
When they got off work that night, Wesley drove Kayla home. She sat in the car in silence, her face troubled. Wesley knew she was struggling with a lot of things.

"Kayla, you can tell me anything. I can be your listener. If it's a secret, then please believe that I'm a safe that can lock all secrets." Wesley said in a joking tone.

"Well, let me think about it!" Kayla was conflicted. Although she had not known Wesley for long, he seemed to know everything and was very talented and capable. Maybe he could give her some advice.

Back home, Wesley was used to cooking, and Kayla was changed and sitting on the sofa waiting to eat. Dinner was laid out and they sat facing each other. Finally, Kayla said, "Wesley, I want to tell you that I'm the girl."

"What?" Wesley asked, pretending not to understand.

"Super Girl, I rushed out the other day when I saw the news because my sister was on it. I didn't have time to think about it. I flew over and came back home. I was really happy that day. I always wanted to do something. Do you understand what I mean?" Kayla said quickly but without any order. Now she looked at Wesley nervously.

Wesley slowly swallowed the food in his mouth before saying, "Oh, you mean you're the super girl in my article, right?"

"Yes, do you believe it?" Kayla looked at Wesley longingly.

Wesley nodded and replied, "Yes, why not? Although we haven't known each other for long, we're good friends now, right? What reason do you have to lie to me?"

"Great. Now I have a lot of things to ask you." Kayla was excited.

"Kayla, can we eat first? After our dinner, we can sit down and talk slowly. As I said, I'm a good listener." Wesley stopped her. After all, food still has to be eaten.

Kayla finished her dinner quickly and sat down on the sofa to wait for Wesley, who had no choice but to hurry. Then he cleared the table and brought two drinks.

"Okay, now tell me what you think. What help do you need?"

"How did you know I needed help?"

"It's very simple. You haven't been in a good mood all day. Now that you're so happy, you definitely need to share something with others and ask for opinions, right?"

"You're so smart. I saved the plane that day and I was extremely excited when I came back. I can finally help others, but my sister doesn't want me to do that. She wants me to be an ordinary person. What do you think I should do?"

Wesley nodded when he heard this, then said, "It's very simple. You have to do what your heart wants, because your life is your own. Although it affects your family, you are you. People can't make choices for others. At the very least, you should follow your heart in your lifestyle, because your life is your life."

"Do you think so?"

"That's right. Life is always your own. Happiness, happiness, pain, and sadness are all part of life. People live their entire lives. This will follow you for the rest of your life. And how do you live your life according to other people's thoughts? Then what's the point of life?"

"Yes, you're right. You know Superman. He's my cousin," Kayla whispered as if she had been holding it in for a long time.

"Well, your abilities are indeed very similar. Flight and strength. What about the cold air from your mouth and the rays from your eyes?" Wesley asked with pretended curiosity.

"I'm still not very familiar with it. After all, I've never been able to use my ability. When I wanted to fly that day, I didn't fly for the first time. I'm too rusty."

"That won't do. If you want to help others, you need to practice a lot so that you can use it skillfully. Otherwise, there is a high chance that something will happen in the rescue process. You have to know that Superman often makes mistakes in the beginning. Many people want to see this. We need to practice."

"How do you practice?" Kayla asked.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go out of the city now. There's enough space for you to do what you want."

"Okay, let me fly you. I can fly very fast."

"Okay, then let me feel what flying is."

The two of them changed their clothes and stood on Kayla's balcony. She wrapped one arm around Wesley's waist and bent her knees slightly. She jumped up and took Wesley directly into the sky.

This was the first time Wesley had flown like this. "Wow, this is awesome," he shouted.

Kayla accelerated happily again. The little girl was very happy now. The two of them flew out of the city and finally landed on the ground. Kayla did not forget Wesley and landed very gently.

"It's really not bad. Humans have always wanted to fly, but they can only use tools. Now I can actually feel the wind and airflow directly. It's great."

"What do we do next?"

"It's very simple. Now all you need to do is practice. Use your eyes and attack the ground, or blow cold air. Let's see how effective it is." If you want to train Kayla, it's very easy for Wesley, but after all, it takes a process, and Wesley wants to see what Super Girl is capable of now.

"Okay." Kayla then did as she was told. Wesley observed that the power was not very strong for the time being, especially since the problem of the air-conditioning was not very low. It could not freeze. It was just a cold wind.

"It seems that you really lack training. We need to think about how to train you. At the same time, you need a uniform and communication equipment."

"Is it bad?" Kayla asked worriedly.

"It's not bad, it's just that you're not proficient. Nothing can be done overnight. You need to master your own skills, and now it seems that you don't know how to use your strength. By the way, do you know how to fight?"

"No, I only know how to punch." Kayla shook her head.

"Well, your combat power can be said to be very low at the moment. We can't start the rescue operation for the time being, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. Now we need to do a lot of things, including uniforms, communication equipment, and training."

'So what do we do now?'

"Now? Of course we're going home. We need to look up some information on the Internet and order equipment and materials. Don't worry, leave everything to me. And I'll teach you fighting skills. Simply waving your fist can only deal with ordinary people. You lack skills now."