Kayla's Show

Recently, Wesley had been helping Kayla redecorate her home. After all, some things needed to be placed in Kayla's home, and Kayla had always wanted to redecorate. After all, Wesley's home was too tasteful and comfortable to look at. She wanted that too, and girls needed some bright colors after all.

There were a few more things to add to her home. There was also a writing desk in her bedroom, but there were three monitors on it, along with a headset, a microphone, and some small instruments. These were not for the sake of being an anchor, but what Wesley needed. He needed to give Kayla technical support and guide her here. And Kayla's short skirt had a belt with a miniature camera on the buckle, which sent real-time images to Wesley through the network connection of her wristwatch.

"You seem a little impatient?" Wesley asked after the meeting.

"Yes, I've trained for so long, shouldn't I act? And do you want to see the Tribune closed? Many people go back to this profession!" Kayla looked at Wesley pitifully.

"Kayla, you are very kind, which makes me happy, but the Tribune is not for either of us. That is something for Miss Kate Grant, the boss, to consider. She is just using words to provoke me."

"I'm sorry, but haven't I trained enough now?" Kayla's big eyes looked at Wesley with anticipation.

"Of course it's not enough. It's far from enough." After Wesley said that, Kayla was obviously much more depressed. "But now some small problems can be solved. Remember, you don't have the slightest experience now. You have to follow my instructions. Do you understand?"

"Really? Don't worry, I'll do it well."

Wesley shook his head. This was a little like a child. "Okay, I'm leaving. You're busy at the company. I'll let you know if there's any news. When the time comes, you'll act directly. You have to be fast. If you don't want to be exposed, then you have to be fast when you act. Do you understand? Also, before you leave, tell you where you went. You can even go to the bathroom. Do you understand?"

"Got it."

Wesley's time was free, so there was no one to care if he left the company directly. He went straight back to Kayla's house, opened the door with the new key, and started work in her new bedroom.

First, he connected to the police's radio channel. Then, he connected to the city's traffic surveillance system, as well as news on the Internet and various news. He paid attention to the news of the entire city at all times.

The first mission was soon available. There were a lot of crimes every day in such a big city, and the first was a hit-and-run car. Now the police were in pursuit.

"Kayla, the first mission is that a hit-and-run vehicle is on the run. It's very dangerous for people. This is your first target. Change into your uniform now and find an excuse to leave."

"Understood," Cayla shouted excitedly. Wesley covered his face helplessly. Cayla was in the office. When Cayla reacted, she lowered her head awkwardly because many people were looking at her.

She hurriedly got up and walked over to Win Short. "Win, I'm going to help Wesley do something. He found a new piece of news. If the boss asks, remember to tell her." After saying that, she left in a hurry. Win Short was very unhappy.

"It's that Wesley again. He's tall and handsome, but does he have my skills?" A technical geek like Win Short only dares to talk to himself like this.

Kayla hurried into the bathroom, then changed clothes at super speed and jumped out the window. "Wesley, I'm out. Where's the target now?"

"Follow my instructions. Fly north now and be fast." Wesley directed Kayla all the way and finally cut off the fleeing perpetrator at the fastest and shortest distance. Wesley used some surveillance cameras to record a lot of photos and then processed them with clarity.

Kayla, on the other hand, quickly returned to the company, so that their work began. Every day Wesley left the company, then helped Kayla find a target and then directed her actions. The Super Girl reappeared after a month and began her superhero work at the same time.

Wesley's new report came out with the headline "She's Serious!" The article began with, "Our Super Girl has reappeared after a month. Why is she only appearing now? Hasn't been heard from again since she saved the airliner?"

A rhetorical question caught the reader's interest, and then Wesley analyzed it. "We can't imagine things, so we can only analyze them. The last time Super Girl appeared, did she decide not to hide her uniqueness anymore? We don't know that, but from her recent actions, she was doing some exercises."

"I think the last performance was successful, but some media outlets have been talking nonsense and picking on this girl. She then disappeared for a month and now she has reappeared. In the process of the operation, we have seen perfection. Then I have every reason to believe that this girl is trying hard to practice something she is not good at. Superheroes are also a technical profession. They need to face different situations. Then our girl has no experience in this area, just as she does not control a good plane."

"Now it can be seen that the weapons and skills she used when chasing the fugitives and subduing the criminals were just right. Then I have to admire her for being able to learn these in such a short time. Of course, if there is a major crisis again, some problems may arise because of experience problems, but I want to say that kind people should not be too harsh."

Miss Kate Grant held the newspaper and looked at Wesley's article. At the same time, there were a lot of photos on it. She was very satisfied with this. "Not bad. This girl has finally appeared again. Her appearance has benefited her. Very good."

"Does that mean the Tribune doesn't need to cut staff?" Kayla asked carefully.

"Layoff? No, no, no. There are not enough newspapers to sell these days. How can there be a reduction?" Miss Kate Grant seems to have completely forgotten what she said a few days ago.

Wesley pursed his lips. He had been a boss for many years and had never been so manipulative with his employees. However, he did not seem to have managed the company. It was all managed by professional managers.