Chapter 22: Family Dinner

After Tsukasa's done training Sona's peerage, he immediately walks home because his friends will visit tonight.

Fortunately, they will arrive for dinner and the current time is still [6:25 PM] so he still has a big time to get home and change his clothes.

" I'm home!"

Arriving at the house, Tsukasa smelled the delicious aroma of spices coming from the Kitchen where his mother was cooking various kinds of Dishes.

" Ara~ Tsu-chan Welcome Back!" Tsukasa heard his mother's voice coming from the kitchen. " Go to your Room and get ready, I'm still busy with the food I'm cooking here!"

Hearing his Mother Tsukasa followed and entered his room to change his clothes and get ready for his friends to arrive.

* Ring! *

Tsukasa heard his phone and it was ringing, he picked up the phone and saw Kurumi was calling him.

{ Hello? Tsukasa. }

" Yes?" I answered.

{ Did you finish your business with the Students council Presedent? }

" Yes, She just asked me to do some 'things' for school." I said.

{ I see, Are you at your house right now? }

" Yes, I just arrived and was about to change my clothes." I said.

Kurumi and I talked about a few things, joking with each other and asking about our day.

{ I see, Oh! and I almost forgot, My parents said that they want to talk to you. }

Hearing that somehow I became a bit tense. " Did you tell them about us?" I asked.

{ Yes. }

* Gulp! * " D-did your parents say something about me?" I asked getting nervous every second.

{ Hmm, nothing particularly, they were just happy especially Mom since she seemed to be happy about it. }

" I-i see" Somehow hearing that I sighed in relief.

{ Anyway, I'm going to do my homework now, I'll call you Later! }

" Okay, Love you!"

{I'll hang the phone now, Love you too, Bye! } She said before ending the call.

After hanging the Phone I sighed in relief

" Sigh* Safe! I thought her father would say something like ." I will not give my daughter to you! " or " How dare you Taint my Daughter! " like that."

* Ding! Dong! *

The sound of the door bell rang, I immediately walked downstairs and opened the door as I already knew who they were.

" Yo!" Bikou said.

" Good evening!" Le fay said.

" Good evening!" Arthur said.

" Tsukasa nya~" Kuroka said.

Vali just nodded.

" Hey Guys enter!" I said opening the Door to them.

" Ara~ Are you my son's friends?" Suddenly mom's voice was heard behind me.

" Uwa!" I exclaimed then said. " When did you get here Mom!"

" I just got here!" She said with a smile.

Seriously, how can Mom do that, I can't even sense her coming.

" Anyway Hi~ I'm Yuuki Himiko, Mother of Tsukasa Nice to meet you!" My mom introduced herself.

" N-nice to meet you too, Ma'am I'm Bikou"

Bikou said and bowed a little, he seemed to be Nervous.

" Hello~ I'm le fay pendragon, Nice to meet you Himiko-san" Le fay as usual as cheerfully introduced herself.

" Hello ma'am I'm Arthur Pendragon, I'm Lefay's Brother Nice to meet you." Arthur said bowing a little.

" H-hello I'm K-kuroka N-nice to meet you Mot- * Cough* Ma'am" Kuroka said a little nervously.

' She was about to say Mother' I chuckled at her action.

" Fufu~ Nice to meet you all." My mom said.

" Good evening Aunty, Sorry to bother you for today's evening." Vali said respectfully, I can see the astonishment of the other seeing this.

' Th-that Vali/sama the Battle Maniac is using formal tone!! ' That's what on their faces.

I can't help but to chuckle a little seeing them acting like this, well it might be surprising to them because this is the first time they saw Vali speaking in a respectful manner.

" Fufu~ Don't worry about that, you're always welcome you know, Anyway follow me you're just on time the food is already cooked." Mom said then walked towards the Dining room.

" Bikou, kuroka if you don't stop looking at me like that, I will gauge your eyes off!!" Vali seemed to notice their astonished faces when looking at him.


Both of them gulped and looked away, they knew Vali was not joking based on his tone.

I chucked a little then said. " Alright, Alright that's enough, follow me now." I stopped them then put my hand on Vali's shoulder and dragged him with me.

Arriving at the Dining room, We saw many delicious foods on the table and Mom was arranging them in order.

*Gulp* *Churrn*

I can hear the Sound of Gulping and a Hungry stomach from Bikou and Kuroka, it seems just looking at the food in front of them made them Hungry.

" C'mon guys Sit now!" I said before sitting on a chair then on my side is right side kuroka and on my left side is Vali while others are in our front sitting also.

" Mom aren't you going to eat with us?" I asked.

" Oh, No don't worry about me, I already get my portion and will eat later together with your father." She said then added. " Anyway, Everyone don't be embarrassed and eat well, and you too Vali-chan since I cooked One of your favorites."

I can see Vali's eyes shone when he heard that.

" You heard, My mom... Now let's dig in!!" I said before starts eating foods on the table.

Everyone started eating the food on the table, and before we all knew it, we had big bulges in our stomachs and the food on the table was no more.

" *Burp* Excuse me." Bikou said with a satisfied smile on his face.

" That was the best food I had" Kuroka said.

" Tsukasa-san is soo lucky to be able to eat this food everyday!" Lefay said expressing her envy.

" Ma~ Ma~ Lefay-chan you can visit and eat here if you want you know!" My mom said, she was happy with the praise she received.

" Really?! Thank you!" Lefay said happily.

After a while we relaxed a little while talking some interesting things and stories about their funny experiences in life.

" Okay, It's time for us to return home" Vali said.

"" Eh? We're going already?"" Kuroka and Bikou asked, these two were talking with my mother about food and it seems like they are interested about it.

" Yeah, It's late night already" Vali said then looked at my mother. " Thank you for the delicious meal Aunty."

" Don't worry about it Vali-chan, and if you want to eat again just come to the house whenever you want" My mother said with a smile.

" Then I will send you out" I said walking in front of them, while the others said their goodbye to mom.


Arriving at the gate, all of us sensed a familiar demonic energy, together with Holy energy.

" Are they hunting a stray Fallen Angel?" Bikou asked while yawning.

" Hm! That Power?!" Vali's eyes widened when he sensed the power.

" Strange, Holy, Demonic, and Dragon energy are coming towards that direction!" Lefay said pointing at the director where she sensed it.

" Maybe the Gremory Group is facing a Exorcist?" Arthur said.

" Tsukasa! That Power was?!" Vali seemed to realize the power, then a White mechanical wings materialized from Vali's back.

" Yeah, This Generations Sekiryutei seems to be awakened." Tsukasa said with a slight smile ' So he awakened it. '

[ Draig huh?.... It seems like the destined battle will happen again.] Albion spoke from the wings.

" Don't bother him yet, The current Sekiryutei is still weak to battle you." Tsukasa said.

" I know! But make sure to train Sekiryutei well to battle me!" Vali said with a crazed smile.

Tsukasa sighed after hearing this but nodded his head, he knew how much battle maniac his friend was.


Sorry for the long Update, I got really Busy with my studies and School activities...

And currently I'm preparing for UnitMeet so My Schedule is fully booked.