The Right Path

"So we'll just follow the path then?" Rika asks while staring ahead with a confused look on her face.

"Seems like the best option." I respond.

We continued to follow the path in the cave but it didn't seem like it was leading us anywhere. This whole cave felt different but it's nothing like the other ones we've been in.

I can only wonder what lurks within this cave since there's a lot I don't know about these gate worlds, especially if these caves hold any danger within.

But we traveled for a while throughout the cave, yet nothing seemed to be in sight. No new openings, nothing.

An interesting place indeed, but how come we couldn't find anything at all? Unless this was just a trap that was used to lure us in.

"I say we rest for right now." Kallista suggests.

"Resting is definitely a good idea." I agree while taking a seat on the ground.

I'm not sure I know what waits for us ahead but I know that we are definitely going to face a lot of issues in this place.

The keeper of souls is waiting for our arrival so we'll have to make haste so that we don't keep that boss waiting too long. The rewards for completing this gate are a lot more impressive as well so that will definitely be a plus side to the risk we're taking.

But we could make haste after everyone is well rested, so everyone took a different shift so that we wouldn't be caught off guard.

"Sevy it's time to get going." Rika says softly while sitting before me.

"I'm ready, Yawn." I respond while slowly sitting up.

Sleep is always going to be essential, especially if you're just a normal human being.

It seems everyone is well rested for the time being, maybe it'll help us with our next fight. Being able to think properly from the right amount of sleep will help, at least I believe it will.

"I see something ahead. It might be the way to go." Rika points out.

"Mine as well check it out." I say while walking past her.

Anything is better than standing around right now, plus we can't let Onxy's sacrifice be for nothing. I hope he prevails but I'm not too sure I know what will happen from that battle.

"We just need to be careful." Elizabeth warns while following behind us.

Everyone is a bit on edge after the last battle we had since we ended up leaving without Onxy but that doesn't mean it'll be that way every time.

"Yes. This way." A Voice echoed off the walls.

If the voice I'm hearing is the keeper of souls, I can only wonder what it holds for us ahead.

"Is that a hole going down?" Elizabeth asks while looking at the hole in the ground.

"Yes. It appears to be the only way." Kallista mentions.

She was definitely right about it being the only way forward since a giant wall stood before us. Going down will lead us towards the gate boss.

"I'll go down first. Just follow behind me." I say while beginning to climb down the hole.

A shiver went down my spine as I began to climb down through this hole, yet all I could hear is that strange whisper bouncing off the walls around me.

It also began to get colder and colder as I kept going down but I think I'm reaching the bottom of the hole. The ground has become visible, torches also lit up the walls around the area.

"Be careful coming down, this is the place!" I shout up to the others.

It was silent as I stood there waiting for the others to come down, yet I was still hearing this whisper clear as day.

"Won't you come forward?" A voice asks in the distance.

How am I able to hear them?

I should wait for the rest of my party to get down here before moving forward but yet something is calling me to keep going forward. Do I wait for them?

Pat. Pat.

"Sevy are you okay?" Rika questions after patting my shoulder.

"Yeah. I'm glad everyone made it down safely." I respond while looking ahead.

Rika woke me up from whatever that feeling was, I'm not sure what to make of it. It felt like I was in a strange trance or something.

"I can sense the boss ahead of us. It's definitely got a strong presence." Rika says with a serious tone in her voice.

"Yeah I can sense it as well." Kallista speaks up while drawing her sword.

It seems the whole party is aware of the boss ahead but I'm not sure what awaits us in the coming battle. The keeper of souls seems to have some tricks up it's sleeves so far.

Nonetheless we continued down the hallway in search of the bosses room but it felt like we were getting farther away, rather than closed.

The torches also didn't seem to give any hints at what doorway was the right one.

"It felt like we were close, what happened?" Kallista questions while looking around us.

She was right, it felt like we were no where near the boss all of a sudden.

So I began to search once again while trying to think about what could be here. Usually bosses like this are good at hiding the pathway to themselves if they aren't ready to fight yet.

Some games I use to play had this mechanic as well.

"Bingo." Rika says while getting ready to punch the wall.

Boom!!!! Rika punched a hole in the wall right next to us and that's when the air around us began to change.

This was definitely the bosses room, the smell of death and despair began to linger all throughout the area after she broke open the wall.

"Welcome. I've been waiting for you all." The Keeper of Souls says while slowly coming out of the shadows.

An interesting fight awaits us.