the voice of his father made him stop in his movement. He turned around, the door handle already in his hand, and looked at his old man. ″Thank you.″
″ worries,″ Jay said and left the room, taking off his surgical mask while closing the door from the outside.
″Are you full little girl?″ Erin asked Emilia after she had unlatched herself from Erin's nipple, looking at her mother with big, awake eyes. She pulled her shirt down, threw the cloth over her shoulder and then lifted Emilia up from her chest, so she was looking over her shoulder, holding her small head and neck with one hand and patting her back softly with her other hand until a burp slipped out of Emmy's mouth.
″Good girl,″ Erin said softly.
″I wonder where your daddy is. Of course he's letting us wait when we want to tell him big news,″ she said and chuckled slightly. She placed a kiss on the side of Emilia's head and then nestled her cheek against it. Her eyes were closed and she fully enjoyed this little moment, inhaled her daughter's baby shampoo scent while she was still drawing circles onto her back with her hand. In this moment she heard someone opening the door and her eyes fluttered open, a smile spreading over her face when she saw Jay stepping into the room.
″Talk of the devil, and his imp appears,″ Erin chuckled, throwing Jay an innocent glance.
″Who's a devil?″ he asked and sat down on the edge of her bed.
″You,″ she smirked, leaned forward and pressed a kiss on his lips. ″You smell good,″ she murmured and buried her face in his neck, inhaling his scent.
″So does this make me a good smelling devil?″ Jay laughed.
″Uh-huh,″ she chuckled and lifted her head again. ″But I'm afraid I have to send my good smelling devil home again.″
″What? Why?″ Jay frowned.
″Because we need her car seat so you can take us home,″ she smiled fondly while his eyes widened.
″Home...? Today...? Now...?″ he spluttered. Erin had given birth barely fifteen hours ago so the last think he has expected was that he could already take his girls home today.
″Mhm,″ Erin nodded. ″I'm doing good, Emmy's doing good, so there's no reason to stay here any longer and Dr. Hanson and the pediatrician allowed us to go home.″
″Alright,″ Jay grinned brightly and got up.
″Can you also bring that thick blanket?″
″You think we need it?″
″I don't know but it's cold outside,″ Erin shrugged. ″So maybe just bring it and we can decide then.″
″Okay,″ Jay nodded, gave her another kiss and left.
So while Jay went home to bring the car seat, Erin changed her leggins to her comfy maternity pants, unfortunately had to put on a bra again although it was a quite comfy nursing bra and slipped into a fresh shirt that showed the belly that was still forming under it. But she didn't care. This was how women looked like after giving birth and it's only been fifteen hours since she'd given birth to her daughter and she was proud of what she'd achieved last night. So everyone could see it.
She brushed her hair that was shining in brown and blonde and falling onto her shoulders and by the time Jay arrived, she had also already changed Emmy's diaper and had changed her clothes to fresh and extra cute ones. Before they left, the hospital's photographer, who always took photos of the newborns before the families went home with their new addition, came and made some very cute and beautiful portraits of sleeping Emilia and also photos with her and 'Eeyore' or the little elephant she got from Will and Erin and Jay couldn't wait to get these pictures in best quality in a couple of days.
When the little photo session was over, Erin covered Emmy's head with a beanie and put her her thick, fleecy jacket on, which was, although it was newborn-size, almost a little too big for her and settling her in her car seat, she looked completely lost.
″God she's so small,″ Jay chuckled and had to take a photo of this super cute sight before he covered her with a cozy, grey blanket with white and pink and green dots, not the really thick one but another one he'd brought from home.
″She will grow into it,″ Erin smirked.
″I'm afraid she will,″ he winked, took Erin's bag in one hand and with both of them holding the car seat in between them, they walked out of the hospital and into their new life.
Installing the car seat in their car, handling it like a pro, Jay earned some impressed glances from Erin and told her that he had of course practised this earlier so they wouldn't have to be in the cold for too long, trying to figure out what they had to do.
