48. Chapter 48

Maya shows up at the hospital head to toe in her gear. She makes her way to the cafeteria where Carina said she would meet her when her shift finished at six. Maya is a little early, but she figures she can get a bite to eat or something while she waits.

She walks in and sees the group of kids over in the corner with a station set up for face painting and another for playing with some slimy green goop. That corner of the room is decorated with Halloween themes, so she knows where the party is at. She approaches the group of kids slowly. She knows not to scare them. Not all kids trust or like someone in a uniform than is different from what they see every day.

But as she approaches a little boy comes over to her with wonder in his big blue eyes. “Are you a real fireman?”

Maya chuckles and kneels down on one knee. She takes her helmet off. “I’m not a man. But yes, I’m a real firefighter.”

“Wow.” He gasps.

Maya smiles at the boy as the other kids start to gather around her. This is one of the benefits of the job. Getting to see the excitement on kids face, getting to show off her gear, getting to tell them that they too can be a firefighter when they grow up. Early recruitment never hurts.

She’s an absolute hit with all the kids from the hospital daycare. She puts her helmet on their heads and their teacher takes pictures of Maya with each of them to send to their parents. The best part is their happy faces and excitement. A few little girls ask her if she’s a real ‘girl’ firefighter. She tells them that she is and that they could be too if they wanted to be.

Carina walks into the cafeteria and sees what is happening over in the far corner with the ‘real life’ firefighter. She’s just gotten done with her shift and she said she would meet Maya here, but she didn’t expect to see what she sees now.

Maya is kneeling on the floor as she shows the kids all of the tools and gadgets on her turnout jacket. And then Carina sees it. Laying on the floor. Maya’s axe.

“Holy shit.” Amelia mumbles as she comes into the room behind Carina. “Is that-?”

Carina turns around. “My wife.” She narrows her eyes at Amelia.

“Yeah, yeah.” Amelia waves her friend off and steps further into the room, standing next to Carina. “She’s so-“

“Don’t say it.” Carina warns.

“Sexy.” Amelia practically drools.

Carina laughs. “She is.” She sighs. Especially right now, Carina thinks. With all these kids around her. And how Maya pays attention to each and every one of them when they ask a question. How she’s patient as a little boy tries to pull at the zipper on her jacket. How she lets them wear her helmet and her gloves. She falls even more in love with Maya in that moment. She doesn’t know if it’s just Maya, or if it’s the way Maya interacts with the children, or both, or all of it.

“I’d totally tap that if I had the chance.” Amelia mumbles. “Though maybe I am being too presumptuous. I’d let her do anything to me that she wanted. Look at her.” She stares in awe. “Has she always been that good with kids?” She looks over at Carina trying to gauge Carina’s reaction.

Carina barely registers that Amelia was saying something. But the look the neurosurgeon is giving her is telling Carina that she missed something. “Sorry, what?”

Amelia laughs, loud. “You want to rip those clothes off her right here and now, don’t you?” She can see the look on Carina’s face.

But she isn’t reading Carina quite right. “Not exactly.” It’s more love that Carina feels for Maya right now than anything else. Her wife is unbelievably sexy right now and it’s not just because of what she’s wearing.

Maya looks over after hearing Amelia’s laugh. She spots the woman standing next to her wife. “Excuse me for a moment, little ones.” She gets up, grabbing her axe, and moves closer to the pair of doctors. She smiles as she approaches. “Hey, love.” She puts a hand on Carina’s arm and leans in for a quick kiss.

“Maya.” Carina says a little speechless. She had expected to see Maya, but she’s a little stunned right now, especially after Maya just practically sauntered over to her.

Maya can tell. She lifts her right hand, the one with the axe. “You wanted to see my axe.” She smirks.

“Holy shit.” Amelia’s knees get weak.

“Hello, Amelia.” Maya’s eyes glance over at the other doctor, the smirk never leaving her face.

