
"A hospital is it?" Ken opened his eyes and looked around "oh Zack you took me here, thank you so much".

" It's no time to thank me, we were in the middle of a crucial discussion when you decided to faint " Zack looked a little bit angry.

" Huh, what was that again? " Ken gave a half-shrug.

"This bottle kid" Suzan handed the bottle to Ken "remember?".

" oh yes, how could I forget " Ken stiffened putting his hands on his forehead.

"Who are you, ma'am?" he asked looking at Suzan.

"I am Zack's mother, Suzan, and this here is her Aunt, Sophia" Suzan introduced herself and Sophia to Ken.

Ken stood up and greeted them with respect then moves his attention towards Zack "you could have told me earlier that this was your family I could have been more respectful".

" Can we begin to talk about that non-sense drink? " Zack moved on to the point.

"First tell me which hospital is this I am not feeling quite well here...what is this place, and was it necessary to call your family won't they be worried at this hour of the night?" Ken asked.

"Stop jerking around, you fool, tell me how to undo the effects of this damn drink??" Zack raised his voice.

"Calm down kid, he just woke up it'll take maybe a little bit of time for him to gain his senses completely" Suzan advised Zack and then addressed Ken "this is my house and you're in the forest of cessation, of course, you should not feel well here".

" What, wow amazing you live here in the forest of cessation, you never told me, Zack," Ken said excitedly.

"These sudden mood changes of this boy aren't normal at all" Sophia made an assessment.

Zack sat down on a chair nearby and said "yeah, I have hidden many things from you just like you did and now it's time to clear up this mess of mysteries".

" I get it...I think my father must have some knowledge about how to undo the effects of the suppression medicine...he is the one giving me these" Ken replied.

"We don't have any time to waste, let's meet your father as soon as possible" Suzan articulated.

"Don't have time for an enemy going to attack?" Ken questioned.

"Let's head out to your place, we can discuss everything on the way" Zack suggested.

"That's reasonable...let's get going...Sophia wait for us to contact you, we'll let you know immediately after we find some lead, so don't worry about it" Suzan put in.

"Wait, is Ken's condition stable??" Zack inquired.

"More stable than it looks, take him anywhere you want," Sophia told Zack.

After that Suzan, Zack, and Ken went out.

"What a creepy beautiful forest...I like it" Ken complimented the forest of cessation.

"You need to stop beating about the bush and tell me the directions" Suzan scolded Ken.

"Yes ma'am," Ken told her where his residence is.

Suzan carried both of them like little kids and boosted her speed to reach there fast.

"Amazing, I think she's even faster than you Zack, wow man you're so lucky" Ken shouted as the wind was restraining the volume of his voice due to high speed.

Suzan stopped after a while in front of a big mansion.

"We're here already, it's barely been more than 15 minutes, it took Zack 10 minutes from school to reach here the last time and you covered at least three times that distance in just 15 minutes, you are awesome ma'am" Ken's eyes shined.

Zack grounded his jaw seeing how stupid Ken was acting.

"Let's go inside and meet the person who is giving weird meds to his son" Suzan dropped them both on the ground.

They entered the mansion and walked a little was dark and it seems hard to see and recognize each other faces.

"Dad!! I'm home" Ken shouted.

"Don't shout my boy" the voice of a middle-aged man came from upstairs. "what caused you to be late?" he began walking downstairs.

" Have you brought guests? turn on the lights at least so I could welcome them...I'm sorry folks I like dark so I keep the lights down" he said while turning on the lights, he was well dressed, Suzan looked at the man as if she knew him and tried to remember him.

He looked at Suzan and his mouth opened wide, he began walking towards her and said while settling his glasses with two of his fingers "Is that you Suzan?".

" I right? " Suzan focused.

"Wow, you remember me is an honor" Daniel felt proud.

"What, do you guys know each other already, and how?" Ken asked.

"Yes, we do but it was quite a long time ago" his father answered, "if Suzan came to see me it must be something important let's be seated and listen to it".

