Chapter 59: Preparing For War

Tara’s POV

The principal started his speech once we were away from prying eyes.

“We need to make a decision about the trials. I am sure you are aware that many in the pack are against them. But it is the only way that we will be able to finally put this curse to rest. I know they are hard and taxing but I don’t see any other way out. Luna, I know you have taken the brunt of the scrutiny and for that I apologize.”

There was sincere sympathy in his eyes.

“But we need to vote on whether to continue the trials. Time is running out and we need the shields up and running for the protection of the males, more importantly our alpha.”

Victor let out a heavy sigh, “I understand that. But I cannot push my mate. I am for what is best for my people but I also need to think of my mate as well. She is my backbone and I can’t put her at risk.”

I thought of those girls in the bathroom and my attack a few days ago.