
Wesley was now sure that Hydra had planned it, and it was probably a last-minute plan, but he was also sure that he was under the other party's surveillance. It was too short a time for a child to fight and then draw out the gangster father of a non-mainstream girl. If it really happened, it would happen tomorrow. But as soon as Mindy hit someone, Scarface arrived with his men. This speed was simply too fast.

The police did not appear, which was expected, but why did no one from SHIELD come after he called for reinforcements? Who else could it be but Hydra? Did they want to test his strength or get rid of him?

Wesley had a lot on his mind at the moment, but it didn't affect the movement of his hands. There weren't many thugs left, less than ten. Wesley was too tired to deal with them and went straight to Scarface.

The remaining thugs felt as if they had been granted amnesty, but their boss was now locked in. What should they do? Some of the smarter ones thought of Mindy. If the little girl was caught, then the man would definitely be captured. Three of them immediately ran to the sports car. The crowd around them cried out in surprise. This was obviously against Wesley, but Wesley seemed not to hear them and continued to walk towards Scarface.

Mindy didn't want anyone to damage her brother's car. She liked the Audi R8 very much. It wasn't an expensive sports car, but it was beautiful and it belonged to her brother.

"Ah…" Some girls were already screaming. It was hard for them to imagine what would happen next. Why didn't that guy pay attention to his sister? What if the handsome guy was bullied? Appearance is indeed very useful. Although Wesley has been on the news, he is not as famous as Tony Stark now, so most people here don't know him at all, especially the students.

Some parents found him familiar, but they couldn't remember him for a while. Some of them did remember that he was the chairman of Alliance Games, but how could he be so good at fighting?

With a different mentality, the onlookers expressed that they would sit back and watch the development of the situation. Scarface was a little afraid now. The other party was obviously not to be trifled with, and the guy who encouraged him to deal with him was probably not to be trifled with either. He was now the one in the middle. If he used a little strength on both sides, he would probably be crushed. He could only hope that his three subordinates could catch the little girl, so that he could change his current situation. Since he could only accept one side, he could only let the man in front of him disappear.

After making up his mind, he began to look forward to it. But how could things develop according to his will?

"Ah…" There was a series of screams. The three thugs who surrounded him fell to the ground and covered one of their legs in unison.

Wesley didn't look at what was happening over there, but he heard the gunshot. It was his own pistol, the Beretta 92. He had just put the gun in the car for Mindy to use. Now the shot was fired, proving that Mindy was not in danger.

He looked at the nervous scar-faced man in front of him. "Tell me, who asked you to come? You wouldn't have come so quickly without being notified. The police didn't come either. It seems that this person is quite powerful." Wesley asked with a smile.

"Uh… It seems that you know that this is indeed not something I want to find trouble with you. Someone forced me to come." Scarface is indeed a wily old fox. Without any discussion, he directly said, "This is what happened. I don't know who the other party is, I really don't know!"

Wesley was sure that he did not know. How could a mysterious organization like Hydra let you know? However, this was not his excuse to let him go. He threw a punch and knocked out a few of Scarface's teeth. "Can your daughter transfer schools now?"

"Turn, turn immediately." Scarface covered his mouth and said incoherently. If it weren't for this scar, he would indeed look a little like a successful person. He was wearing a suit and smoking a high-class cigar, completely looking like a successful person. But this scar completely ruined his momentum, and now his mouth is full of blood, and he looks even more miserable and wretched.

"Wow… wow…" There was a siren in the distance. It seems that the police are always late. They are only here now, or they just showed up. The timing is too coincidental. Wesley walked back to the car, re-equipped the gun, put it away, and put on the suit jacket. At the same time, he put his ID in the outside pocket of the suit and took out the phone.

As the police car approached, Wesley ignored it and made the first call. "Philip?" Phillip, a lawyer at Union Games, now quit his job at the New York law firm and became the head of the legal department of Union Games, responsible for forming the legal department.

"Yes, boss."

"Is the legal team ready?" Wesley asked directly.

"It has been completed. Because of your new strategy, Boss, the international part of the legal team is now being formed."

"Good. Bring someone to New York. I want to sue the New York Police Department."

"Yes." Philip didn't ask why. It's too common to sue the police department, especially in a place like the United States. Just sue them directly. There's no need to ask anything.

The second call was made, but the police had already gotten out of the car and began to surround the place. "Phil? I sent out a distress signal today, but there's no response from the New York Division. I think you can intervene in the investigation. When the time comes, let me know. I'll help you a little."

Phil Coulson listened to Wesley and immediately understood that someone wanted to deal with Wesley Gibson, but it didn't work. At the same time, it gave his side an excuse and opportunity to clean up the New York Division of SHIELD. At the same time, Wesley agreed to help. Whether or not they could dig out the enemy inside depended on this.