“Hello, Mrs. DeLuca?” Amelia bites her lip around a smirk.

Maya smirks and looks back to her wife, leaving Amelia’s comment alone. This little game with her wife is more than pleasant. “So, what’s on tap here? Dinner? Or is, like, someone coming by with a pumpkin pail full of candy. How does this go?”

Carina runs her hand over the side of Maya’s head, over her hair that’s pulled back into a low ponytail. She doesn’t see Maya like this very often. Not in her full gear. Her uniform, yes. Full turnout gear, no. Her eyes slip down to the axe in Maya’s hand. The wooden handle and the head with the American flag on it.

Maya raises the axe higher, showing it off.

“It’s very-“ Carina doesn’t know the right word.

“I’m very proud of it.” Maya’s smirk only grows. “Long, slender, just the right size and weight for me.”

“Oh my god.” Amelia walks away. She can’t take it anymore. She might combust on the spot if she doesn’t leave.

Carina pulls Maya into another kiss. The axe pressed against her stomach between them.  As a rule, they don’t kiss each other in front of other people at their places of work but Carina’s thinks this is a good exception. She just got off the clock and Maya’s isn’t working.

Maya giggles as they pull away, as she looks into Carina’s eyes and sees the want and arousal there.

The clattering of Maya’s helmet as it hits the floor gets her attention. She turns and sees a little girl getting upset. She rushes over at the same time as the daycare teacher does. She gets to her knees again. “It’s okay. It’s okay.” She slides the helmet across the floor away from the girl. “You’re okay. It was just loud.” She puts a hand on the girl’s shoulder. The girl bites her lip as the tears stream down her cheeks.

Carina moves to sit at a table with Amelia as she watches Maya handle the situation.

“You’re a very lucky lady.” Amelia smirks.

Carina just nods. She baffled.

“Firefighter Barbie has you all jumbled up. I’ve never seen you like this. So-“ She waves her hand up and down Carina. “-out of it.”

Carina takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. First, it was seeing Maya with the kids, and then seeing Maya’s axe, and now again with the kids. Her mind and heart are racing fast.

Doctor Bailey comes in with two, as Maya predicted, plastic pumpkins full of candy. And one with a non-candy option. That takes the kids attention away from Maya. She gathers her helmet, sticking it on top of her head; grabs her gloves and her axe, and moves away from them.

She goes over to the table that Amelia and Carina are sitting at.

“You’re a hit, Bishop.” Amelia smirks. “And I don’t mean just with the kids.”

Maya hums. She leans her axe, head down on the floor, handle against the table edge. Throwing her gloves on the floor, Maya removes her turnout jacket and puts it on a chair before sitting down carefully. She takes her helmet and sets in in her lap, hands resting on top of it. “Kids always love seeing a firefighter in all the gear. Carina said they would like it.”

“So, that’s why you showed up in all of this?” Amelia scoffs.

“It’s not the only reason.” She smirks over at Amelia.

Amelia just shakes her head.

Carina tucks her hand on the inside of Maya’s right elbow, leaning into her side. She’s completely mesmerized by Maya right now. And Carina doesn’t usually get like this. She’s usually more put together.

“Are we eating here?” Maya turns to her wife to ask.

“Whatever you want, bella.” Carina sighs. She briefly wonders where everyone else is. Teddy and Owen. Their kids are playing over in the corner with everyone else. She thought they would be here. But it is a hospital and unexpected things, and surgeries, happen. There are some other doctors milling about, but none with kids.

“Good, cuz I’m hungry. What do you want?” She asks and moves to get up. She’s in a weird mood. Maya knows why she’s in a weird, restless mood; but she can’t let anyone else know why she’s in a weird, restless mood.

“Mozzarella sticks. And-“

“Fries.” Maya finishes. “Got it.” She winks and gets up, settling her helmet on the table.

Amelia reaches for the helmet, turning it and looking at it. “This is so cool.”

Carina chuckles. “Have you never seen a firefighter up close?”

