Chapter 21: Is this training?

On a big field, A young man standing in the center field, and many bodies are lying around him, From women to men, no exceptions, the bodies lying on the ground have either wounds or bruises around their bodies.

"How did this happen?" One of the Bodies lying on the ground asked.

" I-i don't know." One of the Bodies replied.

" Hey, Guys what are you doing on the ground?" The young man looked at the bodies with an innocent expression.

From others' perspectives, they might say 'cute' when the young man asked with a cute and Innocent expression but to the Bodies who were lying on the ground, it's a Devils smile.

Meanwhile, the person who watched them from the start, " Brutal " is the only word she can say after seeing the whole process.


{ Flash back a while back}

The class just ended and Tsukasa said to Kurumi that he was not going to be able to go with her as he still has important things he had to do.

Fortunately, Kurumi understood him and let him do his work.

So Tsukasa walked towards the Student Council Room where the others are waiting.

Arriving at the Clubroom Tsukasa saw Sona's Peerage.

" Yo!" He said.

Everyone in the room had mixed emotions seeing Tsukasa. Some of them were surprised, some were happy, and some were hesitant.

" What's with that Mixed emotions in your faces?... And where's Gremory-Senpai and her peerage? " Tsukasa asked Sona.

" Rias said that she and her peerage will not be able to attend today's, Training as they are doing something important at the moment," Sona said.

" I see, then I guess I'll just train you guys first," Tsukasa said.

" W-wait, Although Kaichou already tells us that you are part of the Supernatural society, we're still hesitant to attack you because you might die." Saji always thought that Tsukasa is a great friend since he always helps him and he was afraid to hurt Tsukasa because he was just a Normal Human.

The other members of Sona's peerage nodded their heads, to them Tsukasa is a great friend and they are scared to hurt him.

" Sigh* you guys." Tsukasa sighed and then released his aura to intimidate them.

" Wh-what?" Saji felt his body getting weaker then kneeled.

" M-my strength?" Tsubaki said when she felt her legs give out and kneeled.

And the same thing also happened with Sona's other members, and Sona also is on the ground kneeling.

" Now, do you understand why I'm the one who will train you?" Tsukasa asked, seeing them on the ground and turned off his Pressure.

Now Sona and her peerage members understood and nodded unconsciously.

" Good, then I will give you 5 minutes to regain your strength." Tsukasa said.

After the 5 mins time ended, everyone stood up and looked towards Tsukasa.

" Okay guys, let's go to the Soccer field." Tsukasa said and walked towards the soccer field.


Arriving at the Soccer field, Tsukasa deployed his Magic and Made a Barrier to prevent other people from hearing something like eavesdropping.

" Now, this is my first time training someone and I'll make sure that at the end of this training you will be much stronger," Tsukasa said looking at them with a nod.

Tsukasa and the others were wearing P.E. clothes so that they will be able to move their bodies more freely and comfortably,

All members of Sona's peerage are going to fight except Sona herself.

" Now, I have 2 rules before we start, The first rule is Always to listen and Believe in me! And the second Rule is to always follow the first rule. Now that everyone has been warmed up let's start this shall we." Tsukasa said then appeared 5 meters away from them.

" All of you fight me with all you've got!" Tsukasa said.

" Okay, Yuuki-san," Tsubaki said and bought out her Nagita and dashed towards Tsukasa with great speed.

" Haaaaa!"

Tsubaki had used her Demonic power to enhance her physical Strength and Attacks Tsukasa with her nagita.

" Oh!, As expected of the Vice-President you have no hesitation, but your strength is still not there yet!" Tsukasa said and kept dodging her attacks with ease.

" I'm not done yet!" Tsubaki said and channeled her Demonic powers to the Tip of her nagita and then sent a powerful slash of Demonic power towards Tsukasa.

* Slash! *

" Nice thinking!" Tsukasa said and smiled as he's arm was covered by a white-luster and slashed the air using hid arms making a white-colored slash that nullified Tsubaki's Demonic slash.

* Booom! *

" But that's only Basic.... And this is the advance." Tsukasa said then a Sword Materialized in front of him.

" This is a Mana Sword, it's very simple to make, You just need to manipulate your Mana and form it." Tsukasa said then he sent a barrage of flying slash towards Tsubaki.

* Slash! * * Slash! * * Slash!*

Tsubaki Made a Barrier of Demonic energy to protect her from the barrage of Slash coming towards her.

