Chapter 5

Tallahassee: Well? Let's go ladies hehe.

Tallahassee said that to us while we were about to go down the hill. As we go down, I can see in the face of Tallahassee the expectation of getting his favorite Twinkie, but I know that it only has Sno-balls and have a flavor of coconut.

When we got to the van, we ready our weapons for any danger that may happen to us while we open the van. Tallahassee signals us to be silent and points at Columbus to open the back door so that we can cover him and if there is a zombie, we can kill it.

Columbus slowly grabs the door handle and signals us to be ready because he's going to open it. Then he forcibly opens the door and we all aim at the same time. But what unfolded at us are color pink snacks and that is Sno-balls.

I can see in the face of Tallahassee disbelief at what he seeing right now.

Tallahassee: Wha... Sno-balls? SNO-BALLS?!

Columbus: Yup, Sno-balls


Westlie: I like Sno-Balls.

I grab a handful and open it to have a bite, well I'm hungry and we just got ourselves food even though it's just a snack, food is food in a Zombieland so there's no need to be a peaky eater.

I see Columbus doing the same. As we eat in peace we can see that Tallahassee is very angry, if only this is an anime you will see that smoke coming out from his head.

Tallahassee: I hate coconut. Not the taste, consistency.

Columbus: hmm. It's fresh.

Westlie: Very.

As we eat to our contents, I see the look in Tallahassee's eyes that this is not over yet.

Tallahassee: Oh, this Twinkie thing, it ain't over yet.

As he said that he walks up to the hill to get to the van and I see Columbus gets another one and follow. While I take a lot of Sno-balls and stuff them in my bag. Well, this food will help me temporarily until we find a more filling food to fill our stomachs.

When I'm done, I follow the two and heard Columbus saying to Tallahassee,

Columbus: Hey, this may be a bad time, but I gotta take the Browns to the Super Bowl.

Tallahassee: Really?

Columbus: Really

Tallahassee: *sigh* let's just get going.

Tallahassee then looks at me and says.

Tallahassee: Let's go Westlie.

Westlie: Coming.

We got back to the car and this time Columbus is driving because Tallahassee is still pissed off about not finding a single Twinkie.

As we are back on the road again, I realize that I don't know how to drive a car, even in my past life I didn't even have enough money to buy a car, so maybe they can teach me.

I look at Tallahassee who is still upset and spoke.

Westlie: uhm, Tal can you guys teach me how to drive?

Tallahassee then looks at the side mirror to see me and spoke.

Tallahassee: Sure, why not? Some of these days you're going to drive us.

Tallahassee then looks at Columbus and says,

Tallahassee: Hey, can you teach Westlie to drive the car? I'm going to sleep for a while.

Columbus: Sure

Then he stops the car and we got out, I go to the driver's seat and he goes in the passenger seat and at the back is Tallahassee, preparing to sleep.

Columbus: Are you ready Westlie?

Westlie: Yeah. So, what should I do first?

(A/N: Don't know how to start a car so I'm going to watch a video on YT, please don't judge not everybody can have a car)

Columbus: So first is rule #4 "Seatbelts" always do the seatbelts first it can save your life when you are going to crash or hit something.

Columbus then points at the seatbelt beside me and then I wear it and lock in properly where it belongs.

Westlie: Done, so what's next?

Columbus: You should use your left foot to push down the clutch pedal completely down then use your right foot to push down the brake pedal. Now you should turn the key to start the car.

Westlie: Oh, I did it I start a car.

I am genuinely happy because I can now start a car hehe.

Columbus: Now you need to determine if the gear selector is neutral. To determine if the gear is in neutral you have to be able to move it to the left and the right substantially.

I check the gear if it was in neutral and after I determine that it was in neutral, I said to Columbus,

Westlie: It's on neutral.

Columbus: good, then you can now release your left foot on the clutch pedal and because the e-break is on you can also release your right foot from the break.

I follow what he said and do it. Then I ask him what was next he simply replied.

Columbus: Then I'm going to teach you how to drive now first we going to do the 1st gear.

I nod at what he say's and am ready for what's he going to teach me next.

Columbus: Now to drive a car, first you need your right foot to step on the break and release the e-break or emergency brake, now that your foot is on the break it will prevent you from moving forwards or backward.

Columbus: Then next your left foot presses the clutch all the way, now that you move your gear selector or shift knob and put it on 1st gear.

I follow what he instructs and move my gear to 1st.

Columbus: Then get the rpm and move your right foot to the gas pedal and get the rpm to 1500 then when you get to that number slowly but surely release the clutch.

I do what he said and I can see that we are moving. Columbus can see the smile on my face and he can tell how happy am I right now.

Columbus: Now to break you not only have to press the break but you have to press the clutch too.

As I stop the car I was rejoicing, now I can travel alone when the time is right. Columbus then smiles at me and then said,

Columbus: Now I'm going to teach you how to change gears.

Westlie: Ok!

And that's how we passed the time by teaching me how to drive. As the time passed by and getting slowly better at driving, I can see that the sun is slowly coming down I heard Tallahassee wake up from his nap and look at me who is driving, and said,

Tallahassee: Before night come, we need to find a place to sleep.

Then he looks at Columbus. Columbus then nods affirming that we do need to find a place to rest.

As I drive on the road, I see a motel sign and suggest that we can stay in one of the rooms in this motel for the night and maybe find some gas because we are running low on it.

Westlie: So, are we going to do it?

Tallahassee: Let's we don't even have another choice, do we?

As we go close and closer to the motel, I can see that it had a wall around it, looks like there were people here once and make it a fort or something. I then park in front of it and we got out.

We check the surroundings if there are zombies or people but only find zombies so we quickly and quietly dispose of them. I see a zombie near me then I approach it then kick the leg of the zombie so that it will go down then I struck my knife on his head to end it.

I'm short so I have to improvise on how to kill a zombie. When we know that we are safe and there are no zombies left we find a room that we can use for the night and task who will be guarding first.

Tallahassee: I will be the first to guard them Westlie and lastly you Columbus.

Columbus: Why not just the two of us? Westlie is just a kid he need rest.

I'm not offended by what Columbus says, I know that he just looks out for me and I appreciate that, but I need to be useful I don't want to be a burden or a liability.

I know I'm just in a kid's body now but my soul and mind are that of an adult so I need to do some responsibilities too, to show them that I can help them and lift some burden.

Westlie: Columbus, I know that you are just looking up for me but I need to be useful to you guys, I survive for a whole 2 years out there with no one else but me so thank you really.

Tallahassee: See that Columbus, Westlie wants to help and just as he said, he was out there for 2 years and still survive, so have some faith and trust in the kid.

Columbus: Are you sure you're ok with it Westlie?

Westlie: Yup, I'm sure. I can handle myself and if there is a problem I'll just wake you guys up.

Columbus: Ok, Westlie. So, I'm last to guard? Then I'm gonna hit the bed first, goodnight, guys.

Westlie: Goodnight Columbus, I'll hit the bed too, I'm tired from driving. Goodnight Tal.

Tallahassee: Goodnight kiddo. I'll call you when you're up next.

Then I go to the room next to Columbus and lay down on the bed and slowly drift into my fantasy dream.