
Double Six. (2)

While Double Six simply had a large afro and somewhat scraggly beard, the others were a bit more distinguishable – with some having multiple piercings, others having facial tattoos, or both. In under a minute, all of the squads had assembled, and in addition to the Agents, there were two people known as 'Technicians' assigned to each squad. They were clad in actual clothing, with long jackets that looked like armoured lab coats. A large holographic screen appeared in front of the Agents, and an older looking gentleman with a massive moustache clearly augmented eyes began to speak.

"Good morning, Agents." He greeted plainly. "Due to the current and continued atmosphere of hostility within the city, you will be required to be just as vigilant as you have been in recent weeks. Also, we have received intel that a number of the peaceful protests we have been subjected to may very well boil over and become riots, therefore, the issuing and use of Riot Gear has been permitted by the Agency. Your handlers will explain everything in detail once you are all outfitted and en route to your various areas."

The screen disappeared, and the Technicians all got to work, turning to their squads and opening the large cases that were with them. Thiren, the Armour Tech for the 031, and Kriyen, the Weapon Tech both got to work immediately.

"You heard that old 'stache, riots equal Riot Gear." Thiren said as he pulled multiple items of apparel out from his case. "The problem with you First Gens is that some of you were able to obtain monstrous abilities and powers, and as much as you really powerful ones have zero emotions, some of you seem to enjoy destroying the extremely valuable gear that I am tasked with making for you."

Thiren was scowling hard as he went on his rant, all the while staring directly into Agent Double Six's lifeless eyes.

"Dude, he doesn't do it on purpose – he derives no pleasure from any of that shit." Kriyen chimed in as he himself pulled out a series of melee and ranged weapons. "Just look at those eyes T, it's like staring into an empty abyss."

"I'm telling you Kri, he does it on purpose."

Thiren then started to dress the Agents one by one, ending with Double Six whose kit was a little bit bigger and heavier than the others. There were two women, and two men – with the women appearing to have the heavier plating on their boots, pants and tops. They were all black, and had small transistors all lined on the inside, and a large overcoat that almost touched the ground was given to them all. The fit of the coat was different for each Agent, with Double Six's being a tight fit – much like everything else. Kriyen then started handing the Agents their weapons, with one of the women receiving giant gloves which were more akin to gauntlets, the other getting twin daggers, and the men got guns – assault rifles for the one, and a shotgun for the other. Double Six however got a pair of gloves, a large pistol, and a longsword. They were then all given helmets, which they all held under their arms. Once they were all kitted out, the Techs from the respective Squads all rattled off a series of facts and figures regarding the areas they would be going to patrol, as well as the estimated probability of riots kicking off in said areas. This all went on until yet another timer appeared, which prompted all of the Technicians to stop talking and look at their tablets. The moment the alarm went off, they tapped on the screens, and every piece of equipment worn by an Agent began to make all manner of mechanical and hydraulic sounds, with bits screwing in, others locking in place, sealing, and more. Along with these physical sounds, there were also beeps and bongs, as if the items were turning on, posting and then booting. The larger, muscular Agents had steam and smoke blowing out of vents on their shoulders and backs, while some had the same blowing out from their boots, and various other places, depending on their size and kit. After a series of quick diagnostics tests, the Techs signaled for their Squads to follow them into a hangar which was full of large, SUVs that were so heavily armoured, it looked as though they would break through the tarmac below and plummet to the centre of the planet. Large rear doors were open, revealing the area where the Agents sat. All the Agents present then holstered their weapons either on their waists or their backs, before the shackles on their wrists were activated again, and they each stepped into the back of their Squad Cars. The massive doors then slid closed, and locked with an audible bang, before the Techs hopped in the front where the designated drivers were Each SUV had the Squad's number written on the side, once a horn of sorts went off, the hangar door opened, and the cars all moved out in sequence.

It was quite the intimidating sight as they all moved out and filled the streets, before going in their various directions. The 031 had been assigned to patrol an 'urban' area which had been flagged as potentially high-risk zone. It was in fact a slum where a large number of discharged Husks – known amongst themselves as the Unshackled – resided and attempted to earn a living. Protests had been going on for weeks, and the closer the SUV got to the zone, the more it became apparent that things weren't good. Artificial sunlight blanketed the city, revealing just how bad things were, with violated buildings becoming more and more prevalent as they approached the area. The buildings were disheveled, detritus filled the streets, and slogans were spray painted on most all the buildings, signs and even the streets themselves. Soon enough, the car arrived and was immediately met by protest action. Hundreds, if not thousands of men and women of all ages flooded the streets, holding signs and pickets with slogans and messages. Many of the protesters were clad in black, with masks across their faces.