Chapter 6: Survival of the fittest II

"Ana! Where have you been?" Mrs. Rodriguez worriedly asked while approaching her.

There were backstage at the school's theater. The manager who worked for Colin Ortega the most talented film score composer in the world had visited the school to look for talented students, Singers, songwriters, instrument players, actors, and any talent that would impress him, he would take their names to Colin. It was a movement by Colin to support young talents in the city.

"Sorry I was in the bathroom," apologized Ana.

"Come on, it's almost our turn, you practiced well, right?" Mrs. Rodriguez asked.

"Yes we did"

"Good, now go on, your team is waiting for you, I'm counting on you guys, do your best."

"Don't worry madam," she assured her.

She joined her teammates who were peeking at the manager who was listening to a student quoting a poem, he looked so uninterested, and that only increased their worries.

"Oh no, this is bad, I'm afraid I'll let you guys down." Lameck the drummer, one of her teammates cried out. The others didn't say anything but silently agreed with him.

"Pfft, you guys can see Mrs. Rodriguez right? She will kill us if we mess up... but, she won't because we won't mess up. Let's just play as we practiced, I'm sure we'll do just fine." Ana tried to lift their moods which hardly worked. She contemplated for a bit, she was the lead violinist and, they all had to work together,

"I always think of people as little kittens when I play, It helps calm my nerves. We could do that right now," She tried again.

This time, she earned a laugh. It was Kristy, a third year and a pianist. "You're really terrible at this Ana."

The rest of the team burst out laughing and she joined in. "But it worked," Kristy added.

"Okay guys, let's play our best performance to the cute little kittens?" Lameck laughed.

Soon it was their time. They introduced themselves and started playing Shape of lies by Thomas-Adam Habuda.


She was happy. The manager loved them, soon Colin would surely look for them. Finally, something exciting was going to happen to her normal life. She smiled and looked forward to it. She put back her violin in her locker and sighed at the thought of cleaning the football club's changing room. She heard excited voices talking about the football match of today. She didn't want to listen and thought about going to the principal and asking for a chance to work at the library instead. A place that students hardly visited. She'd have her peace and quietness there.

She leaned outside the changing room's door and listened for any voices inside. It was quiet.

"I wonder if they are all gone," she muttered to herself.

"I could go check in for you if you want." She got startled by the voice and abruptly turned around,


He smiled. "I didn't mean to startle you, I was just going inside, wait out here, I'll go check inside for you"

"Oh, ok...thanks"

She remained outside and waited for him. She expected it to take a short while but she had been standing for almost three minutes. 'Maybe he's changing,' she told herself. Another minute passed before she decided to go in, she took a step in when a voice interrupted her, so she halted,

"Well well well, look who we have here?" It was Caleb.

She frowned, what were they doing here? Luke and the other two boys she wasn't aware of were present. She looked at them, they had already changed, so that means she wasn't early.

"Are you looking for Luke?" Caleb smirked.

"I didn't know you were still using the room, I'll come back later," she ignored him and excused herself but Caleb grabbed her hand,

Ana stared at their entwined hands then stared at his blue eyes. There was amusement filled in them, and he chuckled. She tried to get her hand away to no avail.

"Let go, Caleb"

"Tsk, Luke you sure you're not interested, because I am. Her hands are so soft, did you hear her call my name right now? such a sweet voice, I wonder how she would sound against me" He totally ignored her cry and yet again treated her like a whore.

Arrogant prick, he knew how to make her lose her temper. Though she was a pushover, she wasn't going to let anyone deprive her of dignity.

"Caleb let go, besides I'm not interested anymore, I'm not interested in you either, so can we move on?" She tried to be reasonable.

"Oh, you're over Luke already? Do you have someone else in mind?"

"She said she's not interested, give her a break," Logan appeared. He was leaning at the entrance and folded his arms across his chest. His hair was wet. 'Did he just shower?' She wondered. Her eyes narrowed. Was he also playing games with her? She got pissed.

Luke stared at her, she was so easy to read. She was arguing with herself, something about Logan. 'Hmm, interesting,' he smirked. When she said she wasn't interested anymore, it bothered him, he got the urge to crash her right then and there while people watched, and show her how that was not going to happen until he decided so. Something about Caleb wanting her bothered him too, he was going to give sense to that jerk later when they were alone, he noted. His fury reached its peak when Logan appeared from nowhere looking like that. He looked like him when Ana approached him. Wet hair, and the scent of fresh soap, he also crossed his arms to show his biceps. His eyes narrowed at him, he knew girls loved that. Ana had clearly undressed him that day, she wanted to fuck him even though she denied it. He expected to see her look at Logan like that but instead, he saw confusion and anger. he smiled.

Logan walked over and took her hand from Caleb's.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, did they bother you?"

Ana lifted her eyebrow and contemplated if this was an act, they were all footballers after all. Logan blushed and leaned so close to her face, his lips almost brush her cheeks, "I know I have some explanation to make, just not here...please," he moved to look at her eyes, she stared back, his eyes were a forest green with a hint of manipulation. She had excellent observation skills and something told her to stay away from him. Meanwhile, she felt a murderous gaze across her, she turned to look where that came from and her eyes met with Luke's dark cold gaze. She gulped, right now, Logan was a better option so she firmly held her hand to his, to hide her now shivering body and pulled him to leave. Logan willingly let her lead the way, and smirked, he made sure Luke see it, while Luke snorted.