56. Valentine's Day

Nicole drove her cruiser towards the homestead with a huge smile plastered on her face. She had gotten reservations at the most popular restaurant in the city – and scored a table by the window along with managing to arrange for an expensive bottle of wine to be delivered to their table as a surprise for Waverly – and had prepared a special night at her place…in her bedroom…doing all kinds of things to Waverly’s naked body. She shook her head as she regained her focus on the road. Dinner first.

As soon as she pulled up to the homestead, Nicole got out of the car and nearly skipped towards the front porch. She gave a few strong knocks before shoving her hands in her pockets and rocking back and forth on the soles of her feet as she patiently waited for her Valentine to answer.

Waverly’s jaw hit the floor when she opened the door and revealed Nicole standing there in a white button up underneath an opened black suit coat and garnished with a black tie, fitted black slacks that she could already tell flattered the redhead’s ass, and black oxfords that pulled the entire ensemble together in a specific way that a pair of heels wouldn’t. The dapper outfit combined with the full face of makeup Nicole was wearing along with the way she had her hair done – straightened with her bangs pinned back – made Waverly’s stomach drop…in a good way. If Wynonna wasn’t sitting on the couch, the drooling brunette would’ve yanked the redhead into the house by her tie, pushed her down onto the couch and straddled her unbelievably sexy body as they fucked until they physically couldn’t fuck any longer.

…but Wynonna was sitting on the couch, so unfortunately that plan was a no-go. Waverly shook her head as she pushed the fantasy aside. Later, she thought to herself. “Baby, you look so good in that,” she finally said after staring dumbly for way too long.

With her hands still in her pockets, Nicole leaned in with a smug smile and said, “I know.” She winked, signaling that the look on Waverly’s face was all the confirmation she needed. She walked through the front door and shut it behind her as she roamed her lucky eyes over Waverly’s dress with a smile. “You look gorgeous in that dress. Absolutely stunning. Is it new?”

Waverly grinned as she looked over at Wynonna, who was feverishly typing something on her phone. “See, this is why I enjoy being a lesbian. She always notices when I’m wearing something new.”

Wynonna waved a hand and gave a quick grunt as she kept her eyes glued to the screen.

Waverly shook her head at her sister before turning back to Nicole. “I’m going to grab my heels from upstairs and then I’ll be ready.”

“Take your time.” Nicole smiled before watching Waverly run up the stairs, watching the way her ass moved in that tight dress. She bit back her smile and shook her head at how lucky she was about to get tonight. She was abruptly brought out of her thoughts when Wynonna threw her phone at the other end of the couch in frustration. “Everything okay?” Nicole asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, peachy.” Wynonna replied sarcastically as she folded her arms across her chest.

Before Nicole could respond, Waverly was walking back down the stairs. The sound of clacking heels reverberated throughout the house with every step she took until she got to the bottom, where she put on her coat.

“Alright, we’re going out. Don’t wait up!” Waverly sang cheerily as she smiled at Wynonna, but frowned when she noticed tears suddenly begin to roll down her sister’s face. “What’s wrong?” With a worried expression, she sat down beside Wynonna and rubbed her back as the older woman sobbed.

“Doc and I...had made plans…but he got called into work…” Wynonna explained between sobs.

“Oh, sweetie I’m sorry…” Waverly cooed as she continued to soothingly rub her older sister’s back.

“I never thought I would be the…kind of woman who cared whether or not she…had a date for Valentine’s Day…but I was really looking forward to it…and I don’t want to be alone...”

“Well, we can stay and hang out with you! Right Nicole?” Waverly looked at the redhead expectantly.

Nicole furrowed her brow and shifted her eyes back and forth. “Uh, I kind of had a special night planned for us at the restaurant…”

Waverly glared at her with pursed lips as she slightly jerked her head in Wynonna’s direction, giving her girlfriend silent signals.

“No, it’s okay. I don’t want you guys to miss out on your reservations.” Wynonna sniffled as she struggled to stand up from the couch.

“There, see? She doesn’t want us to miss our reservation,” Nicole stated in relief.

“I’ll just change really quick, and then we can go,” Wynonna explained as she waddled towards the stairs.

Nicole’s smile quickly dropped as she flitted her eyes in the pregnant woman’s direction. “Wait, what?”

“You can change the reservation from two to three, can’t you?” Wynonna asked hopefully as she wiped her wet cheeks with the cuff of her sleeve.

“I, uh…we...” Nicole tapered as she looked over at Waverly for support.

Waverly quickly stood up and walked over towards her sister standing at the bottom of the stairs. “Of course we can. Take your time getting ready, we won’t leave without you.” She gave a reassuring smile as she grabbed Wynonna’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Wynonna smiled back and slowly ascended the stairs with one hand on her back and the other on the handrail for support as she went.

“Waverly, are you serious?” Nicole hissed once Wynonna was out of earshot.

“You heard her! She was so upset about Doc having to bail on her. I can’t just leave her here alone!” Waverly vigorously whispered.

“So you invited her on our romantic dinner plans?!”

“It’s either that, or we stay here with her. You pick.” Waverly folded her arms sternly across her chest as she gave Nicole a look that indicated that the redhead didn’t actually have a choice.

Nicole sighed as she shook her head. “Fine. But she’s not joining us for the dessert at my place that I have planned afterwards…”

“As if I want to join in on your grossly over-romantic, kinky sapphic sex plans anyways,” Wynonna scoffed as she waddled down the stairs.

Nicole quirked an eyebrow as she looked over the older Earp’s black yoga pants and cream-colored knit sweater. “You’re wearing that?”

Wynonna looked down at her body before looking back up at Nicole with her hands on her hips. “And what’s wrong with this?”

“It’s just, it’s kind of a fancy place.” Nicole explained.