“No.” She shrugs. “Well, not like this.”

Carina hums. “Well, I will say that Maya’s job does have its perks. But it also has its disadvantages before you get too far along with romanticizing being with a firefighter. It’s not all fun and games.”

“No, but you two are definitely going to have fun and games tonight, aren’t you?” Amelia smiles knowingly.

“Si.” Carina’s eyes settle on Maya’s backside across the cafeteria as she gets them some food. Her navy blue t-shirt tucked into her turnout pants, probably tucked into her regular pants too, the thick suspenders running up Maya’s strong back and disappearing over her shoulders. She fantasizes about pulling those suspenders down and shoving her hand in Maya’s turnout pants.

Maya comes back with the food, and they share mozzarella sticks and French fries. Amelia whines because Maya didn’t bring her anything to eat. And Maya teases ‘you’re not my wife’. They eat with Carina’s hand wrapped around Maya’s elbow.

“Do you want to get your face painted?” Maya asks when they are finished eating.

Carina smiles shyly. “No, bella.”

Maya reaches up and touches Carina’s cheek. “You could get a farfalle right here.”

“What’s that?” Amelia asks in wonder.

“Go find your kid.” Maya looks over at her and smirks.

“Butterfly.” Carina smiles over at Amelia.

“You could pull it off.” Maya goes back to her butterfly talk.

“Grazie.” Carina ducks her head a little.

“Okay, yeah. See you later.” Amelia pushes her chair out and goes to ‘find her kid’. The gushy couple too much for her to handle now. It was fun when it was sexy but now that it’s ooey gooey Amelia isn’t interested. She goes over to the group of kids and picks up Scout. She talks to his teacher and then heads out.

“Did you want some candy?” Carina asks.

Maya hums and looks over to Dr. Bailey. She’s not sure if she wants to approach the woman. Also, Maya doesn’t eat a lot of candy. A chocolate bar here and there but not usually sticky, chewy candy. “I’ll pass.”

“Okay, ready to go home then?”

“I sure am.” Maya gets to her feet. Puts her turnout jacket on and then her helmet and grabs her axe and gloves. “Let’s go.” She throws her axe against her shoulder and holds out her free hand for Carina’s.

They head out to Carina’s car and Carina gets in the driver’s side and Maya the passenger’s. As soon as they get going Carina find Maya’s hand again. Her feelings are all over the place and she wants to keep Maya close.

Seeing Maya with the kids made her feel like she wants to sit Maya down and talk about having kids. No matter what Maya’s reasoning might be for not wanting them, and Carina knows her father is a large part, but it’s obvious that she was fine dealing with the kids at the hospital cafeteria today. Sure, she was in the company of other adults, the daycare teachers, and it was a group of kids, but Maya did all the right things. Especially when the little girl started crying because she dropped Maya’s helmet. Carina feels like Maya would be a wonderful parent. If she said she wanted kids before it was because she wanted them. But seeing Maya today, now she might also want kids to see Maya with them.

She also has that fidgety horny feeling. But that one explains itself. Her sexy wife in her full gear is more than enough of a turn on.

They get home and Carina shuts the car off. She removes her lab coat and tucks it into the backseat of her car. They go inside and take the elevator up. They come across Mrs. Johnson in the hallway.

“Is there a fire?” She questions.

“No ma’am.” Maya pulls her helmet from her head. “Sorry. I dressed up for the kids down at the hospital daycare for Halloween.”

Mrs. Johnson sighs and holds her hand over her heart. “Alright. Have a good evening, dears.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Johnson.” Carina smiles kindly and nods her head. She leads them to the apartment door and unlocks the door.

As soon as they enter and Maya shuts the door, Carina presses her up against it, Maya’s front to the door. Maya laughs as Carina presses into her from behind. “Patience.”

“I am all out.” Carina husks low in her ear. “You’re such a tease. You know how hot you are, right?”

