Allen was standing in front of the military office with a form to change his designation from archer to warrior.
The building was huge and was painted white. The walls are thick as 50cms. It had the empire flag of a lion holding a monster in its mouth.
The background of the flag is blood red and the lion holding the monster was in gold colour.
He entered the building and saw a few receptionists working inside the welcome desk.
He went to one of the receptionists and gave the form. The receptionist looked at the form and nodded to another receptionist.
The other receptionist took over from there.
"Hello Mr Allen, we were informed you will be coming here to change your designation." she said to Allen.
"We have already completed the procedure. Please sign here and we will get it underway." she added.
Allen was stunned to see that it was completed just like that. But he went on guard when this happened.
"May I know who informed you about my designation change?" asked Allen.
"Your commander from the training camp of course. Looks like he knows you better and informed us to be prepared." the receptionist said to Allen.
"Mr Allen, please visit Commander Shak on the 5th floor. He wants to have a word with you" she added.
Allen nodded in return and waited for the processing to be completed.
"Please go ahead and meet the commander. You can get your designation when you come back." the receptionist said.
He went to the 5th floor and saw that the floor has many rooms with name plates attached to the doors.
He found commander Shak's office at last and knocked on the door.
"Come in Allen" he entered after hearing the response.
Inside the room, he saw a table full of files and in the corner a television showing the entrance of the office room.
'There should be a camera somewhere in front of the door.' Allen thought.
"One of the receptionists told me you are coming. Thank you for coming." the commander said.
'Why is the commander so polite? I have heard he is not the kind to be polite.' he thought.
"I have been holding something for you son. Here." Shak said placing a small metal box on the table before him.
"May I know what it is?" asked Allen.
"I don't know. It is treason to open a box that is sent from a department head if you are not the recipient." Shak said.
"Department head?" Allen asked and got a nod as confirmation.
Allen took the box from the table and opened it.
Shak was stunned to see what was inside and stood up with force causing the chair he was sitting to fly a few feet and hit the wall behind him.
It was a small badge with a Sword and a Bow in golden colour with a black background.
It was the badge of the Elites. No one gets it before they enter the Sergeant stage.
Shak was surprised not because of the badge, but it is because Allen who is in the low-level specialist stage is getting this badge.
The Elites are respected as they are the most powerful at any given stage.
The symbol 'Sword and Bow' shows that the person is an Elite and he is talented in both long-range and close combat.
If Allen wears this badge, even the commander has to show him respect and take orders from him.
When he saw the box that came for Allen Shak thought that it would be a commendation for his bravery during the horde as his squad leader has sent the report to their head office.
He did not think of it as an Elite badge even though it came directly from the department head.
Allen didn't know about this as the Elites are never seen near his village. Even the capital of the empire where he is currently stationed has less than 10 Elites.
"Sir, may I know what this badge is for?" Allen seeing Shak's reaction asked him in a calm tone.
"Are you mocking me or you don't know what this badge represents?" asked Shak.
"I don't know anything about the badge or what it is for." Allen said to Shak.
"We can't talk about it here unless we want to get executed for treason kid." Shak said and gestured him towards a locked room behind him.
"In that room, there is a recorder which records everything that happens here. If I say anything inappropriate, we are both dead." he added.
Allen was very confused and wondered how come a tiny badge can have such power.
"Let's just say that you are getting early retirement from the military." he said.
Hearing that, Allen's eyes widened. He can retire before completing his 4 years of compulsory service. Anyone in the military would die for that chance.
"I think you also don't need that designation change process to be continued either. Since you are not in the military anymore." Shak said in a cold tone.
"Go to your barracks and pack your things kid. If anyone asks, tell them you are injured and you are given retirement since you are not eligible to be in the military." he said again.
"What if I say them this badge is the reason?" Allen asked to be clear.
"You and the person to whom you say this will be executed. Now go. I already gave you more than I could. You will leave the barracks tomorrow at dawn." Shak said to him and pointed towards the door.
He left the room and came downstairs. He was unhappy about the retirement but didn't show it on his face.