“Well, I don’t care. This is the only comfortable thing that fits me right now and if they don’t like it, they can kiss my pregnant ass. And trust me, it’s not very kissable at the moment.”

Nicole cringed at the sudden visual she got as she reluctantly followed the two Earp sisters out the door.

They were seated at their table by a short, balding man in a nice suit. He set three glasses of water and a basket of bread down on the table with a smile. “Would you ladies like anything else to drink?” He asked in a French accent.

The three women smiled and shook their heads.

“Alright, we’ll I’ll give you some time to look over your menus.” He looked over at Nicole and gave her a subtle wink, signaling that he would be back with the arrangement she had made.

Nicole gave him a short nod in response before looking over at the older Earp already scarfing down half the basket of bread. “Only one entrée tonight, Wynonna,” Nicole said with a knowing look. “I’m not trying to completely break the bank.”

Wynonna rolled her eyes. “I’ll pay for my own food. And I can order whatever I want to.” She said with her mouth full of warm carbs. As soon as she opened the menu, and her eyes nearly popped out of her head. “forty-five dollars for some chicken?! Holy hell!”

Nicole exhaled out of her nose as she closed her eyes and pressed her fingers of one hand against her eyelids. She could already tell this night was going to be a disaster.

The waiter walked up to the table with a bottle of wine and a smile plastered on his face. He set a couple of wine glasses down – one in front of Wynonna and the other in front of Nicole – as he opened the bottle. “A bottle of Pinot Grigio, courtesy of the lovely lady.” He winked as he began to pour the wine into Wynonna’s glass.

“Haughtstuff, you shouldn’t have!” Wynonna exclaimed teasingly.

“Not her!” Nicole hissed, and the waiter abruptly stopped pouring the wine as he looked at Nicole in confusion. “Her! My girlfriend!” She stated as if it were obvious as she pointed a firm finger in Waverly’s direction.

“Well, my apologies…” The French waiter pushed the glass across the table in front of Waverly, obviously offended by Nicole’s condescending tone towards him. “I was not sure which one of your dates this was meant for,” he sassed.

“Maybe the one that’s not blatantly pregnant?” Nicole retorted.

“Nicole.” Waverly warned with a hiss.

The redhead slumped in her seat, slightly annoyed as she watched the short man set the bottle down on the table, not bothering to fill Nicole’s glass for her. “I will be back to take your orders shortly.” He glared at Nicole before starting to walk off.

“Hey, one question, do you guys have any pickles up in this joint?” Wynonna asked.

“No.” He replied dryly with lowered eyelids before finally leaving the table.

Wynonna slumped in her chair as she tossed her menu on the table in annoyance. “This place is a rip-off. What kind of restaurant doesn’t have pickles?”

“A French restaurant?” Nicole replied with a quirked eyebrow.

Wynonna scoffed. “I should’ve just gone to Shorty’s. They have pickles and five-dollar chicken.”

“You can still go there…” Nicole mumbled, and immediately jolted forward when she felt Waverly kick her in the shin. “Ow! What was that for?”

“You’re being rude.” Waverly replied sternly.

“Well, I’m sorry, but I wasn’t exactly expecting to be here with two Earps tonight,” Nicole explained as she side-eyed Wynonna.

The older Earp shrugged. “Hey, some people don’t even have a date tonight, and you’ve got two – technically three if you count my baby. So, you’re welcome!”

Nicole stared at her with an unamused look before leaning towards Waverly and quietly asking, “Can you come with me to the bathroom for a minute?”

“Sure.” Waverly shrugged as she wiped her upper lip with her napkin that was in her lap before setting it on the table beside her plate. She gave Wynonna an apologetic ‘we’ll be right back’ smile before standing up and following Nicole towards the back.

“Don’t forget to wash your hands if you two are going to get frisky in there!” Wynonna shouted over her shoulder with a smirk and a wink.

Nicole paused and turned around to give Wynonna a fierce scowl. She clenched her fists and growled in frustration before continuing her quick stride towards the restroom.

Waverly gave an awkward smile to all of the nicely-dressed people staring at them — which was about half of the room — before saying, “Uh, we’re not going in there for that.” She waved her hands around nervously as she felt herself beginning to blush in embarrassment. “Just two women going to the bathroom together. Nothing out of the ordinary!” She chuckled lightly, but everyone just continued to stare at her in confusion. She awkwardly scratched the top of her head with one finger before saying, “Uh, Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy your dinner everyone!” And quickly rushing towards the bathroom door, which Nicole had already gone through.

When Waverly got inside, she let out a deep sigh as she looked at Nicole, who was leaning against the sink with her arms folded tightly across her chest looking annoyed. “Okay, that was awkward.”

“Well, that’s Wynonna for you.” Nicole shook her head as she rolled her eyes. She reached out and took both of Waverly’s hands in her own. “Look, I love you, and I love Wynonna, you know I do...”


“But she’s completely ruining Valentine’s Day for us!” Nicole groaned. “I mean, all I wanted was a nice, fancy dinner while I make googly eyes at you, occasionally kick your feet as I pretend it was an accident, and sneak glances down the front of your dress when you’re not looking...”

“Hey!” Waverly exclaimed, feigning annoyance.

“But we can’t do any of those things because Wynonna is out there cock blocking us! ...or at least emotionally.” She sighed. “It’s just a little disappointing. Especially since this is our first Valentine’s Day together. I wanted it to be special.”

Waverly lovingly rubbed Nicole’s upper arms, urging her to let go of her clenched muscles. “Hey, it’s still going to be special. And she’s only joining us for dinner. She’s not going to be there when we go to your place. We’ll be all alone, where we can do whatever we want.” She slid her hands around and down to cup Nicole’s backside through her pants. “Touch wherever we want.” She wiggled her eyebrows as she looked down at Nicole’s lips while leaning in. “Kiss for as long as we want.”

