
Double Six. (1)

In the final moments before dawn, within an almost inhumanely small room, a man sat on a bed, staring blankly out of a tiny window – as if looking or waiting for something specific. All he could see however was a wall so tall, it looked as though it pierced the Heavens themselves, and whatever light managed to sneak its way into the room was artificial, and almost entirely too bright. That didn't matter however as an alarm went off in this man's room, as well as what sounded like hundreds of other rooms.

"00-66." A gruff, yet disinterested voice called out from beyond the small metal door. "Up and at 'em, Double Six."

The door unlocked with an extremely heavy sounding click, before it opened automatically. The man referred to as Double Six then stood up, and walked to the door, his tall and muscular frame almost dwarfing the door. There was a security gate in front of him that was still locked and closed, however there was a slot through which the man slid both hands through. Thick metal wrist bands conspicuously adorned his thick wrists, and the man who had called out to Double looked over a series of stats on a tablet before pressing something on the screen. Immediately afterwards, something that looked like a light blue streak of lightning sparked and then snaked out, connecting the wristbands together. Double Six then pulled his hands back into the room, and the security gate unlocked and opened as well. The alarms continued to go off for another minute, after which they became completely silent. The sound of hundreds of bare feet stepping out from the rooms onto the metal platform outside of said rooms echoed loudly throughout the entire area.

"Agents." An AI sounding voice echoed. "Please go to your scheduled appointments and activities. Tardiness shall not be tolerated."

The voice repeated this as if it was some kind of mantra, and the 'Agents' all turned without making a sound and marched like robots in single file towards their various destinations. Agent Double Six was one of those who was headed to the gym – clad only in his underwear as were all of the other Agents. Blue lights on the ceilings as well as on the cold floor below illuminated their paths, and they split and diverged, leading the groups in whatever direction they were each headed. Agents entered massive lifts en masse, and were funneled into different rooms and areas. A positively massive auditorium filled with gym equipment of varying types was where Double Six's group ended up, and after they marched over to their designated lockers, which all unlocked via a retina scan, they pulled out their gym gear and waited. A series of large holographic countdown timers appeared, and upon reaching zero, the shackles were deactivated – allowing the agents to get dressed and begin their workouts. There was no conversation, no interaction, no shared or stolen glances – everybody just got to work. While some Agents were scheduled for multiple activities during their 'personal time', Agent Double Six spent the entire time working out.

He finished training, showered, and marched back to his room with the same blank expression he'd had on his face since waking up. The room – which was more akin to a prison cell – had what looked like a nylon body suit waiting for him on his tiny bed. The Agent slipped into the suit, and as he did, an untold amount of circuits all over the body suit pulsed with a light blue glow. He waited for the next countdown, which came and allowed him to go to the mess hall to eat. From marching to the cafeteria, to standing in line, being served and then eating, everything was sequential – and done in silence. The only sound that came from any of the hundreds of Agents present was that of utensils bumping into and scraping against plates and teeth. The guards that watched over the Agents eyed one another, with some still unable to understand these people.

"I just can't get used to watching these freaks." One guard remarked.

"…not this again." Another responded.

"Watching them doesn't freak you out?"

"It didn't freak me out two days ago when you asked me the same question, why would it now?"

"They don't speak, they don't interact with anything that is beyond their orders, they don't laugh, don't cry, don't do a damn thing… it's like watching marionettes on rails. Especially these First Gens."

"Look, all Husks were purpose built. They served their purpose during the Third Great War, and now they've been given a new purpose."

"There are probably tens, or hundreds of war heroes sitting here, people who gave up their emotions to gain the immense strength it took to ward off the Vamps, Wolves, and all the rest. Essentially lobotomized and turned into weapons for our sake. Now look at them…"

"Would you shut it already? They have their circumstances, and we have ours. If they had really done their job, would we be living in this world with no sun? With walls so tall and thick most of us don't even know what the world looks like beyond them? These fuckers should have wiped all of those filthy Descendants once and for all. Instead, we live like shut ins in our own fuckin' country. So stop feeling sorry for these useless cunts and focus on doing your job."

The guard that spoke first said nothing in reply, and none of the 'Husks' even batted an eye at the entire conversation that was almost unnecessarily loud. The buzzing timer alerted the Agents of the end of breakfast, prompting all of them to stand up and march out of the hall. They all made the surprisingly long trip towards an equally large room which had the words "First Generation" glowing above the entrance. Once they were all in, they started to walk towards designated areas, which were sectioned off and labeled. Agent Double Six went to an area with a 27031 hovering above it, and was soon joined by four other Agents