
"David," Chloe whispered softly.

Chloe's eyes widened. She turned quickly and saw that half face was staring at a woman in sexy clothes who walked up to her.

The woman sat next to David, her hands running down her arms and falling around his neck.


Her eyes heat up. The scene annoyed her, even more, when the woman hugged David like a seductive woman. Trying to touch David's slightly open chest. Chloe turned her gaze the other way, refusing to see the next scene.

Allan could only be silent when he saw Chloe's different attitude. When the male waiter came to bring their drinks. Allan's eyes narrowed. Seeing Chloe suddenly downed her drink.

"Hey, Chloe. You don't have to—"

"Pour more," Chloe ordered the waiter.

The waiter poured another drink into Chloe's glass. And he gulped it down again.


Quil and his friends gaped. Amazed to see Chloe's 'brutal' way of drinking.

"You're great, Chloe!" Quil exclaimed in amazement.

"That's enough Chloe. If you drink this much, you'll get drunk." Allan grabbed hold of Chloe's hand, but the girl brushed it off roughly.

"We're here to get drunk, Allan," said Chloe. She yawned, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. Her eyes were red. For people who drink for the first time. It's pretty great.

Allan sighed in resignation. He was busy watching Chloe, who drank her third glass to the end.

"This is both fun and annoying," Chloe mumbled incoherently. She slammed her empty glass onto the table.

From the corner of her eye glanced at David. As if struck by high-voltage electricity, Chloe sat up straight when she saw David walking toward her with an angry face.

Thanks to Henry, who immediately remembered Chloe's face after he showed her the photo earlier. For God's sake, David is furious right now.

"Chloe Anderson. What are you doing here!" snapped David.

"Are you blind? Of course, we were drinking."

"Are you drunk?" hissed David. He immediately gave a sharp look at her friends Chloe.

"She downed almost 4 glasses—"

Quil's statement was stopped by David's sudden pulling of Chloe's arm until her body forcibly woke up. Chloe nearly wobbled and fell into David's arms.

"Let me go!" Chloe slapped David's hands away. Her body staggered like a ship tossed by the waves. Her head was spinning and her stomach felt like it was going to explode. "Do not touch me. I'm not a cheap woman, David!" she shouted. Everyone looked on with shocked faces.

David's eyes heated up. His heart was like being stabbed by a sharp sword. He looked at Chloe with a sad face.

"You're the only one who can have fun," Chloe squeezed David's shirt angrily. "I'm not stupid! I saw you with that woman, David."

David understood Chloe's direction. He remained silent, holding her body while Chloe finished her sentence.

"You said you liked me, but you were going to sleep with her instead! What an asshole!"

"I'll take you home."

"No!" Chloe brushed David's hand away. "Why can't I be here, when you can come anytime you want?" Her eyes narrowed sharply.

"Don't make me mad, Chloe."

"Who do you think you are? My boyfriend? My older brother?" She chuckled. "You are nothing to me, David Black! You're just a man who likes to make promises. You're disgusting!" Her eyes stared at David with disdain.

Allan had wanted to step up to intervene but was too scared when he saw David's sharp eyes.

"I, Chloe Anderson, will never be fooled by that sweet mouth of yours, so don't ever bother me again!" Chloe's hands pushed David's body until the man nearly wobbled backward.

Allan stood up, swiftly grabbing Chloe's body, who was about to fall. "Chloe, come on. You're drunk."

Chloe chuckled. "Allan, today you are very handsome. I'd love to kiss you." She cupped Allan's face in exasperation. "Would you like to sleep with me, hm?"

David pulled Chloe's body from behind. Prevent Chloe from kissing Allan. His hands quickly grabbed the water that was on the table and splashed it on Chloe's face.

Chloe was taken aback. She stuttered when the cold water touched her skin. "What are you doing, David!!" She shouted angrily.

"How? Is your mind clear now?" he asked. He grabbed Chloe's arm. "I'll take her home." David forced Chloe out of the crowd who were looking at them with confused, shocked, and interested faces.

"Get in!" David pushed Chloe into the car. The girl winced at the sound of the door slamming violently. She squeezed her sore wrist gently. The red color clings to her smooth skin.

The car was going very fast. Passed several other cars and ran a red light. David was really emotional and couldn't control himself.

"Go out." David grabbed Chloe's arm forcefully.

"I can do it myself, David!" Chloe's eyes sharpened. She is like an animal that is constantly being pulled and yelled at. She stomped his foot into the apartment.

"Go away!" Chloe shouted when she saw David still following her.

David grabbed Chloe's arm and pushed her against the cold. His eyes were full of rage.

"Never come to a place like that again," David ordered firmly.

Even though David was a bad guy, he didn't want to see Chloe in a place like that. Especially with other men and drunk like crazy. David wants to take care of Chloe, even though he knows he is not a good man, but David wants to do his best to take the woman he loves.

"The more you ban me, the more I'm interested in continuing to do it, David."

"Do you understand what you're saying, Chloe?"

Chloe chuckled. "You know very well why I did it, David Black."

David stepped back. "Okay, fine. You are free to do whatever you want. I won't care anymore."

Chloe stared blankly at David leaving. Whether this was the first time or many times, Chloe was rude to David and hurt him with her attitude and words.