Nicole smiled as she met Waverly’s wanting lips in a slow kiss, when the bathroom door swung open and an older woman walked in. The pair quickly pulled apart and cleared their throats.

“We weren’t getting frisky!” Waverly quickly exclaimed, as if they were two teenagers that had been caught making out with the door shut.

The stranger nodded with a small smile of doubt before heading straight for one of the stalls.

Nicole pinched the bridge of her nose with her eyes squeezed shut before sliding her hand down her face. With her hand covering her mouth, she let out a deep breath and opened her eyes. Once all of the air had completely vacated her lungs, she dropped her hand and pointed at Waverly as she raised her eyebrows and softly spoke. “As soon as we’re finished eating, we’re dropping her off and going back to my place, where I’m going to get you out of that dress and make passionate love to you without your pregnant sister’s presence. Deal?”

Waverly bit the side of her bottom lip as she wrapped her arms around Nicole’s neck and nodded with a smile. “Deal.” She lifted herself up on her toes and gave Nicole a quick kiss before entwining their fingers and pulling her out of the bathroom and back out to the table.


Waverly pulled the Jeep up to the Homestead and put it in park before turning the ignition off.

“Are you going to be okay here by yourself until Doc gets off work?” Waverly asked as she unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out of the Jeep. Wynonna did the same from the passenger’s side, and Nicole from the back seat.

“I’ll be fine. Besides, I’d rather be here by myself than with you two getting it on.” She cringed at the thought. “I think I already have enough visuals for a lifetime.”

“That’s fair.” Nicole nodded.

Waverly and Nicole walked over to the police cruiser parked beside them as Wynonna headed towards the house, but after only a couple of steps she stopped and turned around. “Hey, thanks for inviting me tonight. I know you wanted it to be just you two, but I really do appreciate it.” She gave a sincere smile as she softened her eyes.

“Well, we weren’t going to leave you all alone and upset like that.” Waverly smiled.

Nicole inhaled as she shook her head with an amused smile. “And as much as I would’ve loved to have a romantic dinner with my girlfriend, it wasn’t all that bad having dinner with you. Even though you spent the entire time complaining about how everything needed more salt…”

“It was very bland,” Wynonna shrugged before giving the redhead a small smile. “Well, I’ll let you kids enjoy your dessert. Have fun.” She winked and clicked her tongue as she pointed a finger gun at them before walking inside the house.

Waverly and Nicole got inside the car and without wasting any time, headed straight for Nicole’s.

“So, what’s on the menu for tonight?” Waverly winked.

Nicole chuckled at the joke as she reached over and took Waverly’s hand that was in her lap. “It’s a special surprise.” She grinned in excitement. “But I will say that it’s going to be sexy.” She slowly slid her hand up Waverly’s bare thigh towards the hem of her dress.

“Nicole, don’t tease me like that. You’re going to make me horny,” Waverly whined.

“That’s the point.” The redhead smirked as she looked over at the brunette and lightly brushed her fingertips on the outside of Waverly’s panties between her legs.

Waverly jumped at the touch and grabbed Nicole’s arm as she wagged her opposite pointer finger at the redhead. “Not while you’re driving, officer. Safety first.”

“Fine,” Nicole sighed as she put her hand back on the steering wheel and pouted. “You’re no fun.”

“Hey, I just want us to get home safely so we can engage in some very hot and passionate sex. Is that cool with you, handsy?”

Nicole bit back her smile as she shrugged nonchalantly. “I guess.”

As soon as Nicole parked the car in her driveway, she rushed out of her seat and ran around to the other side to open the passenger’s door for Waverly before holding a hand out, which Waverly took as Nicole aided her out of the car.

“So charming.” Waverly grinned.

“Well you deserve to be taken care of.” With her hand still wrapped around Waverly’s, Nicole shut the car door and led the excited brunette up the front porch.

When Nicole opened the door, Waverly instantly noticed a trail of rose petals leading from the ‘Welcome’ mat and up the stairs. She gawked at the scene as she squeezed Nicole’s hand just a little tighter.

“Babe!” Waverly drew out in disbelief. “This is so cute! And romantic!”

Nicole chuckled amusedly as she shut the front door behind them. “Just wait until you see the bedroom.” She smirked as she led Waverly – who was practically shaking with anticipation – up the stairs. She pushed the slightly cracked door open, revealing the dim room filled with dozens of lit candles, a giant heart-shaped pile of rose petals on the floor at the end of the trail that spelled out ‘I love you’ in the center, and romantic instrumental music playing from the speaker on the bedside table.

Waverly’s jaw nearly hit the floor at the newest level of romance Nicole had reached. “Oh my god!” She took in the sight of the room when her eyes landed on the red bedspread. “Did you get new bedding?!”

“Just for this occasion.” Nicole winked.

“Nicole! That’s so—” Waverly paused as she looked at the redhead with a quirked eyebrow. “Wait, have these candles been lit since before you left to pick me up for dinner?”

“I may have had Jeremy and Robin pop by to set things up when we left the restaurant.” Nicole shrugged.

Waverly shook her head as he wore a broad smile on her face and leaned towards Nicole, placing a flat hand over the taller woman’s chest. “I really don’t deserve you.”

Nicole placed her hand on top of Waverly’s that was over her chest. “You do, baby. You deserve all of this. Because you’re amazing, and selfless, and an incredible sister, and an even more incredible girlfriend, and I want to make sure you know that I love you.”

“I do know that.” Waverly nodded with crinkled eyes.

“Good. And I wanted to make sure I show you just how much I love you.” She gave Waverly a knowing look as she leaned in closer and loudly whispered, “That means orgasms.”

Waverly giggled as she nodded with slightly raised hands. “Yeah, I got that.” She wrapped her arms around Nicole and shook her head. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too, baby.”