“Maybe.” Maya licks her lips trying to turn her head to see Carina.

“And you axe.” Carina moans, running her hands over Maya’s sides.

“I told you you needed to see my axe sometime.”

Carina grabs Maya by the shoulders and spins her around. Maya’s eyes twinkle with excitement, her toes curl in anticipation, her stomach swirls with arousal, her heart beats wildly in her chest.

Carina grabs the handle of her axe right underneath her own hand. She runs her hand up and down the wood handle loosely. Maya watches with delight and she debates about what she wants to say next. Carina looks up from the axe, connecting her eyes with Maya’s. “You can take it, if you want.” Maya suggests. “Just don’t drop it.”

Carina takes the axe from Maya’s left hand with both hands and takes a step back. It’s heavier than it looks. All the weight in in the head at the end of the handle. She runs one hand over the steel, her thumb stroking over the flag. “It’s beautiful.” Her eyes racking over the whole thing.

“I’ve never had anyone call my axe beautiful before.” Maya smirks. “But I agree.” She takes a step forward and wraps her palm around the handle again. “Here.” She wants to get things moving along here. Enough fascinating over her axe. She has other things that Carina can focus on. Maya gently pulls the axe away and leans it up against the wall. She puts her gloves down there as well and is about to set her helmet down as well. She bends to do so but Carina stops her.

“No, put it back on.”

Maya raises an eyebrow and Carina nods. “This might be the only time we get to do this.” She knows Maya isn’t going to be bringing her full gear home very often or if ever. This could be a one time thing. “Take the jacket off though.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Carina rolls her eyes and Maya just chuckles. Maya moves through the hall into the living room, stepping past Carina as she does so. She pulls her jacket off and lays it over the back of the couch. Putting a hand on it for good measure, to make sure it isn’t going to slip onto the floor. She turns back to Carina and the Italian is shrugging her coat off and hanging it on the hook by the door.

They meet again. Carina’s hands going to the suspenders on Maya’s shoulders. She wraps her hands around the thick straps, running them down over her chest until she reaches the top of Maya’s turnout pants. Her thumb strokes over the little hook that secures the pants closed.

Maya hands find Carina’s elbows, holding onto her there. As much as she can’t wait to see how this plays out, Maya has a certain patience because she knows she has a certain advantage.

Carina slips the hook from the loop and then pulls the Velcro fly apart. Maya closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them again. She reaches up with her own hands and slips the suspenders from her own shoulders. Carina lets the material slip away from her fingers, the heavy pants pooling at the floor around Maya’s ankles.

The firefighter puts a steadying hand on Carina’s shoulder and steps from the turnout pants. Feeling lighter, she steps into Carina’s body. “I love you.” She whispers as she pulls the material of Carina’s shirt out from being tucked into her slacks. “I love you, Mrs. Bishop.”

Carina hums, tilting her head to the side. “I do not know about that.” It’s not a subject they’ve decided on. They did decide to keep their last names for professional reasons, but on a more personal level a decision hasn’t been finalized. Maya argues that they don’t need to change their names. Carina would prefer if they had the same last name legally. It’s just so much easier that way. For paperwork purposes on anything in the future. And for other reasons that she hasn’t brought up to Maya yet. “Let’s stick with Dr. DeLuca for now.” They don’t need to be discussing this in the middle of sex.

“Fine.” Maya smiles though. “So, Dr. DeLuca, did you enjoy the Halloween party?”

“I enjoyed you.” Carina hums, her hands find Maya’s waist, running them to Maya’s backside. “My sexy fire- fighter.” She almost says captain and it’s a habit that Carina is going to have to break. She leans into Maya, finding the blonde’s lips with her own, distracting herself and Maya.

Maya plays with the buttons on Carina’s shirt while they kiss, unbuttoning them slowly. Carina’s hands fumble with the belt on Maya’s pants. They are too close together and she can’t get it undone properly so she just flips her hand over so she can rub Maya over her pants. Maya moans into the kiss when Carina presses against her.

