CHAPTER 60 "Proposal" 2

  He leads me out of the bedroom and headed to the living room. I gasped when the couches were filled with tons of white paper bags. I gaped looking at everything that was before me. My eyes quickly travelled back to Gage and he was just looking at me, I think he was waiting for me to say anything.

  "These are all for you." He says.

  "Gage!" I snapped at him. "You didn't just do shopping for me?"

  "I didn't personally do that. My stylist helped me. She was the one who bought it, I was the one who looked for it online."

  "Holy shit." I spat.

  He pulls me to the couches, "I hope you will love everything."

  I began to open bag after bag and everything were lovely. Too lovely. Everything were the latest trends and fashion, the ones that celebrities would wear or the ones I look at on magazines. Every clothing was a signature brand and I don't know if I can even accept these. It's too many. How long is he planning on keeping me with him when I have classes back in New York?