CHAPTER 13 : "Anonymous"


  I woke up with something heavy pounding on my head. I felt something was placed on top of my forehead like a cemented brick or something. I groan with pain as I pull myself up from the bed.

  "What the hell happened.." I muffled.

  I widened my eyes and stared at everything that was around me. I try to look around and then that remembered I fell asleep last night in one room on top of one bed with...

  I gasped.

  Gage Stockholm.

  I quickly moved my head to my left and saw no one there next to me. Gage wasn't here.

  Was it all a dream?

  But I was sure that I've been with Gage last night. I was sure that I spent the night with him till the dawn. I was sure we drank a lot last night and we were mixing drinks too. I was so sure what happened last night. It's still emblazoned in my head. I was sure that Gage ate me last night.


  Gage really did eat me last night.