“MAYA!” Carina’s head snaps back.

Maya smirks and shrugs.

Carina looks down between them, her hand still over Maya’s crotch. “Dio mio, Maya.”

“A little trick or treat?” Maya grins.

Carina wastes little time undoing the belt, popping the button, and unzipping Maya’s pants. She slips them over Maya’s hips to reveal the blonde in a pair of boxers. Carina looks up, a question in her eyes.

“I needed more room.”

Carina reaches for the appendage hanging between Maya’s legs.

Maya shifts on her feet. “The uh- harness has to be tightened.”

They’ve played and experimented with the strap that they picked out online, but it hasn’t gotten much use yet. Carina had talked about this little fantasy of hers where Maya wore it home from work one day under her uniform. Well, she wasn’t exactly at work, but this seemed like an even better opportunity.

Maya wasn’t working. She hadn’t left work and come right home. She was off and could prepare at home before going to the station and changing into her uniform and putting her turnouts on before going to the hospital for the little Halloween party.

“So, you weren’t talking about your axe earlier?”

Maya shakes her head, bites her lip. “Nope.”

Carina moans. “Bambina.” She kicks her heels off an gets to her knees right then and there in the middle of the living room. She tugs the boxers down revealing the strap and harness. She looks up and sees that Maya is watching her every move. “May I?” She reaches to tighten the harness. Maya nods her head, her helmet wobbling a little as she bobs her head while looking down, but it stays on top of her head.

She sets a hand on Carina’s shoulder as Carina adjusts and tightens the harness. She stands there in her SFD t-shirt and helmet, with her pants around her ankles and boxers pulls halfway down her legs. Carina’s hand wraps around the dildo, her thumb stroking over the tip.

She looks up through her eyelashes; her eyes on Maya’s as she licks her lips and leans forward, lips wrapping around the tip.

Maya’s other hand comes to Carina’s other shoulder as she watches Carina suck on the tip before releasing it. Carina’s hand, strokes over the member lightly, causing a little friction against Maya. The blonde closes her eyes at the feeling.

“You like that, bambina?” Carina whispers. She watches the reaction on Maya’s face when she presses the dildo a little harder into Maya.

Maya moans and nods.

Lips are attached to the head again. Carina takes about half of the length into her mouth before running her tongue along the bottom as she pulls back. She works over the appendage for a few moments, covering it in her saliva.

Carina stands up. This isn’t exactly where she wants Maya. Blowing her in the middle of the living room is one thing, but she has plenty of other ideas and fantasies about this situation. She presses a kiss to Maya’s cheek. “Come on, bambina.” She helps Maya out of her pants and removes one of Maya’s hands from her shoulder before walking them into the bedroom. Maya on shaky legs.

Her clothes come off quickly. “Lay down.” Carina nods at the bed as she undresses.

Maya follows instructions well. She watches as her wife slips her panties down her legs, looking as sexy as ever as she does so. She is tempted to run her own hand up and down the shaft of the dildo until Carina is done undressing.

But the Italian is quick, and she is pressing one knee into the bed and then the other, and then she is sitting across Maya’s thighs. Carina leans down, a hand on the center of Maya’s chest for support as her lips find Maya’s in a sloppy, wet kiss. Maya’s hand goes to the back of Carina’s head. Carina cants forward needing more than just wet kisses. Her hands find the harness and loosen it a bit.

Maya hums into the kiss, trying to ask Carina what she is doing. The point of wearing the strap on tonight was to use it. But Carina won’t let her ask and Maya doesn’t protest too much when slender fingers disappearing from the harness.

Carina shifts though, and with one final lick at Maya’s mouth she pulls her face away from Maya’s. She looks down between them and presses the dildo up so it’s laying flat against Maya’s lower abdomen. Carina, then, moves up to sit on top of it, rubbing herself back and forth, covering the strap with her wet juices before lifting her hips and letting it stand at attention.

