Chapter 43: Damn Near Total Frenzy

‘Keep a cool head, Alpha. Your lover is gone, but we’re not going to stop until we find her,’ Jecht sent to Zaros, who had just found out about the incident. The Alpha was standing there in wolf form, fur bristling. His lips were pulled back from his fangs as he threw back his head and let out a frustrated roar like noise. The pack turned their heads, alert and exchanging concerned glances.

Zaros began to pace, then shifted into his humanoid form, leaning against the brick, drawing back his fist, and punching it hard. There was a cracking noise from the wall itself, as he left an indent. The shifter-vampire hybrid was not pleased by any means. What could be happening to poor Gina, so new to this whole paranormal issue? She may not be able to handle it. The thought of her being tortured caused his chest to heave. Tears began to crawl down his cheeks of pure, uncontrolled rage.