Super Girl with Black Technology

What would happen if Superman had black technology? The thought of it was terrifying, and now? Wesley wanted to get some black technology for Kayla. When the two of them returned home, Wesley started searching the Internet.

First, there was the issue of clothing. Wesley had not changed much in terms of appearance. After all, it was a classic style. Short skirt, long boots, red and blue combination, handsome red skin, and the mark of Big S on the chest. Such a set of clothes was completed under Wesley's pen. Kayla picked it up and looked at it again and again, very satisfied.

"Okay, now that the appearance is confirmed, let's start. Although you can defend against bullets, you can defend against bullets, right?" Wesley asked again with uncertainty.

"I think so. I'm the same as my cousin. Yes, I think so." Kayla wasn't sure herself. After all, she hadn't been shot at before, so she wouldn't know. But if Superman can be bulletproof, then so can she.

"Okay, then let's make sure you're not afraid of bullets, but the clothes must be bulletproof. Otherwise, even if you're not afraid, it won't look good if the clothes are torn. Your cousin's clothes seem to be very good. They should be made of alien material, but we're not bad on earth, especially in the area of synthetic fibers. Leave this to me. Let me see what materials can be bought." Wesley went online and began to search. This kind of thing is not difficult for him. He just didn't use it before. After all, he is not used to wearing underwear outside.

"Not bad, not bad. I can buy all the raw materials I need. When the materials arrive, I can start to synthesize the self-made fiber and make it into a double layer. The outside is for defense, but it will definitely be uncomfortable to put it on my body. With an inner lining, it will be strong and practical."

"Wesley, how do you know so much? Why don't you find a better job?" Kayla was surprised that Wesley knew so much, but why was he just a small reporter?

"Freedom. I have a fixed job, and at the same time, I'm very free to work. There's only good news, so I'll make a lot of money in the future. Look, now I've posted three articles. The first two have made $5,000, and the third one has a $10,000 reward. Isn't this a good life? This is the life I like, not to choose something I don't like to live better."

"Thank you." Kayla's thanks were a little sudden, but Wesley understood that he had untied the knot in her heart.

"It doesn't matter. We're friends, right? Now let's see what happens next. Technical support is very necessary, especially in communications. Although your hearing is good and you can hear a lot of things, that requires concentration. We still need communication tools."

This time, Wesley went online to look for the Radio Broadcasting Corporation of Nyxonair City. "Look, this radio company covers the entire process, and the signal tower is the highest one. We can use this signal tower to do something. I'll finally make a signal transceiver and install it at the highest point. I need your help with this. When the time comes, bring a wireless earpiece, and I can talk to you anywhere in the city."

"That's great. You're a genius." Kayla cheered excitedly.

"That's not all. Then I'll make a watch-style potentiometer so that I can find you under any circumstances. By the way, the Kryptonite is a big threat to you. This needs to be overcome, but I don't have the material to analyze it." Wesley needs the Kryptonite, not only for Kayla, but also to study some of the radiation sources on it.

"My cousin might have it, right? But he went to Planet Krypton to check and hasn't come back yet. I'll ask him when he comes back!"

"That's good. We'll talk about it when the time comes. Now the first thing to do is to make equipment and your training. This way, we'll do it slowly."

After confirming the early targets, Wesley began to procure the raw materials. Three days later, Kayla's first uniform was complete. She wore it excitedly and kept looking in the mirror.

Supergirl's body lines were really good, and Wesley found them pleasing to the eye. "Okay, we can go practice a few nights. First, it's about flying. You need to know what your current maximum speed is. At the same time, you need to practice a series of movements such as rapid turns and air evasion. When the time comes, I will direct you from the ground. You will make the movements according to my password. Do you understand? This is to practice your reaction ability and your actual ability to face unexpected situations."

"Understood," Kayla responded with a smile. She's really happy now. It's great to have someone who recognizes and supports you.

So every night, Wesley would come outside the city with Kayla, and then Wesley would constantly guide her in her training, as well as her fighting skills. Was fighting useful to Superman Girl? Very useful. Fighting was not only about skills, but also about force, evasion, continuity of movements, and the way to attack the human body's weaknesses.

If these things were learned, they would be very effective for Kayla's strength. But Wesley was hesitant about whether to use a weapon. Should he give Super Girl a weapon?

"Kayla, do you want to use a weapon?" Wesley couldn't decide for himself, so he asked Kayla directly.

"Weapon. I don't really want to use a weapon. I don't like it." Kayla shook her head. Wesley doesn't have to worry about it now. Since she doesn't want to use it, she doesn't need it. But Wesley still has to be taught about the application of weapons, especially the weapons around him, like wine bottles and chairs. Of course, this is a joke.

Over the next month, Wesley did a lot of training on Kayla's abilities, and Super Girl never showed up again, which upset Miss Kate Grant.

"This guy actually stopped showing up. Doesn't she know that the whole city is waiting for her news?" Miss Kate Grant roared at the company morning meeting. Then she looked at Wesley. "You haven't had any reports recently. What are you busy with?"

Kayla looked carefully at Wesley, who smiled and said, "I'm familiarizing myself with the city. After all, I just came here. Although three consecutive stories have made me a little famous, it doesn't change the fact that I just arrived. As a reporter, if you even know the city you're in, how can you find a lot of news topics?"

"Well, find some new topics as soon as possible. I was going to sell or lay off the Tribune, but your story saved them. If it goes back to the way it was before, then I have to give it up." Miss Kate Grant looked at Wesley after she finished speaking, but how could Wesley fall for it? It's not his newspaper. What does it have to do with you whether you give up or not?

Kayla, on the other hand, was anxious. She was too kind to see anyone lose their job. "Don't worry, Miss Grant. Wesley will find the news soon, won't he?" Then she looked at Wesley, who rolled his eyes helplessly. Were they pig teammates?