Amalgam Darth Vader/Snape(HP, Star Wars)(In process of being rewrite!)

Amalgam Darth Vader/Snape(HP, Star Wars)(In process of being rewrite!)

Movies89 Chapters2.6M Views
Author: Shadow7Blue
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Warning!  Those of you who are thinking of reading this, know that this story is in the process of being rewritten, if you want to provide ideas, comments or whatever you want to see in this story go to the last chapter ‘Rewrite! Requests for reviews and amendments!’ to comment please.

(World: Harry Potter - Marauders Era)

What if 16 year old Severus Snape had been influenced by more than the dark arts and the loss of Lily.

If Severus had been reached by a being from a galaxy far, far away.

What if Anakin Skywalker or rather, Darth Vader had died when he was left burning by Obi-Wan?

What would happen if only his physical body dies but he remains stranded between the Force and the world of the living because he is the son of the midi-chlorians.

What would happen if he feels that a living being is being attacked by the dark side of the Force and decides to intervene.

And seeing the opportunity to return to the world of the living, he decides to take this opportunity.

And if he were to unite his being with the other person, that would trigger the resurrection of Darth Vader and a new Severus.

Time plays a trick on his life .The future, the past and the present get mixed up. (Time-Travel)

What does Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have to do with all this?

A FF in which you will have romance, action, drama, magic.

And two people who do not belong to the magical world of Britain in 1976, but still go ahead and seek to live their lives and improve the lives of others in their way to end the Dark Lord who threatens the lives of all.

This is a Fanfic that only focuses on the canonical world of Harry Potter and Star Wars, with same things of Wednesday/ The Addams Family(1964).

All the previous past of Severus and the other characters of HP in the story is canonical, it will only vary and change once Severus starts to change and use his new knowledge.

Snape/Vader, will have a great intellect, talent and creativity for magic and de Force as described in the canon, all this added to his new knowledge, he will be powerful, but it will take quite some time to be as powerful as Voldemort, Dumbledor, Darth Sidious, Yoda or other wizards, Jedis and Sith of that caliber.

There is not much canonical information about the 1970s in HP, so to make Severus have a past as canonical as possible I used all the canonical information about the 1970s and only added information to the blanks left by the canon, so the plot of Severus' past would be as canonical as possible, it may change a little bit due to my intervention in the blanks, but in short, the general trend of Severus' past does not change and the small trend may change.

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The original content of the Star Wars, The Addams Family, Wednesday or Harry Potter characters, books or movies do not belong to me. All belong to their respective creators and owners.

I stated that I do not own the rights to anything other than the FF idea.

59 Reviews
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translated by Google Sensei: I haven't read the story yet but there is certainly something that worries me a lot, it is the little compatibility between the HP and SW universes, not only in setting and history (HP is set in a Great Britain of wizards who are far behind in the section technological and with very old-fashioned behaviors, while Star Wars is practically the opposite) but in the power system is where my real concern comes from, the synopsis says that the MC will take a long time to reach the level of Voldemort, which I personally think that it's absurd, because I dare to say that a random Jedi is enough to kill Voldermort and at the same time take Dumbledore as collateral, now here we are talking about the man with the most potential in Star Wars Universe, with feats ranging from the Mountain Level to the Planetary Level. I'm the kind of fanfiction reader who likes a real power system that does the original story justice. I feel like in this fanfic they are going to nerf The Force for the sake of the plot and at the same time give the HP mages a power up, this feeling gets stronger when I realize this. . . author likes to take his stories at a relatively slow pace. In case it doesn't happen I'll come and give an update on this review, for now 4 stars just to make one of my concerns known.

2 years ago

MC is Snape. Love relationship: Snape x Hermione. Deeply disappointed 😔 Snape's not a jedi or a sith, Snape's a hermione fanboy. Anakin Skywalker and Snape fuse their souls, in such a fusion Anakin's soul was the most predominant. So I expected an intelligent protagonist without a stupid hero complex... just read chapter 15 and draw your own conclusions

2 years ago

Really? Hermione? 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆[img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]

2 years ago

In my opinion it's a Decent Fanfic. If you're a fan of Hermione being the witch extraordinaire that can outsmart Sith dark lords left right and center then wait no more, for you're at the right place. Sadly this isn't my cup of tea so I'd bid farewell. I had hopes that the rewrite would have some better quality but nah. Author wants Hermione as the mastermind and outsmarting Vader at every turn so... meh. Writing quality: 5/5 The author knows writing well. No grammatical mistakes, no noticable flow break and no overarching info drops. So complaints there. Story development: 3/5 Would've given 4/5. I don't like how he goes on and on about Lily for 2 chapters straight. I know this is to drive home the angst Serverus is feeling. I understand but I don't have to like it. My main complaint is about the time travel aspect, how Vader will get blackmailed to hand over everything 'House Prince' to Hermione and be her white knight in shining armour. Because that's exactly what happened in the previous one and the author wants to keep that part the same. Character Design: 2/5 (Might change later down the line but not sure really) If things go same as the previous work then I'm sure Vader's character would be butchered, same with Snape. And call it personal bias but if it was my ideal world, then in no way Hermione could ever match the leagues of Vader and Snape in mind games. So nah, never been her fanboy and won't be one now. Updating Stability: 5/5 No complaints there. Given the word counts and quality of writing, the author gives updates at great pace. So future readers needn't be worried about updates at least. Overall: 3.8/5 Once again pretty decent fanfic. My grumpiness comes from my own personal preferences hence why I'd recommend everyone to give it a chance. Because you might come to like it unlike me and that's totally fine.

