The Last On Her Bucket List

Dionne's province is rich in forest and the town next to hers was starting to become known for campsites. But despite that, Dionne has never been camping or even sleeping outside their house at night. That is why it was on her list. 

Mason brought a camping tent and enough blankets to keep Dionne warm through the night. He also brought sausages, cheese, chicken, and marshmallows. It was a night that Dionne will never forget. Mason held her as he kept her warm while the gaze at the clear sky showed millions of stars. 

As much as Dionne wanted to stay there for a few more nights, she couldn't. The night was too cold and Mason doesn't want to risk it. Her father wouldn't approve of it as well. In fact, even just for one night, he was skeptical. If it wasn't for Mason who convinced him and assured him that he will take care of her, Dr. Phillips wouldn't allow it.