″I guess you don't wanna drive today?″ Jay teased when he closed the back door carefully.
″I think for once I prefer the back seat,″ Erin winked and they walked around the car, Jay opening her door nonchalantly so she could slip inside, sitting down next to their baby.
″But don't get used to it. It's a one time deal,″ she chuckled when Jay took his place on the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking lot.
″One time deal like the couch-thing?" he smirked innocently.
"You're an idiot," she laughed.
"Sometimes," he winked. "But no worries, I won't bring up my hopes that high."
″Good for you,″ she said and in the rearview mirror Jay could see her smirking. ″How about we stop by in the 21st?″ she then suggested.
″Really?″ he asked and raised his eyebrows. ″I thought you rather want to go home as quick as possible.″
″I want,″ she agreed, ″but they all wanted to visit us in the hospital this evening to meet Emmy and now they can't.″
″They can visit us at home later.″
″Naaah, I rather spend an hour in the bullpen now and have a calm first evening with just my two favorites at home then,″ she smiled.
″You sure you feel up to that?″ Jay reassured himself. He wanted her to rest as he assumed she was still pretty groggy but apparently she was full of energy and maybe by now he was the one who was tired beyond limits.
″I'm good Jay. And I nursed Emmy and changed her diaper not long before we left, so that should work.″
″Alright,″ Jay nodded. ″Then off to the 21st,″ he said and took the turn to the left instead to the right on the next crossing.
With their hands intertwined and Jay proudly carrying the car seat in his other hand, they walked up the stairs of the 21st district and when Platt saw who paid them a visit, her face brightened up in a way Erin and Jay have never thought was possible.
″No way,″ she said loudly and showed them her biggest smile. ″What are you doing here?″
″We're on our way home and thought we stop by for a minute,″ Erin grinned.
″On your way home?″ Platt echoed. ″Didn't you give birth like an hour ago?″
″More like 16 hours ago,″ Erin laughed while Jay placed the car seat with the still sleeping baby up on Platt's front desk.
″Holy hell, you're looking great,″ Platt said, scanning her from head to toes and shook her head slightly. ″And now let's look at this little peanut,″ she said, her glasses somewhere in the middle of the back of her nose what made her look like a strict teacher, and turned her attention to Emilia.
″Chuckles, she doesn't look like you,″ Platt stated all dry, not taking her eyes off the baby.
″I know,″ Jay grinned. ″She looks like Erin but she has my blues.″
″Every baby has blue eyes,″ Platt lectured him, as usual a sassy undertone in her voice.
″They will stay,″ Jay said, being pretty sure that her eyes would not change their color but would stay blue or turn into a blue-green.
″Maybe,″ Platt shrugged and then leaned down to Erin, starting to whisper conspiratorially. ″13 hours of labor?″ she asked.
″More like over 15 all in all,″ Erin whispered back. Whatever this was about, she decided to get herself into it. Her mood was too good to tell Platt that this was acutally not a topic she liked talking about with her desk sergeant.
″No drugs?″
″Nope,″ she answered and chuckled slightly.
″Jeeez, and I thought women these days need a week to recover from that,″ she said and over was the moment of whispering as her voice was back to its usual self.
″They don't and well, Erin is not every woman anyway,″ Jay said and gave his fiancée a fond wink.
″I know that Chuckles, but still, walking in here not even 24 hours later and looking like a ray of sunshine is impressive,″ she said and gave Erin a big smile.
″Well thank you,″ Erin laughed. ″Can you maybe buzz us up?″
″Of course Erin,″ Platt said all sweet and with these words, Jay took the car seat in one hand again, Erin's hand in his other and walked up the stairs.
″I still think she genuinely loves you,″ Jay murmured into her ear when they walked through the door that led up to the bullpen. ″And she doesn't even make a secret out of it.″
″Yeah, sometimes I have that feeling, too,″ Erin chuckled. ″But no worries, nothing's going to happen there,″ she joked, giving him one of her famous smirks that were his favorite.
