What a Terrifying Group of Lawyers

By the time Wesley had finished his call, the police were already moving in, but what was needed now was a large number of ambulances. There were dozens of thugs on the ground, all of them seriously injured. It was unlikely that the police would arrest all of them, because all of them had broken bones.

The arrival of the police gave the onlookers something to rely on. They immediately stopped watching and gathered around to denounce the speed at which the police were dispatched. This was a private middle school, and the students who came here were at least middle-class. Otherwise, it would be difficult for them to bear the high tuition fees.

"Why are you police so slow? Not to mention that the school has already called the police, even we have also called the police. Why did you only arrive half an hour later? Where did our taxpayers' money go?" A middle-aged woman wearing a name tag pointed at the leading sheriff and began to sprinkle (spray).

This time, it was the 56th Precinct under the New York Police Department. The team leader was also very nervous and depressed. It wasn't that they didn't want to come quickly, but someone had told them to slow down, so what could he do? However, he must be the one to take the blame. This is the rule. I hope I don't run into an iron plate today. This school is a private school. Who knows, I might meet a particularly rich person and sue myself.

Someone took the lead and began to sprinkle water, so the crowd who put down the melon was naturally unwilling to fall behind, especially in front of the children. They had to show their presence no matter what. So the police surrounded the thugs who were still moaning, and the crowd surrounded the sheriff. A fierce debate began at the school gate of the private high school.

One had to start educating children from a young age. Now, someone began to educate their children in an elite manner. "Do you see that? Don't pay attention to those gangs. The gains don't make up for the losses. As successful people, we should target the police. You have to know that we are taxpayers and we have the right to monitor whether the taxes we pay are reasonable. Now, the police have only arrived half an hour later. This is obviously looking down on us. So now we have to exercise our taxpayer rights." After saying that, they immediately entered the ranks of the sprinklers.

Wesley straightened his clothes and got into the car, but he didn't leave. Instead, he sat in the car and chatted with Mindy.

"How about school again today?" Wesley asked.

Mindy's excitement had passed and she was now sitting demurely in the front passenger seat. "It's very good. My classmates and teachers seem to like me very much!"

Wesley nodded. Little Mindy was cute and dressed up to be pretty. Everyone would like her. "That's good. Get along with your classmates and make more friends. You can bring some friends home to play. You can attend any events. Which school event are you going to attend?"

"Huh? I don't know. I haven't thought about it yet. I wanted to join the boxing club, but it's full of boys. I'd better think about it." Mindy's choice was not out of Wesley's expectation, but he didn't want his sister to be with the muscleman all day. Was he a sister complex?

"Think about what you don't know. Maybe you can participate in flower arranging and so on. After all, Carlos has a flower shop, right? It's not bad to cultivate some other interests and hobbies of your own. If you train, you can practice at home. The house next door has a training ground and equipment."

"Then can you teach me?" Mindy was excited again.

"Of course you can. As long as I don't go out, I can teach you. I don't object to you learning these things. It's good for a girl to be stronger and maintain her figure. Our little Mindy will also be a great beauty when she grows up." In the original universe, Chloe Grace Moritz was so fat that she couldn't look at her. She was not tall to begin with. Although she still had a beautiful face, her figure was completely unsightly. Her fat neck was gone. Her sister must not become like that.

Knock, knock, knock. Someone was knocking on the window. Wesley turned his head. Mr. Sheriff had gotten away from the mob and opened the window. Wesley asked, "What's up?"

The sheriff's uniform seemed a little wet. "Sir, we need you to go to the police station with us to make a statement."

"No problem, but I'm not going to say anything until my lawyer arrives," Wesley said directly.

"Of course, that's your right," the sheriff said helplessly. That's the bad thing about rich people. They get lawyers at the drop of a hat. And this time they are so slow to go out, the lawyers will not miss the opportunity to make money. "You can inform the lawyer to go directly to the 56th Precinct."

"Oh, they're coming from California. Can I send my sister home now? She's only eleven years old and can't testify in court yet. The statement is completely unnecessary."

Wesley's words startled the sheriff. Coming from California? What did that mean, no lawyer in New York? "Don't you have a lawyer in New York?" the sheriff asked again.

"I think so. I'm not sure about that. My legal team has just been formed. I don't know how they're developing. Wait for me to ask." Wesley took out the phone, but the sheriff was dumbfounded. A legal team?

A lawyer was not scary, nor was a big lawyer. What was scary was a legal team. It was possible to gather ideas anywhere. Even some experienced big lawyers might not be able to do everything, but a legal team could. They would break down everything and discuss it with you bit by bit and extremely carefully.

"Philip, now I have to go to the police station to take a statement. I don't know if there are lawyers in New York now?" Wesley asked.

"Of course, boss. Your home is in New York. How can I not be prepared? Our company's new office in New York is guarded by three lawyers. They have gone to the 56th Precinct to wait. The area you are in is under the jurisdiction of the 56th Precinct."

"Not bad, you have done well. I have high hopes for you. Hurry up and come over." Wesley put down the phone and then said, "You can go now. I will inform my family to come and pick up my sister. You can lead the way. I don't know the location of the 56th Precinct."

"Yes, sir." The sheriff hurriedly arranged for two police cars to escort Wesley, and then took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat. He had been splashed with so much water just now, but he hadn't wiped it before. Now he was afraid. A team of lawyers was coming aggressively.

Nothing happened on the way, and Wesley drove his sports car to the 56th Precinct. There were not only lawyers waiting for him here, but Carlos was also here. Hannah was watching the flower shop, and Carlos did not tell Hannah what had happened. He understood his son and would not lose out.

"Well? Is everything okay?" Carlos asked.

"No, it's just a small thing. Mindy and you can go back by yourself. I'll be here soon, and Phillip will come to New York with the lawyers."