"Never mind..." said Polnareff. Chariot Requiem II stops and begins to sink to the ocean.
"Polnareff!?" asked Jotaro.
Polnareff bows his head as his eyes quivered.
Goku instant transmissions himself and Jotaro outside and Jotaro grabs Coco Jumbo, the turtle, and brought him to a nearby island.
Goku instant transmissions themselves back in the turtle.
"Hey, guys? Why can't I just instant transmit us to the Holy Corpse Parts with the Eyes of Heaven?" asked Goku.
"Same reason why you can't instant transmit to the Dragon Balls while holding the Dragon Radar.I hate myself," said Jotaro.
"Huh?" asked everyone else.
Jotaro covers his mouth and closes his eyes. "S-... Sumimasen. Life's a bitch."
Jotaro covers his mouth once more.
His eyes begin to quiver.
"What's wrong... Jotaro-san?" asked Koichi.
"It's just that... My father left me... My wife and daughter seldom see me because of my constant adventures with you. I could've saved Kakyoin... Avdol... Iggy... Shigechi... even you... Polnareff... I have a sudden awful feeling about myself..."
Jotaro clenched his fists.
"I'm an awful father... I'm probably an awful son as well... and an awful friend... Y-Yare yare daze... I need to go to my office..." Jotaro walks away.
"Avdol..." whispered Polnareff. "Iggy... Kakyoin... Tch-!"
"Who?" asked Koichi.
"They're the guys that Jotaro-san and Polnareff-san fought with against DIO..." said Koichi. "They were so heartbroken when they were killed by him."
Polnareff begins to cough.
"Oy... What's with the sudden downer attitude?"
Polnareff coughs into Josuke's mouth.
"GROSS!!! DUDE!!!" yelled Josuke.
"Pardon..." Polnareff covered his mouth and disappeared.
Josuke coughs as well.
"Haha... I remember Shigechi... We used to eat together in the lunch halls... *COUGH COUGH*..." Josuke drops to the ground in a fetal position.
"Hey! What the hell are you doing there, Josuke!?" asked Mista.
"Have you lost your mind!?" Mista asked. "What the hell are you doin' on the floor!? It's gross there! People step on that! Stand up and stop your bitchin' there, will ya!?"
Giorno checks Josuke if he has a fever.
"I... am not happy... I'm just not... Geez... This all started since my Grandfather died... And my father's basically a senile eighty-year-old who banged my mom when she was in college. Yep... I'm a bastard... Isn't that funny? *cough cough*..."
"You need some rest, signore Josuke... I'm not keen with my own father, too," smiled Giorno.
"Hm..." said Josuke.
In a microscopic vision, there are tiny stickman-like creatures in Josuke's mouth with an eye for heads.
Josuke depressedly thought about his Grandfather. "We used to play cop and robber in the backyard... Gureto daze... Those were the days..."
"What the fuck is wrong with Josuke!?" asked Okuyasu.
Vegeta finished drinking his box of juice. "Whatever! Don't let them close to me! They have a weird cough thing going on there and it's freaking me the fuck out.I've seen zombie movies. I know what it's about."
Giorno brings Josuke to the other room. "Come on, Josuke. I'll help you get some rest..."
Giorno rests his head on the table while everyone else has dinner at the table.
"I've given their dinners," said Gappy, walking in.
Gappy sits down and eats as well. He stops eating as his eyes quiver. "Who... am... I?"
"Josuke-kun?" asked Yasuho.
"N-Nothing... I just... need some time alone..."
Yasuho coughs as well.
"Yasuho-chan? Are you okay?" asked Trish, looking concerned.
"Ahahaha..." laughed Yasuho. "I'm fine! *cough cough...* I hate... my mom... *cough cough...*" Yasuho's face slams on the table.
"Don't be sad, Yasuho!" smiled Koichi. "You helped Okuyasu and Josuke make that videogame we always wanted to make!"
"Yeah! Attack of the Plutonian Warmongers!" smiled Okuyasu. "That was pretty cool of you, Hirose-san!"
"I miss my Daddy..." she whispered.
Okuyasu slammed his head on the table. "Nii-san..."
Koichi slammed his head on the table as well. "Yukako's drifting in erased space right now... I've been so lonely I started drawing my own hentai..."
Mista lies down in a fetal position on the ground. "This isn't that bad, after all... I miss the guys... Bruno... Narancia... Leone... I wish those dudes were still here!"
Trish is weirded out by this. "G-Giorno... What do you think is happening?"
Giorno's eyes teared up. "Yeah... I miss them, too."
Trish's eyes widen. "Vegeta?" she turned to Vegeta.
Vegeta sobbed while gorging himself into Giorno's Homemade Gelato. "MY BULMA!!! MY BULLA!!! THE BOY!!! BAHAHAHAHA!!!" He gorges more into his mouth. "Fuck... that's good... Is this Slovakian? I know I hate Slovaks but..." Vegeta takes another bite and wept. "Mm... hmhmhmhm... Not even a wish from the Dragon Balls can make me happy..."
Goku sighs. "I feel sad. Nope! I'm good now!"
Goku happily eats more pork legs.
"Uh... Goku?" asked Saitama.
"What is it, best buddy?" smiled Goku.
"I think..." Saitama looks at everyone who is depressed. Koichi and Okuyasu slammed their heads on the table. Mista is in a fetal position on the ground. Trish and Giorno stare blankly in space. Vegeta is sobbing like a psychopath. Yasuho is questioning her childhood. Gappy is outside screaming at God and questioning his identity. "Nope! I think everyone's doing their usual business." Saitama calmly stated and smiled. "Right, Mob?"
100%... Depression...
Mob's spoon twists because of Mob's telekinesis. Mob grabbed his knees and thought of his family and friends... wondering if they're okay.
"Okie Dokie!" smiled Goku, as Goku and Saitama continue to eat.
The eyes peer out of everyone's mouths.