Waverly leaned up and gave Nicole a slow, tender kiss before pulling away with a sigh as she looked around the room some more, taking in the unbelievable romantic display. She scrunched her eyebrows together when she noticed something odd sitting on the bedside table. “Uh, what’s that for?” Waverly asked in confusion as she pointed to the can of whipped cream.

Nicole smirked as she wiggled her eyebrows, and Waverly’s eyes widened as she instantly understood.

“You didn’t.” Waverly said in disbelief before she began laughing with a shake of her head.

“Oh, come on! It’ll be fun!”

“I mean, I know people do this kind of thing, but I’ve just never thought about combining food with sex before.” Waverly shrugged.

“Really? Not even when we’re eating each other out?” Nicole asked incredulously.

Waverly rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. Don’t you think it’ll be a bit…I don’t know, messy?”

Nicole narrowed her eyes at the brunette. “Waverly, it’s sex. The whole thing is messy, with or without whipped cream.”

“I guess you’re right,” Waverly replied as she looked up in thought.

“Besides...” Nicole began as she took Waverly’s hands into her own and slowly pulled her towards the bed. “Don’t you think it’ll be super sexy licking whipped cream off of each other’s bodies? I mean, just think of where we’d put it...” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively as she sat on the side edge of the bed, holding onto Waverly’s waist as the brunette stood between her knees.

“Your incredibly sexy abs...” Waverly licked her lips as she looked up in thought.

Nicole quirked an eyebrow. “I mean, sure? I was thinking a little lower...”

“Oh. Yeah, that too.” Waverly chuckled as she placed her hands on Nicole’s shoulders and slid them down her chest before moving them back up as she looked over her girlfriend’s body with desire. “But first, you have to get me out of this dress.” She smirked.

“I can definitely do that,” Nicole replied with a grin as she pulled Waverly down on top of her, crashing their lips together.

Nicole almost instantly flipped their positions and bunched the fabric of the neckline between her fists.

“Hey, no ripping!” Waverly warned as she quickly sat up.

“Aw, but it’s hot when I rip your clothes off,” Nicole whined.

“Nicole, this dress was difficult to find. And quite frankly, I think you have a ripping problem.”

“What? No I don’t.” Nicole replied defensively as she released the dress — since holding it like that wasn’t helping her case.

Waverly propped herself up on her elbows. “Um, yeah you do. Three pairs of underwear, two blouses, that sheer black shirt, a tank top, and you literally ripped a hole in the crotch of my unicorn onesie...”

“It was difficult to get into at the moment.” Nicole shrugged.

Waverly gave her a knowing look as she glared at the redhead.

“Okay, fine.” Nicole huffed. “No more ripping your clothes off.”

“Good.” Waverly nodded…although, she quickly realized that maybe she didn’t actually want that after all. But that was a conversation for another day. She really didn’t want to encourage Nicole to rip the dress that she had luckily scored while thrifting with Chrissy a couple of weeks ago.

Nicole urged Waverly to flip over onto her stomach, and began to pull the zipper down at a painfully slow pace as she placed soft kisses on every inch of newly exposed skin. Once the zipper was down, she flipped Waverly back over and tugged at the garment, pulling it all the way down the brunette’s body – with Waverly’ help, of course – before tossing it aside. She licked her lips as she stared at Waverly laying on top of the red bedspread while wearing nothing but her sexiest pair of matching lace underwear like a fucking goddess.

“Uh uh. Not until yours are off too,” Waverly said when she noticed Nicole looking at her like she was about to pounce. Waverly sat up and immediately reached for Nicole’s tie. She loosened the accessory and pulled it up over Nicole’s head before unbuttoning the white shirt. She opened it completely, revealing a tight black sports bra. “Oh, that’s hot,” she breathed out as she ran her palms up and down Nicole’s torso while eyeing the woman’s disheveled, yet somehow now even sexier, outfit.

“I figured you’d like it.” Nicole smirked.

Waverly hummed as she tugged her bottom lip between her teeth, practically eye humping the tall redhead as she continued running her palms slowly up and down the front of Nicole’s body. “You know what would be really sexy?”

“What?” Nicole asked, completely intrigued to hear the woman’s proposition.

“If you fucked me with the strap-on like that.”

Those words, along with the seductive look Waverly was giving her sent chills all over Nicole’s body. “You mean…while wearing this? Exactly like this?”

Waverly just gave a couple of slow, firm nods with the corners of her mouth tugged up in a smile and her bottom lip still between her teeth. “Through the zipper.”

Nicole’s eyes widened at the thought. She almost wished she hadn’t already taken off Waverly’s dress, but honestly she didn’t mind the visual of the brunette’s incredible body. She tried to play it cool, but she couldn’t help the giddy grin that was spreading across her face as she looked down at the floor and shoved her hands in her pockets.

“Ugh, and don’t put your hands in your pockets like that! It does things to me.” Waverly whined.

“What kind of things?” Nicole played dumb, even though she totally knew exactly what Waverly meant.

Waverly narrowed her eyes at the redhead. “You know.”

“I do.” Nicole chuckled before leaning down for a quick kiss…or at least it was supposed to be, until it lasted for nearly half a minute. She reluctantly pulled away from Waverly’s lips. “I’ll go put it on.”

Once Nicole had everything situated, she zipped her slacks up over the bulge and walked back over to Waverly, who was still sitting on the edge of the bed, looking over Nicole’s body and smiling when her eyes landed on the bulge.

“So hot,” Waverly stated as she shook her head. She flitted her eyes back up to Nicole’s. “I want you to take me from behind. Are you okay with that?”

Nicole’s eyes widened as her head slightly dropped from unconsciously letting go of the muscles that were holding it up. “Jesus, did you read my fantasy diary or something?”

“No,” Waverly chuckled before her face became more serious. “Wait, do you have one of those?”

