The contract

"Here is the contract, I hope you can sign it, dear customer"

James received Sebastian's contract and read it very carefully. The contract was made of one material that James had never seen before, and it was written with what looked like magic runes that strangely James could read.

The content of the contract was:

{The following contract is based on the next eight points:

1: The subscriber is prohibited from saying up, the location of the store, referring to what he purchased in the store, or even mentioning the store, these terms apply directly or indirectly.

2: The subscriber is obliged to purchase everything he needs from Sir Peter's store and other branches of the same owner.

3: Sir Peter's store and other branches of the same owner will give a permanent twenty percent discount on all purchases the subscriber makes, effective once this contract is signed.

4: Sir Peter's store and other branches of the same owner will supply what the subscriber wants at a minimum profit cost, effective once this contract is signed.

5: Sir Peter's store will provide the location and name of other stores of the same owner so that the subscriber can enjoy these immediately.

6: If there is no Sir Peter store and other branches of the same owner within a radius of one hundred and seventy-five kilometers from the village, town, or city closest to the subscriber's location, the subscriber is free to purchase materials wherever he wants, as long as he continues to meet the requirements described above.

7: Sir Peter's store and other branches of the same owner are directly or indirectly prohibited from harming the subscriber, trying to harm the subscriber's interests, or revealing information about the subscriber, the same point is implied to the subscriber towards Sir Peter's stores and other branches of the same owner.

8: If Sir Peter's store and other branches of the same owner, or the subscriber do not comply with the points mentioned above in this contract, they will suffer a loss worse than death, the loss is only known to the party that suffers it, the other party does not is aware of such, but is aware that there has been a breach of contract.}

After reading the contract very carefully James turned to Sebastian and said, "I'm sorry to inform you Sebastian, but I can't sign this contract."

Not looking the least bit bothered by James' answer Sebastian response he replies, "May I know why you made such a decision dear customer?"

"Yes of course, at first, I think the contract is quite strange, I'm new in New Hope and I don't have knowledge in the field of commerce, but isn't the purpose of a store to make a profit? So why do you restrict the information about the store to circulate through your customers? But I can handle it. As for the discount and minimum profit price it is excellent for me. Now the problems are that unfortunately, the contract doesn't mention what happens if the store can't get certain materials, or for example, if I want information or even hire illegal services with this contract, I'm prevented from acquiring…" Not letting James continue Sebastian interrupted at this point.

"As I mentioned before, dear customer, our store sells everything that the customer can believe, when I say everything, it's everything, one of the principles of our store or other branches is the quality of what we sell, so the customer does not need to worry about this problem." After correcting James, Sebastian let him continue to explain why he didn't want to sign this contract.

But to Sebastian's surprise, James strayed from the subject.

"If I were a law enforcement officer, I could arrest you now based on the information you gave me, and even if I wasn't, I can go and sell this information to the law enforcement officer headquarter, I heard that one of the problems facing the New World Order is the organized crime and to stamp out organized crime, they pay pretty well anyone with information about any crime that is committed in their empire."

After what James said the only thing Sebastian could do was laugh. Leaving James to wonder 'Did I just tell a joke?'

"Hahaha, hahaha, I'm sorry, but I couldn't contain myself. What you said is right, but it wouldn't work, I'll explain, first if you were a law enforcement officer you would come with at least one more person, secondly, as soon as you have the slightest evidence you would arrest me and would seize all the goods that were inside the store, so I can conclude you aren't one. Secondly, if you wanted to report that I am committing a crime, you would not have warned me, and even if you warned, I regret to inform you, dear customer, that you wouldn't gain anything, after all, I have nothing illegal in the store and when the law enforcement officials questioned me, I could say that I was referring to information"

"Okay, but now I have evidence"

'Really this guy is smart, getting me to admit something, but he is still very naive, even so, he would be an excellent asset for the organization if trained correctly, I must try to recruit him at all costs

"Dear customer, let me ask you if by any chance you are recording our conversation"

What this last sentence from Sebastian, James was surprised and answered without thinking.