She reaches up and takes the helmet from Maya’s head and puts it on her own. “Take your shirt off. And strap in.”

Maya does as requested and tries to take the helmet back, but Carina holds it to the top of her head with one hand.

“No.” Carina pouts.

Maya moans, thumping her head back against her pillow as Carina moves, positioning the dildo at her entrance before slowing sinking down onto it. “Perfetto.” She moans out, rolling her hips. She puts her hands on Maya’s chest, working them down until she is grabbing at supple breasts. Maya groans and her hands find Carina’s waist holding her steady for a moment. They both breathe heavily at the different sensation they are feeling.

“Okay?” Maya whispers out.

Carina nods, lifting her hips before setting them back down again until she is flush across Maya’s pelvis.

They work at a rhythm that suits them both. Carina doing most of the work and Maya undulating her hips in time with the Italian goddess that sits atop her.

Maya gives Carina a little warning. “Carina, I-“

“No.” She shakes her head. “Almost there.” She picks up her speed, bouncing against Maya’s lap. Maya flicks over Carina’s clit and that she her coming hard, tipping her head back, moaning louder than maybe Maya has ever heard. Maya comes right with her, bucking her hips, exploding into ecstasy.

It’s a feeling like no other. Maya knows there’s nothing better than both of them coming at the same time. Matching that intensity, that level of release. And when Carina rolls her head forward and the helmet threatens to fall from the top of her head Maya is quick to catch it. Carina wearing nothing but her helmet is enough to fulfill her for years to come.

Maya has had a lot of sex in her day, a lot of one night stands. Some hot hook ups, but none of that compares to Carina. She didn’t realize that for a long time. But this so much more than just sex, it’s the connection they have during sex, it’s the magically feeling of being able to be with Carina over and over again and it being simply amazing every damn time. She had once thought that being with the same person over and over again would grow tired and boring, but being with Carina is anything but.

And then Carina smiles, impish. “Hi.” She whispers.

Maya pushes herself up onto her elbows. “You’re amazing. I love you.”

Carina bites her lip. “I love you, bella.” She rolls her hips and Maya closes her eyes and moans.

Maya wraps an arm around Carina, sitting up, finding her lips, kisses her silly to distract her so she can flip the Italian woman over.

Carina squeals a little at the sudden shift. And then groans as Maya pulls out of her.

“Can we-“ Maya isn’t sure how to ask. “If you-“ She twirls her finger around in a circle. “And I-“

Carina smirks. “What bella? What do you want?”

Maya wants to roll her eyes and go hide in the corner. She wishes she were more natural in asking for what she wants, not just in the bedroom, but in life in general. “Can you get on your hands and knees?”

The brunette sits up, her face an inch away from Maya’s. “You want to fuck me from behind.” She husks.

Maya nods her head lightly.

“Molto bene.” Carina takes the fire helmet from her head and sets it on top of Maya’s before turning around.

Maya sets one hand on top of her helmet, securing it to the top of her head, staring down at the plump round ass that is pointed at her. She runs her right hand over a cheek, up Carina’s back. Maya moves closer, her knees between Carina’s on the mattress. She takes her wet member in hand and rubs the tip through Carina’s folds.

Carina gets down onto her elbows, her ass angled higher in the air towards Maya, more open to what Maya has in mind.

She runs her hand over the curve of Carina’s ass and down the side of her leg before coming back up and resting her palm against Carina’s spine on her lower back.

The Italian looks backwards, over her shoulder. Maya catches her looking and locks eyes. She smirks and while she’s looking at Carina’s face, she slides into her. Carina’s eyes slip closed. Maya goes slow at first, and for that Carina is appreciative. They know each other so well. Needs and wants. When to not rush, when things are extra sensitive. Like right now, the angle and position have Carina feeling every little movement.

The brunette’s forehead drops to the mattress and Maya knows it’s time to kick it up a notch until she has Carina moaning with every thrust.

