Chapter 35: Preparing for the Eclipse Pt. 2

Victor POV

I met with my father and the other male werewolves. Most of them had already changed into the basic brown slacks that we always wore. No one wore shirts because they’d just get ruined anyway.

My father had his fingers dipped in a large bowl of white body paint. He pulled his fingers out and started drawing the traditional symbols of our pack on his chest.

I went over to him and dipped my fingers in the bowl too. Once the paint dried on our skin, it would get a little crusty. It was easy to wash off but it would stay on until it was exposed to water. I copied the same symbols that my father drew on his chest, but I drew them on my own.

“Turn around,” my dad told me.

I did, and he drew the symbols on my back.

When he was done, my father turned around and handed the bowl of paint to me. It was the first time he’d ever asked me to paint the symbols on his back. I was careful to draw each one perfectly. I wanted him to feel proud of the symbols he wore.