Nicole shook her head, and with a straight face said, “No,” before pushing Waverly down onto the bed and fervently kissing her as she laid between her legs, consequently pushing the bulge against Waverly’s center.

Waverly let out a high-pitched moan as she instinctually began to rub herself against it.

“I’ve been waiting all day to get you into my bed and make passionate love to you,” Nicole whispered into Waverly’s ear before grazing the skin with her teeth, causing goosebumps to form all over Waverly’s body. “I just want to make you come over, and over, and over—“

“Okay, I’m ready,” Waverly interrupted as she pushed Nicole off of her and immediately got on all fours.

“Wait, already?” Nicole quirked an eyebrow as she stood up from the bed.

“Yep.” Waverly nodded. She pulled her panties down to her thighs, giving Nicole a perfect view of her bare ass along with her more-than-ready pink folds. “Get that thing lubed up and ready to go, because I want you inside me ASAP.”

Nicole’s eyes nearly popped out of her head at the sight. “Yeah, okay. Don’t need to tell me twice.” She hurried over to the bedside table and pulled the bottle out of the drawer before rubbing the lube all over the shaft. Once she decided that it was coated enough, she stood behind Waverly. “Scoot back a little.”

The brunette complied and moved backwards closer to the edge of the bed. She shuddered when she felt Nicole’s warm hand on the small of her back. She felt Nicole gliding the tip along her center in search of her entrance, before pushing it slowly inside. Waverly closed her eyes and clenched her jaw as she felt herself stretching around Nicole – like she did every time – and sighed in pleasure when she felt completely full.

Nicole looked down as she began thrusting, watching the dildo disappearing and re-appearing. She grabbed onto Waverly’s hips and held onto the brunette as she took in the sight. It was strange being fully-clothed while burying herself deep inside her girlfriend, but ridiculously sexy nonetheless.

“Faster babe,” Waverly demanded as she reached up between her legs and began playing with her clit.

Nicole picked up her pace and the room immediately filled with the lewd sounds of Waverly’s slick arousal and Nicole’s lubed member working in harmony, like a symphony to both Waverly’s and Nicole’s ears. It urged Nicole on to pump even faster, and gave Waverly the push she needed to dive right into her climax.

“Oh yeah. Fuck that’s good baby. Fuck me. Fuck me so good. Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Waverly fervently pushed back against Nicole, shuddering at the feeling of the length sliding against her clenching walls until her contractions around Nicole had subsided. She dropped onto the bed, forcing the dildo to slip out of her, and immediately rolled onto her back and kicked her panties completely off before laying down. Her hair splayed beautifully on the bedspread as she rested her hands on her abdomen and smiled up at Nicole. “You really do look hot like that.”

“I actually really enjoyed that,” Nicole chuckled as she unbuttoned her black pants and pushed them down her legs. “And we’ll revisit this position again for sure, but tonight I have specific plans.”

Waverly watched as Nicole finished getting undressed, taking everything completely off before standing naked in front of her. She sighed as she propped her head up on her elbow and roamed her eyes over Nicole’s body. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of looking at you. You’re seriously so gorgeous, Nicole.”

Nicole blushed as she looked down at the floor. “I mean, I’ve been working out a lot lately. Trying to get off the few holiday pounds I put on.”

Waverly shook her head. “Whatever weight you might’ve put on wasn’t even noticeable. And either way, you’re still absolutely stunning.”

Nicole grinned before replying, “Not as stunning as you.” She crawled onto the bed next to Waverly.

“Um, you’re definitely more stunning.”

Nicole shook her head. “Nope, you are. And not only that, but you’re delicious.” A mischievous smirk grew on Nicole’s face, and Waverly eyed her cautiously.

“Why do I feel like that was a segue for what’s about to happen next?”

Nicole grinned as she reached out for the can of whipped cream. “Because it was.” She opened the can and without warning, pointed the nozzle at one of Waverly’s nipples and spray out a small amount of whipped cream.

“Cold!” Waverly squealed as she sprang up and wiped it off with her hand. She scowled at Nicole, who was laughing uncontrollably. “Nicole, that’s not funny!” She whined.

“I’m sorry! But you know how cute I think your squeals are!”

Waverly rolled her eyes as she held her whipped cream-covered palm in the air so that she wouldn’t get it on anything. “See? It’s already messy. It’s all over my hand.”

“Here, I’ll get that.” Nicole grabbed Waverly’s wrist and brought her hand up to her mouth as she slowly licked the whipped cream off, staring seductively into Waverly’s eyes the entire time.

Waverly swallowed thickly as she felt arousal coursing through her veins. She watched Nicole’s tongue swirl all around her hand, licking up every bit of the sweet, thick liquid and leaving no trace behind.

“See? All gone.” Nicole smirked as she dropped Waverly’s wrist.

Waverly stared at Nicole with wide eyes as she slowly shook her head. “Okay, that was extremely sexy.”

Nicole chuckled as she reached out for the can and shook it up. “So you want me to do it again?”

“Yeah, but maybe this time warn me? And maybe start out by putting it somewhere other than my nipple...”

Nicole laughed as she nodded her head. “Deal. How about your collarbone?”

“Okay,” Waverly smiled.

Nicole sprayed some of the cream onto the spot before licking it up as she looked into Waverly’s watching eyes. She then sprayed a vertical line down between the brunette’s breasts, cleaning that up, before doing the same with her abdomen. She shook the can and settled herself between Waverly’s legs, looking at her love with sultry eyes as she sprayed a huge glob all over the brunette’s center.

Waverly gasped at the cool feeling as she looked at Nicole with attentive eyes, watching as the redhead leaned down and delved her tongue through the fluffy pile, inevitably hitting all the right spots of Waverly’s center.

“Oh” Waverly gasped as she dropped her head back. She felt Nicole’s tongue exploring her center in a way that she had never felt before; and it felt marvelous.