Reaching the top of the stairs, Mouse was the first to see them and it only took some seconds and all the others had their eyes on the little Halstead family as well.
″What the hell are you guys doing here?″ Antonio laughed.
″Someone wanted to meet you all before we go home,″ Erin grinned and they all followed them to Jay's desk where he put the car seat down. He put the blanket away, took her beanie off and opened Emilia's jacket as it was quite warm in the bullpen and then they all could finally stare at the newest member of the Intelligence Unit.
″She's even more adorable than on the pictures and I didn't think this was possible,″ Al smiled. ″Congrats kiddos,″ he said and first hugged Erin and then Jay while all the others still gathered around Emilia, touched her tiny hands and talked to her in finest baby voices. Jay was glad that newborn sleep was so deep and she would most likely not hear these dorks.
″Good job, bro,″ Antonio said and gave Jay a pat on the back before he hugged him. ″And of course outstanding job, Erin,″ he smiled at the younger woman and also hugged her tightly. They were hugged and congratulated by all the others as well and all the time Hank leaned against the doorframe of his office and watched his team attentively. Especially Erin. She was glowing. And he was sure he had never seen her this happy before. And he also had to admit that he hadn't thought that becoming a mother would make her smile like this. Gone was the Erin from the beginning of her pregnancy, when she didn't care about her baby, when she was scared and insecure, when she couldn't be happy about this little miracle. Of course she has grown into it during the last few months, especially after all the happenings with Olivia, but seeing her like this now melted his heart. She seemed to be confident and was without a doubt super proud of her little daughter.
″As the result turned out so great, you guys should really repeat that on the next occasion,″ Adam joked.
″Ruzek, stop it! Not that they get into mischief,″ Hank called.
″No worries, she's going to stay an only child because I'm NEVER going to do that again,″ Erin laughed and in the same moment Emilia started to whimper, grimaced in the cutest way. Erin leaned over her car seat, took her her jacket off and then lifted her up, pressed her against her chest carefully and then sat down in the chair on her desk. This little bit of contact with her mother was enough for her to settle instantly and Jay handed Erin the blanket and helped her to slightly wrap it around their daughter's tiny frame.
″You two are a pretty good team already,″ Kevin smirked to Jay, who was now standing behind Erin, massaging her shoulders and her neck gently.
″You wanna tell us we weren't a good and badass team before?″ Jay laughed and raised his eyebrows.
″Oh no, most badass team there is,″ Kevin laughed. ″I just meant you guys are a good team on the parents front. Looks like you never did anything else,″ he winked.
As Emilia was completely calm now again, Erin and Jay stayed in the bullpen for a little while longer and left with them together when Hank called it a day. But before they got more stuffies from each of their team members, which they had hidden in their lockers and Erin asked them whether they had robbed the Disney Store together during a cloak-and-dagger operation as it were all stuffies from various Disney movies. And they really had to give their best to not laughing out aloud when Mouse handed them a plush Minnie Mouse, telling them he thought it suited perfectly and they would always remember from whom they got this gift. Shortly before they all left Kim finally returned from patrol and all the sqeaking and hugging and talking in baby voice started again.
Erin and Jay fully enjoyed the time with their team members, their chosen family, but they were also glad when they were in the car again, finally on their way home, so they could settle in their apartment and bond a little more.
″Home sweet home,″ Jay said after unlocking the door of their apartment later that evening. He placed the car seat on the dining table, unpacked Emilia from her blanket and all the thick winter clothes and lifted her up, ready for his mission to show her the apartment. So he took her to the nursery, showed her the room that was all hers, then showed her the bedroom and the bassinet where she would sleep in during the first weeks and then returned to the living room, where Erin was sitting on the couch and he couldn't bite back to say a comment about this one couch.
″Look Emmy, thanks to this couch you're here today,″ he said and he saw how Erin's eyes fell on him, saw in the corner of his eyes how she raised her eyebrows. He turned her head to her and gave her the most innocent smile.
