The Answer Remains The Same

Celine came out of the elevator on the fourteen floors as soon as the door opened. When she turned the corner, she immediately saw a black-haired man with a well-built body leaning against the wall next to her apartment door.

The man was wearing a black jacket and jeans. She could sense the dominant aura coming out of his body from ten meters away. Even though he was standing while playing with the phone, he still looked creepy.

Celine's high heels knocked elegantly on the floor. Soon, along with the trimmed distance, the sound waves produced by the high heels beat successfully stimulated Hiller's sense of hearing to make his head turn in time.

"Can't you tell me in advance before you visit here? I feel bad to make you wait like this," Celine's rebuke precedes, and she continues to walk closer.

Hiller smiled when he saw Celine's appearance, happy and welcoming Celine's arrival. Moreover, they have not seen each other for more than a month.

"Is that the first thing you said to me after not seeing me in quite a long time?"

Celine snorted as she stood right in front of Hiller. Shortly after that, Hiller opened his arms wide, giving the code to Celine to immediately hug the man's body twenty centimeters taller than her with warmth.

"Long time no see, brother," muttered Celine in a muffled voice on Hiller's chest.

Hiller hugged Celine's body no less tightly, like a brother hugging his sister to release the longing shackled in the chest. "Thank God, you take good care of yourself. I'd worry that you'll lose some weight again."

They both stayed in that position for a minute. Since Celine's apartment was on a VVIP floor, the hallway was very quiet. This floor only has six units of apartment rooms. Two of them are empty. Also, unlicensed foreigners couldn't set foot randomly without permission on this fourteen floor—another story with Ronald, who was successfully sneak in after escaping the apartment security guard.

This situation is also what makes the hallway feel so quiet. Even Celine's previous high heels beat sounded so domineering in this silence.

"Come in. Let me make you a drink," greeted Celine releasing their embrace.

Hiller nodded. And thus, he walked behind Celine and entered her apartment.

When Hiller took his first steps into Celine's apartment, the first thing he did was breathe in the room air. And then, his right eyebrow lifted, feeling an unusual awkwardness.

After sitting on the living room sofa and his hand reaching for the TV remote lying on the table, Hiller asked frankly, "The air was so dry and quite piercing. Don't you live here?"

Celine put her bag not far from there. She was not surprised that Hiller was able to guess it right. After all, a police officer usually has such a keen sense, right?

So, willy-nilly, Celine had to admit it.

"Yeah. I didn't live in the apartment for more than three weeks. Or rather, after the incident. I was afraid if that guy would suddenly come back here and hurt me. So, I decided to stay at a hotel not far from here." Celine lied, aligning her reasoning with reality to make it sound plausible.

Don't forget that Celine didn't tell Hiller as she was staying at Jayden's house. She was too shy to explain the reason behind it to him. She didn't want to add to the burden on Hiller's mind.

Not expecting it, Hiller's response looked relaxed instead of asking Celine further. "Great. You took the right decision even though I didn't advise you to do so."

Celine smiled. See?

Leaving Hiller, Celine walked towards the kitchen to make two cups of warm tea. A minute later, she returned with a tray of two glass cups.

"Drink up. Are you hungry? I'll order some food for you."

Hiller shook his head. He helped Celine put the cup on the table. One for him and one for Celine.

After Celine sat beside him, Hiller asked earnestly, "When are you leaving abroad? I guess in a matter of days, am I right? Have you prepared everything and packed all your stuff?"

Yeah. Finally, Celine knew the purpose of Hiller's arrival.

Due to his busy schedule at the police headquarters, Hiller is unlikely to be able to take Celine to the airport. He doesn't have much free time. He always spent his time carrying out tasks obtained from superiors.

Celine is busy, and Hiller is much more than that. However, they kept each other at a distance and kept exchanging news to ensure everything was fine.

In other words, this day could also be the last time they see each other face to face before Celine goes to Arc City for three months.

Quite sad.

"Yes. I'll be gone in five days. From what I've heard, Arc City has extreme temperatures. It's cold in there. So, I just took Lucia to buy some thick coats at the mall. After I arrive at Arc City later, I'll ask someone to buy some heating equipment for me. I need that thing," Celine replied smoothly and planned. Celine leaned her back against the chair while sipping her warm tea regularly.

Finding Celine able to answer his questions confidently without feeling confused or hesitant, Hiller felt much calmer. His worries diminished a little.

"That's it? There is not something else?"

Celine smiled, fully understanding what Hiller meant. "If you're worried about my safety while there, I don't think you need to do that again. I also hired an experienced bodyguard to take care of me while I was there. In the past, he has worked for other celebrities. So, I'm pretty sure he's reliable."

Hiller nodded his head understandingly. What was in his heart was satisfaction.

Hiller was secretly amazed by Celine's fashionable appearance. She wore a bright red dress with large round earrings. In addition, her waist-length brown hair let loose, making Celine's beauty shine even more.

Ten years ago, Celine was a submissive little girl who didn't know how to dress neatly. She only has five clothes and always liked it when Hiller visited her on the weekends with lots of food.

Because basically, Celine and Beatrice didn't come from a prominent family. They live in poverty for years. Eating twice a day was a special thing for Celine in her childhood.

And Hiller is one of the few people who witnessed Celine and Beatrice's life in the past. But now, watching Celine grow under his tutelage, a sense of pride seeped into his heart. They had come this far.

"Great. I'm glad to hear that. And don't forget to send me the bodyguard's cell phone number. I also need a report from him regarding your activities while there. To make sure you're okay."

His arrival here was also to find out what Celine had arranged, worried she did not have any plans. And apparently, he doesn't have to worry anymore. She can handle everything by herself.

Celine snorted. "Alright, I'll send it later via text message."

Celine stood up and took her cell phone out of her bag. After that, he stood leaning against a nearby drawer. "What do you want to eat? Let me treat you."

Hiller, who was sipping hot tea, spontaneously choked. "Do you have money?"

Right in the next second, Celine cast a death stare at the man. She pulled one corner of her lips up to form a hideous grin and raised his chin impulsively. "Doubting me, huh? Of course, I have it! Now that I'm rich, I have a lot of money!"

Hiller chuckled, amused. His stomach tingled after successfully teasing Celine to do her act like that. It's a small joke that Hiller misses every day on his busy day.

"It turns out that the woman who was depressed a year ago and wanted to give up pursuing her dream now has a lot of money and is rich. Tsk, how great she is."

Celine's heart suddenly itched. Hiller was satirizing her elegantly. "How dare you ...! Let me order all the food for you! I dare you to eat them alone till your stomach is full!"

After that, Celine struggled with her cell phone. Order food from one of its flagship restaurants through an app.

On the other hand, Hiller stared at Celine's movements intensely. His eyes kept watching, like a lion stalking its prey target.

When Celine put her phone on the table and sat back beside Hiller, seemingly done with the transaction, Hiller then muttered softly and cautiously, "Do you know? Yesterday Aaron came to see me at the office. He wants to convey-"

"Let's not talk about that. There are many more interesting things to become a topic of our conversation. I don't want to waste our time by discussing that matter," Celine cut quickly without feeling reticent.

Hiller smiled clumsily, feeling awkward at having already raised that sensitive topic of conversation. "Ah, well. I'm sorry."

Celine smiled at Hiller. A smile that seemed very sincere and also shrouded in mysteriousness simultaneously.

Gradually, taking advantage of the momentum because Hiller was staring at her, Celine immediately locked the man's eyes and did not let him look the other way. After that, Celine said softly but firmly, "I will not forgive them at any time. That's my only answer."