Nicole happily lapped up the sweet cream, enjoying the way it tasted mixed with Waverly’s warm arousal. Once she had completely cleaned up the mess, she focused on Waverly’s clit and moved her tongue in a figure-eight motion. She smiled to herself when she almost instantly felt two hands tangle in her hair, accompanied by the sound of an incredibly sexy moan. She honestly didn’t even care that Waverly was messing up her pinned-back hair right now; she loved the feeling of Waverly’s hands on her head while she went down on her. It made her feel more connected to her girlfriend.

Nicole felt a few warning contractions of Waverly’s center, and knew the girl was close. She flicked the tip of her tongue quickly across the bud, knowing that it was exactly what Waverly needed.

“Unghh, Nicole!” Waverly cried out in pleasure, and squeezed her thighs around Nicole’s head as she came.

After licking up every single bit of Waverly’s arousal, Nicole crawled on top of the brunette and pushed her tongue inside Waverly’s mouth against her own as they enjoyed the steamy kiss. With their lips still gliding, Nicole sneakily reached over and crabbed the can. She pulled away and instantly replaced her tongue with whipped cream.

“Hey!” Waverly yelled with her mouth full of cream. She eventually managed to swallow it and shook her head at the cackling redhead before snatching the can away with a scowl. “Okay, now it’s my turn to have some fun.” She smirked as she flipped them over, forcefully pushing Nicole down onto the bed before spraying a dollop on both of Nicole’s nipples.

Nicole shuddered at the unexpected feeling. “Okay, yeah that is cold.”

“Payback.” Waverly chuckled lightly before leaning down and slowly running her tongue all over Nicole’s breasts, being sure to get every single bit of whipped cream off before licking and sucking at the redhead’s hardened nipples. She moved down and sprayed some whipped cream – more than she probably should have – on Nicole’s flexed abdominals, happily licking it up as she ran her tongue along the defined lines. She then moved down to Nicole’s inner thigh, where she licked and lightly nipped as she collected the whipped cream inside her mouth.

Nicole jerked her hips at the feeling of Waverly’s teeth lightly biting at her sensitive inner thigh. Waverly took her time with the whipped cream, putting it on random spots and licking it up, and it was driving Nicole crazy. She tangled her hands through her own fiery locks as she tried to restrain herself from grabbing Waverly’s head and shoving her face between her legs, but her patience was wearing thin.

“Waves…I need you to touch me now,” Nicole breathed out. She meant it as a demand, but with the way her tone of voice was, it sounded more like a plea.

Waverly didn’t respond. Instead, she aimed the nozzle right over Nicole’s folds, tossed the can aside, and instantly began licking.

“Oh shit,” Nicole hissed as she pushed her head further back onto the pillow and dropped one hand from her hair to clench the red bedspread beside her. “Fuck that’s good.”

It wasn’t long before Waverly had her nearing the edge, inevitably pushing her over with skilled swipes of her tongue.

“Shiiiit I’m coming!” Nicole moaned as she dropped the hand that was in her own hair down to Waverly’s as she rode out her orgasm.

Once she came down from her high, Waverly removed her gentle tongue and crawled up the bed as she laid down beside Nicole. She watched the woman regain her breathing with an amused smile.

Nicole slowly opened her eyes and chuckled with a shake of her head when she was met with Waverly’s observant ones. “What do you think?”

“Absolutely stunning.”

Nicole rolled her eyes and lightly shoved Waverly’s arm. “I meant the whipped cream, silly.”

“Oh, yeah it was fun. Super fun, actually.”


“Yeah.” Waverly wrapped her hand around Nicole’s that was relaxed on her chest. “But I feel a little sticky now. Do you want to get in the shower with me?”

Nicole quirked an eyebrow. “To shower shower, or to have shower sex?”

“Mmm both,” Waverly replied with a smirk. “If you want.”

“Oh, I’m totally down,” Nicole replied eagerly.

“Good.” Waverly kissed Nicole’s nose before hopping off the bed and walking straight towards the bathroom. “Oh, and bring the strap-on.” She winked before walking through the bathroom door and turning the water on.

Nicole looked up at the ceiling and shook her head in disbelief. “I don’t know what I did to deserve this today, but thank you, universe. You’re the best.” She gave a slight smile before jumping off the bed to grab the strap-on and two towels.

After thoroughly cleaning the dildo from where it had been on the floor, Nicole slipped it on, took out her hair clips, and stepped into the shower behind Waverly before pulling the curtain shut. She slid her hands up the front of Waverly’s body, feeling the warm water running down her skin before cupping her breasts and playing with her nipples.

Waverly sighed as she closed her eyes and leaned her head back onto Nicole’s shoulder. She reached around and grabbed the back of Nicole’s head as she slid her free hand down her own abdomen, leading to her thigh and then back up. She placed her hand on the back of one of Nicole’s and guided the woman’s hand down her body and between her legs before urging her to touch her.

Nicole happily obliged and began drawing slow, soft circles around Waverly’s clit that was completely swollen and sensitive from the two orgasms she’d already had.

“Ohh baby,” Waverly breathed out. The feeling of Nicole’s fingers pleasing her mixed with the warm water running down her body was unbelievable.

“Good?” Nicole asked in a hushed tone directly into Waverly’s ear.

Waverly nodded before letting out a whiny, high-pitched, “Uh huh.”

They stayed like that for a few moments, with Waverly’s head on Nicole’s shoulder with her hand tangled in wet auburn locks and Nicole’s fingers deliciously circling the brunette’s sensitive bud. Waverly felt a surge of arousal, and she wanted more. She spun around and pulled Nicole into a searing kiss, eliciting a moan from the unsuspecting woman. Their hands greedily roamed around wet skin as they explored each other’s bodies. Waverly reached down and ran her hand along the dildo before bending it up into place, silently letting Nicole know exactly what she wanted.