2 years ago

Wow just Wow 🤩 the writing is amazing. The concept of Severus and Vader is mind blowing tbh. I also like what u did with their emotions too. I hope U continue this story

2 years ago

Fun start, loving the concept and mix- - -

2 years ago

Its a very interesting combination not going to lie, but right of the rip it drags you in. I didnt read the previous version bit if if anything like this definitely believe its was probably fire. Anyways Very interrested to see how the story progresses, 10 out of 10 would recommend🔥🔥🔥🔥

2 years ago

I feel vader being added was to snag more readers because there is very little star wars stuff. the mc is really an afterthought after the author brings in hermione. she uses the mc by holding the family ring over his head and instead of actually acting like vader/snape and capturing them and ripping the info out he acts like a simp and let's himself be used. I don't like hermione at all, I detest the character. now the last version of the story snape went to Salem and for some reason hermione came with which makes no sense since she was sent back to wipe out death eaters or such so if the rewrite goes the same direction I am out. the story makes no sense. so we start with vader merging with snape and becoming a simp then we have the whole Lilly scene where she is too stupid to understand the reason the marauders hate and bully snape is because of potter being jealous of snape and of course if your pushed so far you will break. so we have a simp vader/snape that has semi got over Lilly but still has it hard for padme which he thinks he is going to try and build a ship etc to go back but there is no way to build the tech to make a ship there is no industrial base to even start. I mean how can you build something microchip when the highest tech is vacume tubes (using as an example) so that's bad part 1. bad part 2 is hermione and Draco this time travel back in time sent by future snape to set things right and I am guessing it has to do with death eaters and Morty. ok this is my 2nd biggest issue with the rework so far. the time travel makes no sense. so non vader snape sends the fluff head (despise the character) and Draco to change the future AFTER snape is joined by vader.. anyone seeing the issue.... the timeline that fluff head came from is totally different then where they ended up with vader/snape since her future snape had no vader and there are little examples she mentions like how snape uses a sword and how he has cleaned up and fixed his nose and teeth which her futuer snape didn't have any of this. so nothing they do will fix their timeune they came from so what else is different from what they know... so bad part 3 is the whole idea vader/snape would be manipulated by fluff head, so she knows where the inheritance ring is and holds it over snape/vader so if he wants the info he will do as she says .... ya we know how this woukd go, he would capture then rip the info out of her head not turn into a simp and do as she wants. so if this goes as the last he will go to Salem to get away from the eaters and fluff head will follow.... ok this part again makes no sense, if fluffy came back to deal with the eaters why would she follow him to America where there are no eaters at. also fluffy is supposed to be in 6th year and by that time she has turned down the whole know it Allard bossy attitude the author has he as in the story so ya does not fit. I have no idea what Draco is there for. so there is very little star war stuff, a little force stuff but that about is so it seems adding darth on the title was just to get more readers to look. do I recommend the story... if you are looking for toilet reading material after reading all the shampoo bottle labels then yes it's OK but its not worth investing any time in following it. snape/vader will never leave earth so you will end up with a simp vader being used and abused by fluff head.

2 years ago

I didn't want to post a 1-star review even if I really hate the novel since, well, there's really not much point ruining it for the people who actually like it, but I saw this absolutely sh*tshow of a fanfic at the top of the power rankings and I had to do it. I have the same obvious complaints as all the other reviews here - nothing in this makes sense, Hermoine is smarter than Mozart and Einstein combined and has the scheming skills of Light Yagami, the MC's personality isn't beta but is somehow even more annoying than a beta, and it just feels sad to read overall.

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

2 years ago

Fanfic very good story. I really like how you put work into the chapters you do thank you for everything and please don't stop your story.[img=update]

2 years ago

Good, this seems a lot better than the first one.[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend] And LilyXSeverus or PadmeXSeverus please.

2 years ago

Has great potential [img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp]

2 years ago


2 years ago

It’s a pretty good book if you are just looking at grammar and updates, but the author made some choices I don’t personally like. For example, MC which is supposed to be like Anakin/not stupid is a Hermione fanboy and gets completely manipulated by her. She literally outsmarts every dark lord. The author also made some more werid choices which I don’t personally like but I will leave it at that.

2 years ago