They all sat in a library-like room.

" Is he your son? Daniel pointed towards Zack.

"Yes, he is" Suzan replied.

"He resembles Lucas quite a lot" he complimented Zack's appearance and continued "I heard that you quit the organization?".

" Lucas' last wish made me resign " Suzan answered.

"I'm so's only natural that a man would want his family to be safe after his death" he supported the idea of quitting.

"What about you, are you still connected with the organization?" Suzan asked.

"No, I was only in touch with the organization because of my childhood best friend Liam, what else was the point of me being there I'm not a chosen one...after he died in that second last sneak attack 16 years ago I cut all the ties with the organization afterward" he explained.

"So, is he your son?" Suzan looked at Ken.

"Yes, but not my biological son, you might already have taken a look at his aura...he is Liam's son, an heir of the Rodriguez clan, Liam gave the responsibility of his safety to me, so I gave him my surname and kept him away from every risk" he directed.

Zack looked at Ken and said "you never told me anything,"

"it's not his fault...I told him to keep it a secret from everyone" His father clarified.

"And Zack you never told me that you know about the organization either, what about that?" Ken mocked him.

"That's because we never discussed it and you never told me the truth" Zack countered.

"Shut your mouths brats" Suzan gave a death stare to both of the lads and continued her talk with Daniel "So why are you giving him suppression tonics?"

He replied, " The members of the Rodriguez clan are much overpowered so if I had not given him something to suppress his powers it'd have become impossible to hide it."

"I see, do you know about the last sneak attack?" Suzan inquired.

"Yes, it was the last attack and it ended the devils permanently, right?" Daniel responded.

"Wrong, you've got the false information, they only backed away for a certain amount of time, that was 15 years...and that time has come to an end, although I have left the organization, my son will join it soon" Suzan revealed.

Daniel began to sweat and looked terrified he could not utter a word. Ken also looked quite shocked.

" but he accidentally drank that stupid medicine of yours and now he's a cripple, I've come here to give me an antidote to this thing " Suzan elaborated on the purpose of her arrival and told the whole story.

"Thanks for saving Ken, I think it is the side effect of these medicines that he's falling unconscious very stupid of me.....but yes, I know the antidote...but it'll take at least two weeks for me to prepare it alone" Daniel looked up.

"No that's too much time, you've to prepare it within 5 days, the 6th day is the entrance test" Suzan directed.

"Then provide me with someone who has vast medical understanding" he demanded.

"Consider it done" she affirmed.

"But that's shocking news you gave me, all those terrible times...." he was lost in the horrible memories of the past.

"Dad, prepare an antidote for me too," Ken said in a serious tone.

Daniel looked up and replied, "are you in your senses, I can't afford to lose you after Liam".

" but he gave his life to save humanity, you want his death to be in vain?" Ken countered.

"I will not let his death go in vain by letting you go on some battlefield...I will protect you" Daniel trembled.

"Dad, I want to follow his path...if he wanted he could've decided not to fight but he did, to protect is my be like him, to be someone you'd be proud of" Ken was overflowing with emotions.

"it's no use stopping him now, Daniel" Suzan stood up.

After a moment of silence, Daniel stood up and said with tears " I'll prepare two doses of the antidote".

Suzan smiled.

"Thanks, dad I'll not disappoint you" Ken walked to Daniel.

Daniel looked at Ken and said while weeping like a child "I believe in you son ".

He cleaned his face with his cuff and moved towards Zack "I'll start preparing the antidote right now... you please protect him as you did today...promise me".

" I promise I will do everything in my power to keep him safe..." Zack promised Daniel.

"Well, I'll also keep him safe then" Ken smiled.

"All settled then, both of you will be joining Angels of the burning Sun 6 days from now".

Suzan addressed both of the boys.

She continued " Now I'll bring Sophia, to assist Daniel in preparing the antidote, Zack you'll stay here".

"Yes, got it" Zack nodded.

And Suzan headed out after sending a brief text on the current situation to Sophia so that she'd be prepared.