With their lips dancing feverishly and their tongues battling for dominance, Nicole turned them around and pushed Waverly up against the cool tiles of the side wall. She reached up and adjusted the shower head so that the warm water was running down her back as she pressed her front flush against Waverly’s to keep her warm, positioning the dildo so that it was comfortable resting between Waverly’s legs. She slapped her left palm against the wall beside Waverly’s head as her right hand scratched up the back of the smaller woman’s bare thigh before landing on the side of the swell of her ass, which she squeezed hungrily as she moved her lips to suck on the side of Waverly’s neck.

Waverly felt the dildo subtly grazing along her center in addition to Nicole’s soft lips kissing the damp skin of her neck, and she let out a small gasp. She wrapped her arms around Nicole and rested one hand on her upper back as the other cupped the back of Nicole’s head. She slowly rocked her hips, rubbing her clit against the dildo as she rested the back of her head against the wall.

Nicole took the hint and began to slightly rock her hips in sync with Waverly’s. It wasn’t long before she felt Waverly’s pace begin to pick up, and she knew the girl was itching for more. Nicole kissed up Waverly’s neck and lightly nipped at her earlobe before whispering, “Do you want me inside you baby?”

With her eyes still closed, Waverly nodded and whispered back, “Please.”

With her lips pressed against Waverly’s, Nicole reached her left hand down to the back of Waverly’s thigh and lifted her leg up to hook it around her waist, giving her better access before sliding the hand up to cup the underside of Waverly’s ass. With her right hand, she lined the tip of the dildo up with Waverly’s entrance and carefully pushed inside.

Waverly gasped against Nicole’s lips and pulled the woman in deeper with her leg that was wrapped around the tall body as she dropped her hands to rest on the redhead’s shoulders.

Nicole began to rock her hips, sliding her length along Waverly’s walls. She smiled when the beautiful sounds of Waverly’s moans and gasps reverberating throughout the acoustic room hit her ears. She released Waverly’s lips with an audible smacking sound.

“Your moans are my favorite sound, do you know that?” Nicole said in a hushed tone as she continued her gentle thrusts.

Waverly let out a short, high-pitched sound in response.

“God, I could listen to you make those noises all day. But it’d turn me on too much. I’d probably end up sneaking off into the bathroom multiple times, desperately fingering myself until I could get my hands on you and have my way with you.”

“Oh fuck” Waverly moaned as she felt herself becoming more aroused by the second. She felt Nicole begin to rock harder and picked up her own pace to match.

Nicole wanted so badly to pound her girlfriend senseless, but she held herself back...and it was agonizing. She whined as she squeezed the flesh of Waverly’s backside a little harder.

“Waves, I can’t take it anymore. I want to fuck you so hard against this wall until you’re screaming my name and dripping all over this tub. I don’t know if I can hold back anymore.”

Waverly opened her eyes and looked into Nicole’s, which were practically black with desire. “Then don’t,” she replied in a sultry voice.

Nicole paused her movements as she quirked an eyebrow. “Really?” She slicked her hair back and out of her eyes from where the stream of running water was hitting the top of her head.

“Yeah.” Waverly nodded as she slid her hands from their grasp on top of Nicole’s shoulders to wrap around her upper back. “Fuck me against this wall, as hard as you can.”

Nicole’s look of surprise quickly morphed into a look of pure excitement as she reached both hands underneath Waverly’s backside and lifted the girl up, who gasped at the feeling of Nicole sliding in deeper as she instinctually wrapped her legs around the taller woman’s waist. With her body pinning Waverly’s against the tile, Nicole looked tenderly into her girlfriend’s eyes.

“Let me know if I’m being too rough.”

Waverly slightly shook her head. “I don’t think that’s possible.”

She pulled Nicole into a greedy kiss, sparking the sexual flame once again, and Nicole almost immediately began thrusting her hips. She started off at a slow pace, but quickly built up faster and faster, until she was slamming Waverly against the wall. One particularly rough thrust resulted in Waverly coming slightly off the wall and slamming her back against it. As soon as the painful-sounding noise rang throughout the bathroom, Nicole’s eyes widened.

“So good. So, so good. Keep going,” Waverly reassured, as if she could read Nicole’s mind.

The redhead nodded and continued her forceful thrusts as she dropped her lips down to Waverly’s neck. She gave a couple of well-placed kisses on the wet skin before pressing her cheek against Waverly’s as she closed her eyes and focused on the rhythm of her movements.

Waverly clawed at Nicole’s back, feeling the strong muscles working to hold her up before moving one hand up to cup the top of Nicole’s neck. “Oh god, I’m getting so close. Don’t stop.”

“I won’t baby. I won’t stop,” Nicole panted as she held Waverly tighter and continued her movements. She was beginning to get a little tired from rocking her hips so hard as well as holding Waverly up, and it was a little difficult keeping her feet from sliding on the wet ceramic floor of the tub, but she was going to do the best she could until Waverly experienced a damn good orgasm.

It wasn’t long before Waverly’s moans were gradually becoming louder, and her arms and legs were wrapping progressively tighter around Nicole’s body. The redhead knew that it was only a matter of seconds until…

“OH FUCK! NICOLE!” Waverly screamed as her voice echoed off of the walls and straight into Nicole’s ears.

The redhead smiled at the sound as she steadied her rhythm, helping Waverly ride out her waves of pleasure.

Waverly dropped her legs onto the floor and Nicole carefully slid out of her center, and Waverly almost immediately slid down the wall and sat on the floor of the tub.

“Are you okay?” Nicole asked as she looked down at Waverly in concern.

Waverly nodded as she held up a finger. “I just…need a moment…” She replied through heavy breaths.

