Nice view

Seconds after we got our drinks again and drank them, Izumi and Sky looked at each other very enthusiastically and I had no idea what was going through their heads until they both screamed a little: "Let's dance!"

It must have been their favorite song, so they pulled me and Alex back among the dancing bodies. However, there was suddenly such a rush that separated me from them and I ended up confused with groups of unknown people around me.

"It will be 'lights out' now," I heard next to my ear suddenly, which gave me goosebumps and I slowly turned to a familiar person with raised eyebrows:

"And what is that?"

However, before I got the answer the lights did go out and the whole room went dark so there were a few surprised squeals and a few excited ones. The music has also changed, to something not quite slow but not fast either.

I flinched a little in surprise when I felt a pair of hands pull me closer by my waist. I had no idea how to act, as the whole situation was unexpected for me. Especially the whole dark thing was unpleasant as I dind´t know the place well.

When I felt a movement near my right ear along with whispered words: "Everything is allowed now," I held my breath. I had to attribute my reaction to the alcohol flowing in my blood, because I couldn't explain why otherwise I would put my hands on Damien's shoulders after his words if I was sober now. What did they put into that green thing?


"If the other person agrees," he answered still whispering in my ear.

Subsequently, I felt his breath go away, but not much. It's just that I was facing him directly now, and it was a really weird feeling. I started to wonder what kind of drinks they were pouring here or what was wrong with the air, but another thing surprised me.

One of Damien's hands moved to my face. My chin was caught between his index finger and thumb as he stroked me where he reached. And that made me panic, only inside. After all, it was a gesture I used on other girls. No one on me. Until today.

However, before I had time to protest in any way I felt Damien's breath perhaps even closer and then I felt the touch of his lips on mine. But it was.. different than I kind of expected more. It looked like he was asking if he could continue. And I didn't react.

My non-answer caused Damien's hand to tighten on my waist and the other one to move from my chin to my cheek. He pulled me closer to him and the kiss changed as well. And I reacted in a way that I myself would not have expected. My hands went to the back of his neck as I returned the kiss, causing Damien to smile and deepen the kiss. I couldn´t recognize myself at that moment as I was with one and only guy like around eight years ago.

I had no idea how long this dark moment was supposed to last and I have to say that I kind of didn't want it to end. Which I'd probably slap myself for when I come to my senses later. But that was the problem of my future self.

We pulled away for a moment and I took a deep breath to regain the lost air. Somehow I forgot to breathe. I could have passed out, probably. But it didn't happen, maybe unfortunately. Losing control wasn´t anything pleasant, after all.

And then suddenly Damien grabbed my wrist and pulled me in an unknown direction. Firstly, it was outrageously dark, and secondly, I was here for the first time. But he probably wasn't, otherwise we wouldn't be able to get to some door there easily.

At that moment, lights lit up everywhere and I managed to see over my shoulder the dance floor full of people, among whom some were separated in a surprise and others... seemed to be as if nothing had happened during that ´lights out´ moment.

However, I didn't pay attention to all of them anymore, because I lost my sight of them. Instead of the huge loud room, I followed Damien in the not very bright hallway. We were probably heading towards its end, where I didn't know what was.

Damien looked over his shoulder at me, but when I raised an eyebrow in question, he didn't say anything and turned to look into the corridor in front of him, then opened the last door that led to a staircase I could then see. I tilted my head to the side thoughtfully, but still followed him. Curious.

To my surprise, after a while, I found myself in the entrance to the flat roof, where there was nothing at all except the aforementioned entrance. Taking a few steps forward I looked around anyway as Damien closed the iron door behind us.

"What do you think?"

"Why are we here?" I asked without answering his question. However, instead of giving me an answer, he just shrugged his shoulders and walked to one edge where he sat down.

I was confused as hell. Both from my own behavior towards the person in front of me and from that person's behavior. We wouldn't behave like this when we were for hundred percent sober. I had no explanation for it, it just crawled up my neck.

"Come sit down," Damien said, patting the seat next to him while he was still looking out into the distance.

Hesitantly, I walked over to him and sat down on the ground a few tons of centimeters away. I started to feel that maybe my body was starting to sober up and thus I was slowly questioning everything around me more and more.

Despite all those loud annoying thoughts, I looked in the same direction as Damien. The whole enlightened city before us shone beautifully and I felt a smile spread across my face. Lights from buildings were bright and made such a nice view. It was so comforting to look at that beauty.

Sitting on the edge of the flat roof I lowered my legs and leaned on my hands laying behind me after a short while. Just one thing was missing at that very moment - a drink. Otherwise everything was almost perfect - the night, the view, the light, the place.

"You look pretty when you smile," Damien whispered next to me and I got goosebumps after what I looked at him in a shock. He was watching me with such a strange expression, but after a few hundredths he was looking in front of him again like before. Pretty? Not a chance. Pretty handsome? That would sounds like it.

Sighing, I lay down on my back after a while with my forearm under my head as I watched the starry sky above us. This beautiful night was going to be replaced by a long bright day again in a few days. Not that I din't like sunny or rainy days, but they don't have the magic like these nights.