She has Carina coming hard, hands on her hips as she grinds into her.

Maya backs away, taking her helmet off, setting it on the floor, signaling a change in tone and pace. Firefighter Maya put away. All that’s left is wife Maya.

Carina is a writhing mess on the mattress of a moment before she settles. “Bambina?” She whispers holding her hand out, trying to find Maya.

“I’m right here.” She locks her hand in Carina’s even though it’s a little awkward. She rubs her left hand up and down Carina’s back.

“Everything tingles.” Carina moans.

Maya chuckles. “Good.”

“All the way to my toes.”

The blonde shakes her head a little. Carina can be so cute in her post orgasm haze.

“Can you roll over for me?” Maya asks softly. She doesn’t know if Carina is ready or wants more but she feels like she certainly does.

Carina rolls onto her side first and then onto her back. Maya’s lips press to her shoulder and then down the length of her left arm.

“That feels good, bambina.” Carina hums.

Maya hops over to Carina’s hipbone. “You feel good. You always feel so good. All of you.” She kisses over her abdomen, finding the outline of ribs below a breast, pressing, and holding her lips there as she looks up at Carina.

Carina bites her lip. “Are you trying to candy talk me into another round?”

“Candy talking? Yes.” She lays down half on top of Carina, her chin resting on Carina’s shoulder. “Is it working?” She grins.

Carina reaches up, threading her fingers into Maya’s hair. “Si, bacami.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Don’t call me ma’am.”

“Yes, love.” Maya bites her lip cheekily as she leans in for a kiss.

It starts as slow kisses traded between the pair.

“Less teasing, more pleasing.” Carina requests after a few minutes.

“I’m just-“ trying to savor this. The words die on Maya’s lips as Carina’s lips find her neck. Her toes curl when Carina attaches her lips to the spot that drives her absolutely crazy. Her hips rolls, seemingly of their own accord. “Car- Carina.” She stutters, feeling her resolve breaking. But then Maya shakes her head. She has a goal in mind and when Maya has a goal she always sets out to achieve it.

She leans back. Carina whines at the loss. But Maya shifts and fits herself between Carina’s legs. Reaching down for a little assist, she positions the dildo, before sliding into Carina again. She’s mesmerized by how Carina takes her. A little sigh coming out of her mouth at the way Carina’s whole body seems to curl around her.

A more conventional, slow, missionary.

It’s taken Maya a long time to go slow. At anything. Even sex. But this, being able to go slow with Carina is like heaven. It’s better than anything she’s ever had. Any quicky. Any oral. Any anything. Being able to go slow, being able to wrap her arms around Carina’s shoulders and basically hold her while she kisses her and while she’s inside her, while their bodies are pressed and moving together in sync is like perfection.

It's what she needs. Maya realizes that with all the shit that’s been going on in her life this is what she needs. This is what’s important. The most important. Not the sex, per say. But just connecting with Carina in the most physical way. Emotionally, physically. In a way that is just them and not anything else. No doctor, no firefighter, no mother in the other room. Just them. Only them. As two people at their most basic level.

Maya rolls off of her afterwards, loosening the harness. “God, that’s a lot of work. No wonder guys need a nap after. My muscles are on fire, and I consider myself fairly fit.”

Carina laughs through her labored breathing. “They also have a flaccid penis after and don’t go multiple rounds in a row usually.”

Maya rolls onto her side and presses a kiss to Carina’s shoulder. “And that’s why girls are better.” Maya winks.

Carina wraps her arms around Maya and pulls her to her chest. “That was amazing.”

“Yeah?” Maya grins, proud.

Carina taps at Maya’s cheek, hinting at her proud smile. “Assolutamente. A trick and a treat.”

Maya chuckles. “Happy Halloween?”

“Happy Halloween, bella.” Carina rolls over pressing Maya down onto the mattress and goes down on Maya to finish off their day with one more treat.