″So you mean if I slept with you in the bedroom that night I wouldn't have ended up pregnant?″ she chuckled.
″We'll never know,″ he laughed. ″But I like the way things have turned out.″
″Me too,″ Erin said quietly, got up from the couch and pressed a kiss against his lips. ″So are you okay with ordering pasta or pizza?″ she yawned.
″I can cook something,″ Jay suggested.
″Let's stick to takeout today, okay? We're both tired and you can cook any other day of the week,″ she smiled and gave him another kiss. Of course Jay would stay home with Erin for at least a week. He preferred two weeks and he hoped that Hank would grant him these full two weeks as he knew things wouldn't be so smooth like right now in the first weeks with a newborn baby.
″Alright,″ he nodded. ″You order, I change Emmy's clothes to a comfy stretchie?″
″Sounds good,″ Erin agreed, so Jay went into the nursery and before ordering dinner, Erin first changed her pants to her beloved leggins and took off her bra that seemed to be a little tight, although she had bought it late in her pregnancy so that it would fit. But with her basically being a milking machine now, her breasts have even become a little fuller than during her pregnancy.
Meanwhile Jay was in the nursery and already finding a stretchie was a challenge as they had bought so many and they were all so cute that he couldn't decide for one.
″What do you think Emmy, is white with pink fine?″ he asked his daughter and then simply grabbed the white one with the light and dark grey and pink dots, pink cuffs and tootsy and a smiling, pink giraffe on front of it.
″Alright, here we go,″ he said and lay her down on the mat of the changing table.
″Let's take a look into your diaper little lady,″ he said after undressing her.
″Ouh, looks like daddy was faster than you could start to cry, huh?″ he grinned, tossed the dirty diaper into the garbage can next to the changing table and put her a new diaper and a fresh onesie on.
″So, now we only have to manage this,″ he said, holding up the long-sleeved stretchie, Emilia scanning him with awake eyes.
″One foot in here, one foot in here, one arm in here and the other arm in here,″ he said while dressing her carefully, still being a little scared that he could break her.
″Hah, we made it Emmy. Aren't we awesome?″ he laughed after closing the buttons and also covering her tiny feet with some extra socks so they wouldn't get cold.
″We are a good team, baby girl,″ he whispered and leaned down to kiss her mellow head before he picked her up, resting his face against the soft skin of her cheeks for a moment.
After bringing her to bed together and watching how her eyes slowly fell shut, Erin and Jay went back to the living room and enjoyed some moments of cuddling before their takeout arrived. But as soon as they started eating, Emilia's loud, unsatisfied crying sounded through the apartment, signalising them that she was hungry too.
″So I guess this is our life now,″ Erin grinned but also couldn't suppress a sigh, took another bite from her pizza and went to the bedroom to pick Emilia up.
With Emilia and the big nursing pillow they had bought she joined Jay in the living room again a couple of seconds later. She placed her on the pillow and then settled her against her breast and she started nursing directly. Having her one arm around her baby's butt and back and her hand on her head to give her some stabilization, she had still one hand free to eat her pizza. Things got only complicated when she wanted to eat some of Jay's spaghetti, as they had agreed to share, so while she was supplying her baby with food, Jay was supplying her with food by bringing spoons full of pasta directly in front of her mouth. The awkwardness of this situation made them both chuckling a little but this was how their life would look like from now on. Emilia came first and all the other things followed then. They knew having a newborn at home would not always be this smooth. It would be a challenge, especially the sleepless nights and the ever-lasting exhaustion during the first weeks until they would maybe find a rhythm.
But for now they fully wanted to enjoy these calm and unstressful moments of love and after nursing and feeding and eating was done, when Erin curled into Jay's side on the couch, Emilia resting on his chest once again, covered with a blanket, they used the time until her eyes fell shut again for more kisses and cuddles, for talking to her with soothing voices, for stroking her back and touching her fingers. For finally really realizing that this little bundle of joy was all theirs. For the rest of their life...
I hope you liked all the fluff! Please leave a review and tell me what you think! :)