“Take your time baby.” Nicole lightly chuckled as she placed her hand on the top of Waverly’s head below her and tenderly caressed her scalp in the way she knew Waverly found soothing.

Nicole used the small break to enjoy the time under the warm water. She let the stream fall over her face and run down her body as she pushed her hair back. She looked down, remembering that she was still wearing the strap-on, and ran her hand up and down the shaft as she aimed it under the running water to rinse it off. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as she watched her hand move slowly up and down the length. At the feeling of an intense rush of arousal between her legs at the visual, she closed her eyes and swallowed thickly before inhaling through her nose as she pushed the base against her erect clit with each stroke. After a few more pumps of her hand, Nicole pushed the harness down her legs and peered around the curtain to hang it on the towel rack. She looked down at Waverly, who was still sitting on the floor, relaxing with her eyes closed, and immediately ran her fingers through her own folds.

Nicole was still extremely aroused from earlier, but Waverly looked too tired to take any requests at the moment. As the water ran down her body, she began to circle her clit. With closed eyes, she dropped her head back slightly as she pushed her pelvis out more towards her hand. Her other hand ran all along the front of her body, stopping to squeeze one of her breasts before continuing its path up to her neck and then dropping back down to her inner thigh. She felt an unexpected involuntary contraction, causing her hips to jolt and a small muffled moan to escape as she attempted to swallow it down.

“Want any help with that?” Waverly asked with a lifted eyebrow and an amused smile from where she was sitting on the floor, looking up at her girlfriend.

Nicole quickly opened her eyes and looked over at Waverly as embarrassment briefly washed over her. Her initial reaction was to yank her hand away from being caught touching herself, but she quickly remembered where she was and who she was with, and continued rubbing her fingers between her legs with a confident smile.

“I don’t know. Think you can do better?” Nicole teased.

Waverly nodded with a grin as she beckoned with her pointer finger for Nicole to turn and face her.

While biting back her grin, Nicole turned towards Waverly, who was still leaning with her back against the side wall of the tub. She looked down and watched with eager eyes as Waverly wrapped her hands around the backs of Nicole’s thighs before diving her tongue through her folds.

Nicole jerked her hips forward at the sudden stimulation and slapped her palms on the tiled wall to brace herself. “Fuck, Waves” she hissed as she brought her right hand down to run through Waverly’s wet hair while looking down at the girl. She was almost instantly met with rapt eyes, and she couldn’t look away. It was as if they had her entranced by some sort of spell. She tightened her grip on Waverly’s hair slightly as she gave quick, shallow rocks of her hips.

“A little lower,” Nicole breathed out when she felt that Waverly had moved a little too far up.

Waverly dropped her strokes about a centimeter to land perfectly on the sensitive bud, and Nicole’s eyes fluttered shut.

“Yes…right there…holy shit…that’s amazing...” Nicole panted.

Waverly grinned as she continued to look up at Nicole’s face, even though the redhead’s eyes were shut tight in pleasure. She put a little more pressure behind her circles and heard a moan coming from above her, as well as hips fervently rocking against her.

“I love fucking your face. Your beautiful, gorgeous, sexy as hell face. I love it when you make me come baby…” Nicole felt her muscles begin to tense up. “Can I come baby? Can I come for you?”

“Mhm” Waverly hummed against Nicole’s coarse, red curls in approval.

The truth was, it didn’t really matter if Nicole had Waverly’s approval or not, because it was going to happen either way. Even if Waverly had said ‘no’ and Nicole truly wanted to hold off, it was too late at this point. Her orgasm was rapidly approaching, and there was no stopping the dam that was about to break.

“I’m coming baby. You ready? Here it…comes—Fuck! Waverly!” Nicole pushed Waverly’s face against her center as she eagerly thrusted her hips, rubbing herself forcefully against Waverly’s face.

Waverly moaned in gratification as she dropped her tongue to Nicole’s entrance to collect her arousal that was spilling out of her, and happily lapped it up. Waverly looked up and watched as Nicole pressed her forearm against the wall and rested her forehead against it as she tried to catch her breath. With a small but loving smile, she placed a long, gentle kiss on Nicole’s upper thigh before pressing her cheek up to rest against it as she hugged Nicole’s legs and delicately brushed the outer opposite thigh with her thumb.

“How is it possible to love someone this much?” Waverly closed her eyes as she hugged Nicole’s legs even tighter and raised her shoulders up to her ears.

With her breathing getting close to returning to its normal pace, Nicole gently rested her free hand on top of Waverly’s hand and stroked it lightly for a moment before lifting her head off of her arm and looking down with affectionate eyes. “I don’t know, but I hope it lasts forever. I feel like I could make love to you like this for the rest of my life.” She punctuated her sentence with a deep breath, as if all of her emotions were escaping from being hidden away inside her body and making their presence out into the world.

Waverly looked up with questioning eyes. “Even when we’re a hundred years old and spending most of our days sitting in chairs at a nursing home while making annoying googly eyes at each other with all of the other old people around us?”

“Even then,” Nicole nodded before adding, “I’d reach over underneath your dress while nobody’s looking.” She winked with a smirk.

Waverly gasped and playfully smacked Nicole’s ass before laughing. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Yeah, but you know I’d do it.” Nicole chuckled.

“I know you would.” Waverly shook her head lightly as she smiled. She grabbed Nicole’s hand to help her stand up, and the redhead immediately pulled the small brunette up. “We should probably get out of here. We’re going to run up your water bill.”

“No!” Nicole protested as she wrapped her arms around Waverly in a tight hug while they stood underneath the soothing stream. She rested her chin on top of Waverly’s head as she closed her eyes, taking in the feeling of the petite woman pressed against the front of her body as the warm water ran over the rest of her. “Can we just stay like this for a few minutes?”

Waverly gave a blissful sigh as she relaxed against Nicole’s chest and closed her eyes. “Always.”