The place we had arrived at when we first went through the gate was yet again another village. These worlds all seem to be in an older era so far, so maybe we can use this for the future gates as a pattern.
"Just go." A voice began to echo off the walls of the buildings.
"Everyone hear that?" Onyx asks while drawing his sword.
Hmm, the keeper of souls definitely has a ring to it. I'm expecting some sort of spirit enemies, wraiths perhaps?
"I'll handle this." Elizabeth says while raising her hand.
Within a few seconds a beam of blue light began to form from her hand.
"What is that?" Rika questions while looking at Elizabeth's hand.
"A spell to help." Elizabeth says as the beam flies out of her hand.
We all watched as the beam began to grow brighter and brighter throughout the village, was this a cleansing spell? I usually never got to see them much since the casters I played against back then were killed pretty quick.
The glories of being a mob player.
Stomp! Stomp!
My thoughts were immediately interrupted by these giant footsteps heading my way, until finally we could see what appeared to be a heavily armored enemy.
"Adventurers are here to kill my master, it won't happen." It says with a demonic voice.
Before anything else could be said, it began to charge at us. It wasn't very fast since it had all that armor on, but it did have a very big axe over its shoulder.
Separating everyone from one another, this thing knew that it couldn't fight us all at once. I have to say that I admire smart thinking in this situation.
"Sevy are you okay?!?!" Rika shouts with worry in her voice.
"I'm fine, we just need to kill this thing!" I shout back while gripping my sword.
It's not the toughest thing we've faced, this shouldn't be that hard of a fight to deal with.
As the dust began to clear Onyx charged in towards the enemy and began to slash his giant sword at it. Watching as this thing dodged his attacks, I began to realize that it has some good reaction time as well.
This creature is nothing like the mobs we've faced before, it has intelligence and good reaction time to our attacks. Unless it's because of the size of the weapon, but that's only one of the possibilities here.
"We got more company!" Kallista shouts while wielding her sword.
I turned my attention over to her and noticed that a bunch of wraiths were making their way over to her and Elizabeth.
"Rika we got to help her!" I shout before beginning to run.
"I'm right behind you!" Rika shouts back.
As I ran towards Kallista I quickly opened up my stat menu.
Level 92
Points Available: 21
•Vitality Level 30 (8,000)
•Intelligence Level 40
•Agility Level 25
•Reflexes Level 29
•Strength Level 15 (+13)
•Endurance Level 14
•Mana Level 20(+13) (8,300)
5 into agility, 6 into Endurance, 5 into Vitality, 1 into reflexes, and 4 into intelligence.
{Stats} Updated Below.
Level 92
Points Available: 0
•Vitality Level 35(8,500)
•Intelligence Level 44
•Agility Level 30
•Reflexes Level 30
•Strength Level 15 (+13)
•Endurance Level 20
•Mana Level 20(+13) (8,300)
It seems I got an upgrade on some of my skill trees too but I can't fully check them out right now. I'm sure my stat bonuses have also increased with the higher everything is.
I definitely felt my speed increase once more with the levels I just put into it.
Racing past Kallista and into the wraiths I began to slash away at them without wasting any time. Killing them left and right while the others assisted to the best of their abilities.
But I noticed while fighting that Onyx was still going against that thing. I'm not even sure what to call it since its name isn't even showing up with my display. It's level is also unknown so this could be quite a problem.
Shit! No, Onyx is a hero and I haven't been able to see his level or Kallista's so this has to be good for us.
"Go on ahead! I got this under control!" Onyx shouts while blocking against the creatures axe.
We didn't waste any time heading away from the village, I think it's mostly because we have faith in his abilities. Onyx is a hero, he won't lose to something like that.
"Where the hell are we now?" Rika asks with a bit of confusion in her voice.
"I'm not really sure." I answer while taking a second to think.
"Wait, I see an entrance to a cave." Kallista says while pointing towards the strange opening in the mountain.
Usually these have been dungeons but I'm not sure a dungeon would even be inside of a gate in the first place.
"Let's check it out." Elizabeth suggests.
"Yeah, not like we know where we're going anyway." Rika adds on.
Kallista had taken the lead for this one since she was the one who spotted the entrance, so we followed behind her. It didn't feel anything like a dungeon so this had to be something completely different.
Unless it was just a normal cave, then I guess it would make sense too.
"Was I useful Sevarian?" Elizabeth asks me Quietly.
"Yes you were." I respond with a reassuring tone in my voice.
"I'm glad I could be of use." Elizabeth says as a smile dawns across her face.
Everyone has been a big helping hand so far, but I'm more concerned about what will happen when we encounter the boss. I've fought quite a few bosses so far, but none of them have had minions like this.
Wraiths and whatever that thing was that Onyx was fighting back there. I really hope we don't run into more of those things.
It seemed incredibly strong.