Sharing just a single drop

"Ah~ so noisy~," Jay complained, waving his hand and the windows to get rid of them quickly since he found it annoying.

"What's wrong?" Uriel asked as she noticed his strange movements, almost as if he was bothered by a pesky fly.

"It said I got a legendary title, but it won't shut up," Jay spoke, excitement leaking from his voice.

"A legendary title?" Uriel questioned while moving a bit closer to Jay. "Let me see."

Then while walking out of the temple, Jay opened the system interface for Uriel to see.

Uriel quickly skimmed through the rutile effects, and surprisingly, she nodded in approval.

"It's pretty good." Uriel complemented while glancing back at Jay.

"Wow, must be good, considering it got your approval." Jay laughed and closed the windows again. "I thought you were going to say that it was worthless."

"Well, it would have been if it wasn't for the relationship perk with the demon born and the additional willpower it gave you," Uriel spoke with a shrug.

"Is the relationship perk that important" Jay asked.

"Of course," Uriel replied and nodded. "Even though it's with only demons, it would help you a lot."

"I guess…" Jay sighed.

Then with a sudden strong gust of wind, both Uriel and Jay looked forward. In front of them, they spotted the married couple resting against the light brown bark of a giant Kapok tree. The branches and leaves sway under the soft light of the moon.

Violet's eyelids twitched lightly, then shot open. It seemed like she noticed the presence of the two before them.

"Oh, I didn't mean to wake you up," Jay spoke, raising his hand to greet Violet.

"It's quite alright…." Violet mumbled with a yawn. Then, rubbing her eyes, Violet looked at Jay.

"Are you not leaving?" Jay asked.

"We will soon, but as of right now, we're resting," Violet answered.

"Ah, then I'll give this to you as a present," Jay said, then reached into his inventory and took out the golden goblet.

"What are you…." Uriel muttered with a questionable look.

"There's one drop left," Jay said to Uriel. "It would be a waste if I didn't give it to Coltin."

"Haaaa…" Uriel sighed, then turned around as if it wasn't her problem anymore.

"Ah… it won't be necessary." Violet waved her hand in denial. "It should be me to give you a gift."

"Don't refuse." Jay chuckled and walked towards the sleeping Coltin and crouched beside him.

Then grabbing his cheek, Jay positioned him upright and dropped the last drop of the holy spring water into his mouth.

"What was that?" Violet asked, her face now a bit stern.

"Haha, don't worry, it's not poison," Jay reassured Violet and took a step away from Coltin.

At that very moment, Coltin's body immediately went through changes.

The loose wrinkles on his face began to tighten until they were completely gone. Also, his grey skin began to blend into a paler color. Colten also began growing in size as his hunched back straightened.

"T-this is…" Violet covered her gaped mouth in shock.

"Wow… he became a different person." Jay whistled in amazement.

"What's going on?" Coltin suddenly muttered in a sleepy voice, scratching his head as he got up.

"Good morning, Mr.handsome." Jay greeted Coltin with a humorous smile on his face.

"Who are you calling handsome?" Coltin questioned with an unhappy look on his face. "Are you making fun of my age? Hmm...? What are you guys looking at?"

Snapping out of her shocked state, Violet cast a simple water spell and moved it in front of Coltin, acting as if it was a mirror.

'Hmmm... she could use magic... I thought they were just a regular married couple.' Jay began to think while rubbing his chin. 'But then again, it would have been weird for a regular couple to explore such a dangerous dungeon.

"Huh...? I'm young again? How?" Confusion was written all over Coltin's face.

"Ah...! Ah...!" Violet trembled as she pointed at Coltin's face, and not being able to bare it any longer, she ran into Coltin's embrace, not letting him go. "You really regained your youth! I thought that I would have been a widow for half my lifetime!" Violet cried, her sobbing muffling her words.

Hearing the commotion, Uriel finally turned back around from curiosity, but upon seeing the two, a complicated expression was made on her face.

"I wasn't that old..." Coltin muttered but still pulled the sobbing Violet closer to his chest. "I had really missed you. The many decades were harsh without you."

"Yea..." Violet nodded, smearing her tears all over Coltin's shirt.

'Should we even be here?' Jay had a sudden thought and the urge to give these two some private time. Even Uriel was beginning to think the same as Uriel.

"Ah, have we made it awkward for you?" Violet abruptly asked, finally leaving Coltin's arms and wiping away her tears. "We had shown you something unsightly."

Although Violet knew their sworn enemies were demons, she didn't think these two demons acted like demons. Violet knew the rough and nasty nature of demons, but these two were the complete opposite. She had decided to trust Jay and Uriel and Violet was sure her husband had the same idea as her.

"Don't think like that," Jay spoke, reassuring Violet. "You can treat us informally."

"No, no, no." Violet shook her head. "You are our saviors, and we still haven't compensated you for your deeds."

"That won't be ne-"

"Then please answer a question of mine." Uriel butted in, causing a vein to pop on Jay's forehead.

"Read the atmosphere, you shitty Angel." Jay harshly whispered in Uriel's ear, making sure she got a piece of his mind. "You really think now is the right time."

"I'm sorry, master," Uriel respectfully apologized, unlike what Jay thought would happen. It was probably because of the bond he created with Uriel. "But this is a question I must ask."

"Coltin, you gave my master a powerful contract casting... we're on earth, did you get it," Uriel asked.

"Wow, even the angel of wisdom doesn't know." Coltin chuckled.

"Urghhh..." Uriel gritted her teeth after hearing Coltin's mocking words, but there wasn't anything she could do about it. After all, it was true that she didn't know as the angel of wisdom.