Paying for materials


"I'm sorry to inform you, but there's no evidence, it's your word against mine, let me tell you more, I would still get defamation damages, and the dear customer would have to pay for all the investigative work done by the officers of the law. Can the dear customer afford these expenses? If you can, I recommend that you buy more expensive materials than what you are going to buy"

James stayed in disbelief at what he just heard.

'I also never thought of getting rid of such a good store at this stage of the game'

"Very well getting back to the reasons why I can't sign the contract.

The main reason is that I haven't knowledge of the city or the empire, so I don't know if their offers are good or bad, and they don't specify in the contract whether it's possible to cancel or not."

He really is a smart guy, he was the first person I know who didn't sign the contract after a brief explanation, and from what I can see no matter what I say he won't sign the contract'

"Leaving the contract aside, dear customer, the adventurers I spoke about before, can I introduce you tomorrow"

"It would be great"

"In that case, I'll make an appointment at the tavern across the street. As for the materials you asked for, I can have them all ready by tomorrow, this includes the ax you asked for, already adapted with a rope on the handle. As we have not signed the contract and you are not entitled to the discount, I would like to know if you intend to spend more than you had planned, or do you want to remove the bow, arrows, and quiver?"

"First of all, can I know the quality of the materials you intend to sell me?"

'Really, a smart guy'

"The backpack and quiver, that I intend to sell are made of meadow bear skin and the quality is uncommon, the arrows are fifteen in total and are made of wild pine wood with a steel tip and death owl feathers the quality is uncommon, The backpack's equipment consists of a lumberjack axe, a pickaxe, a shovel, five quick recovery potions, three large scale anti-poison potions, three resistance potions, seven high-nutrition rations, two basic canteens with a capacity of three liters and a half each, a basic individual tent, a basic sleeping blanket and a cape, these materials are all common grade, after that, we have a bow made of wild pine wood with a steel wire and the quality is uncommon, next we have the shield is all made of steel and is of common grade and for last we have an ax with steel cable, a blade made of dwarf steel with disarming ability, attached with a rope made from the tail of twin desert wolves, and the quality of this weapon is of a rare grade"

James was in disbelief after hearing Sebastian

'I thought that everything together would be more expensive, on top of that I'll be able to take a weapon of rare quality, that is, a great deal, I'll have a weapon of rare grade how much would those gaming companies give me for it at this stage of the game'

"I will take everything; How should I proceed with the payment? Do I have to pay now? Do I pay a part now? Do I pay when I pick it up? How it is?

James couldn't hide the excitement he was in from his voice. Once again this did not go unnoticed by Sebastian.

Sebastian replied to James with a serious face, ceasing to smile for the first time since James entered the store.

"Dear customer, you can proceed as you wish to pay, but if you don't pay in two days, starting tomorrow I can tell you that you will have big problems, besides that you can only have access to the materials after paying for them in full"

'Reflecting on that contract, the speed with which they got me the materials I asked for, including a rare-grade weapon, I think it's better to pay everything now, I'm still robbed and I don't think this threat is from just mouth out'

Removing the only coin James had from the coin pouch, he paid Sebastian.

"I want to pay everything now"

"Very well, all together makes a total of seventy-six silvers, thus giving twenty-four silvers change."

"Very well, I'll come back tomorrow Sebastian to pick up the materials" As if remembering something James asked, "I was forgetting, do you know of any inn with meals included, safe and that don't cost too much?"

"If the client is looking for an inn with these requirements, I recommend that when you leave the store, turn left, walk two blocks and you will see on the right side an inn called "The Innkeeper", I recommend you stay there"

"Thank you very much Sebastian and see you tomorrow" saying these words James left the store.