Each of the slashes she can feel the weight and the strength of it, if she didn't use the barrier at the right time, she might be cut in half right now.

* Crack! * Her barrier is slowly getting broken so she sends her Demonic power to rebuild her barrier again.

Tsukasa just smiled at her perseverance then suddenly sensed a sword coming from his neck.

He stops his attacks and ducks his head to avoid the sword.

" Not bad, Meguri." Tsukasa said smiling at meguri who attacked him.

" Hmph, you said that but I didn't even hit you." Meguri rushed towards Tsukasa again not letting him rest.

" Hahaha, you still have to eat many things before you hit me!" Tsukasa laughed and kept dodging her attacks.

" Absorption Line"

Suddenly a Blue colored rope caught tsukasa's Wrist.

" Hahaha, I've caught you tsukasa!" Saji laughed.

Then suddenly tsukasa saw Tsubaki, Meguri rushing in front of him and Momo and kusaka from behind launching Strong Demonic Powers and Yuri from behind Clenched her fist that was infused with Demonic powers ready to punch him.

' He~ so from the start this is their plan, Using Tsubaki and Meguri as a Bait while kusaka used her demonic powers to hide the presence of Saji, Yuri and herself. ' Tsukasa thought and smiled.

Tsukasa used his strength and pulled saji's absorption line and used it as a weapon.

" Woah!!!"

He used the blue rope to block the Nagita and Katana of Tsubaki and Meguri which shocked them both, the Tsukasa kicked Tsubaki together with meguri on their side sending them flying.

""Ugh! ""

And then Tsukasa turned around and used his feet and kicked Yura's Chin sending her on the air.

" Ugh!"

Tsukasa released the Absorption line and used 'Suro' to move towards Kusaka and pointed his arms at her neck.

" It's over." Tsukasa said.

" Your Strategy was great and good, if I'm not strong enough then I might have been defeated by you all but you all have something that makes your team lacking!" Tsukasa said and turned around only to see everyone was on the ground.

" Hey guys what are you doing there?" Tsukasa held back and that strength he used is supposed to be just weak.


' Devil' Thats the only thing on their mind right now looking at tsukasa.

" Hey is it just me or calling me the devil

or something like that?!" Tsukasa asked.

Then everyone shook their head fast saying that they are not thinking something like that.

" Anyway, Saji! your sacred gear is so strong that it even restricted me but the way you use it is crude and your physical strength is very weak." Tsukasa knew that Saji's sacred gear is one of Vritra sacred gear and he knew it could even restrict Loki when they battled him.

Saji on the ground nodded and knew Tsukasa was right.

" Meguri I can see that you infuse your punches with Demonic powers and it's a very good way to fight but you just need to increase your physical strength." Tsukasa can feel the Demonic Powers when Meguri punched him and sensed that it was very strong.

Megura who was on the ground also nodded and a bit happy Tsukasa praised her.

"Tsubaki-san your mastery over Nagita is amazing and the way you infuse your Demonic Powers with your Nagita to send a Flying slash is very surprising but you didn't use your sacred gear and you also need to improve your Physical strength."

Tsubaki nodded without that much changing expression but inside she's very happy and determined to be strong next time.

"Momo and the way you use Demonic Powers is too consuming, Next time try to find a way to lessen the consumption by using different kind of attack." Tsukasa said.

Momo nodded at his word, she also knew that her magic is very consuming.

" And lastly Kusaka the way you made your teammates almost noticeable is simply amazing and I have no comment on that but find a way to protect yourself, you can't expect everytime your teammates is going to save you." Tsukasa said.

Kusaka is very happy with the praise and promised to be stronger next time.

Tsukasa then looked towards Sona and said. " To be honest Kaichou, your team lacks power!, And in that aspect your peerage lost to Gremory-senpais peerage...."

Sona clenched her fist, in the first place she already knew that Pure power is something that they don't have like Rias.

"But you don't have to worry about that when the two of you have a Rating game, your Peerage would undoubtedly win... " The words of Tsukasa startled them then he continued." Although they are strong you have your strategy that will make the situation of the battle change right?"

That's right, Sona's team is focused on Strategy and not that much of Power type but that strategy is something that led them to win.

If Rias team were Boar just rushing with pure strength, Sona's team was like pack of wolves they use numbers and strategy to get their prey.


Thank you for Reading! And don't forget to leave some Stones!

Sorry I don't have that much experience writing a fighting scene.