Chapter 33

I poured coffee into my mug then began preparing it.

"Hey" Nathan said entering the room "Did you get any sleep last night?" He asked as he approached me and began to pour some coffee himself.

"Oh yea. Got two solid hours of precious sleep. Oh how I loved it"

He chuckled "I know what you mean. That's why coffee was invented"

I laughed "I didn't even get to talk to Jay last night" I blew into my coffee before taking a small sip "I just can't wait till we catch this guy"

Nathan scoffed "Me too"


Jay leaned back on his chair. He stared blankly at his coffee mug.



"Thank you for meeting me" Maddie said as she sat on the chair across from his.

"Yea" He was just itching to ask.

"So how are you?" She asked.

"Maddie, I haven't seen you in awhile. You show up out of nowhere and pregnant" He stopped himself before he went on. He took a quick deep breath "Is it mine?" He finally asked.

She didn't say anything for a few seconds. Simply giving him a look "What do you think?"

"I don't know what to think" He answered her.

"The night we spent together during the week was pretty wild"

Jay thought about it. It was when he and Cassie were in a huge fight. They had broken up for a short time. He and Maddie had gotten pretty drunk that night, he hardly remembered what happened that night. Which was making him nervous. He wouldn't do that to Cassie. Would he?


For about half the day we were still busting our asses to find the suspect. I missed a few calls from Jay during the case but I was so busy I couldn't answer them. After about a few hours we finally caught him. It wasn't an easy catch though. Once we were able to take a deep breath I called Jay back. But when he didn't answer I checked to see if I received any text messages.

"Hey, everything okay?" Nathan asked walking near my desk.

"Not sure" I said as I looked at my phone before looking up at him "Jay called me a few times but when I tried to call him back he doesn't answer. It's a little rare because he never calls me this many times"

Moving his lips downward then he moved his head left to right "If it was an emergency maybe he wouldn't called more times. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about"

I nodded my head "Yea, I'm gonna get going. My bed is calling my name"

He chuckled "Yea same here. See you next shift" He said grabbing his jacket then walking off.


It didn't take long. The moment I got home I showered then crashed on the bed. I guess I was so tired I didn't end up waking up till the next day. After I washed up I began eating breakfast at my apartment. I heard the door unlock and it opened. As I chewed the piece of egg in my mouth I saw Jay walk in and approach me.

"Hey" I said.

"I tried calling you"

After swallowing the egg I took a quick sip of my orange juice "I know I'm sorry. The case was pretty crazy"

He approached me and greeted me with a sweet kiss.

"It's okay. I missed you though"

I smiled and leaned in for another kiss "I missed you too"

As soon as I finished my breakfast I put the plate inside the sink and finished drinking my juice.

"Listen Cass, I need to talk to you"

I turned around to him "Okay but can we maybe talk a little later? I've gotta meet Kelly"

Without really giving him time to answer I quickly pecked his lips "I'll see you later"

Since I was a already ready I headed to the door grabbing my things. I blew another kiss to him before leaving and closing the door behind me.

After meeting up with Kelly I accompanied him as he had to do a few errands. We were in the hospital as he was waiting for April.

"Please tell me that you are not with April again. Not that I don't like her because I do but-"

Kelly lightly chuckled "No, I just have to talk to her"

"Okay" I said with a nod.

Within a few minutes April walked up to Kelly. I greeted her as they both walked away. I was only standing there for a few minutes when I noticed Will approach me.

"Hey" I said with a smile.

"Hey" He greeted back with a smile as we hugged before shortly pulling apart.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

I looked around making sure we weren't in the way as we were standing near a room "Kelly had a few errands to run so I came along. He's talking with April" I explained.

Will nodded "Hey listen I was sorry to hear about the news. I never like Maddie anyways, she was always a bad influence on Jay"

I looked at him with a baffled expression. My eyebrows arching in as my head slightly turned "What are you.. talking about?" I asked wildly confused.

His expression turned completely blank. He then had an uh oh expression. He stuttered as he looked at his watch that was around his wrist.

"Uhh you know what.. I have to go" He turned his back and began to walk away.

"Will" I said in a serious tone.

He stopped and slowly turned back around to face me. He stayed silent. The look on his face looked like he regretted telling me.

"Will" I repeated.

He sighed softly "I shouldn't be the one to tell you, Jay should"

"Tell me what?" I questioned him, in a harsh tone.

Again he stayed silent for a minute.

"Tell me what?" I questioned again.

He glanced to the ground before looking up at me.


I parked across the district and began walking to the steps. My boots pounding on the cement as I walked. As soon as I crossed the street I looked down at my phone to check it. As I looked back up I saw Maddie walk down the last step.

She looked at me and smiled, one that looked devilishly before walking off. It is true.. I stomped up the steps and walked up to Sargent Platt.

After asking nicely she buzzed me up and I marched upstairs. I could feel the blood boiling inside me as I walked. Just as soon as I made it upstairs I glanced around. Most of the team was sitting at their desk.

I spotted Jay in the coffee room grabbing something from the refrigerator. I began marching up to him. As soon as I walked in I closed the door behind me cause Jay to look at me.

"Hey" He said as he began to look at me confused. Judging from the look on my face, I wasn't happy. He closed the refrigerator door and put the water bottle on the table.

"Do you want to explain to me why the hell you didn't tell me" I asked immediately raising my voice.

"Explain what?" He asked.

"That Maddie is pregnant and your the father?!" I exclaimed.


Adam, Antonio, Atwater, and Hailey were at their desk when they couldn't help but hear what was going on in the room. They weren't eavesdropping, Cassie was just talking really loudly.
