
Suzan left the mansion of Daniel to bring Sophia. Daniel went to his secret laboratory and began the preparations to create the antidote, Zack and Ken also followed him.

"So, Sir Daniel, you are a scientist too as well as a journalist," Zack said looking around In the laboratory.

"Both of my parents were incredible scientists and doctors, so I know all about medical science as I worked alongside them since childhood, and then one day they were killed while helping the injured from the Devil's attack..." Daniel told.

"Oh, I'm sorry, may their souls rest in peace" Zack consolidated.

"Yeah, and writing is my passion, so I'm a renowned journalist as you can see" Daniel continued.

"Yes, you're quite famous, it's only a few months ago that Ken told me that you're his father, the last time came to your house he didn't even mention you," Zack said while looking at Ken.

"Haha, Ken am I that unimportant to you?" Daniel asked Ken while laughing.

"Nah, Dad I didn't just want to show off" Ken replied.

"Is that so my boy" Daniel opened a book, it had a heading saying 'Suppression antidote'

"May I ask something Sir?" said Zack looking at that book.

"Yes ask anything you want to" Daniel assured.

"Why did you prepare a formula for an antidote...I mean you wanted to suppress his powers so what's the point of an antidote" Zack asked.

"I am amazed at how much your brain works Zack," Daniel smiled "I prepared its formula because I always had that feeling that one day, the blood running in his veins will someday make him say ' don't suppress me any longer ', and I always knew that what I am doing is not right... but I ignored it all due to my selfish desire to keep him safe, and then nature decided to give me a reality check".

" What kind of reality check," asked Zack.

"The way he fainted today and his sudden mood changes, all of these are the side effects of that suppression medicine... I was working on a way to counter them but you guys came and I realized what should I do".

Daniel admitted and then addressed Ken "forgive me, Ken, I did very badly as a dad".

" No, you did are the best father, the only complaint I have from you is that you did not give me a mother till date" Ken replied.

"well, sorry for that haha" Daniel laughed (continuing his work).

"It's not too late though you can still try" Ken advised.

"Zack tell your friend a soon-to-turn 40 will not find a woman so easily," Daniel asked for assistance from Zack.

"Hmm, I think Ken is right Sir it's not that late" Zack said teaming up with Ken.

"That's my friend for Ya" Ken laughed.

"Ah kids these days, man" Daniel sighed.

"I'm here with your assistant Daniel," Suzan said in a loud voice.

Daniel, Zack, and Ken came out of the lab.

Suzan was standing with the bag that Sophia gave her and Sophia was on the ground half-conscious.

"Will she be my assistant, she's not looking in a good shape for sure," Daniel said looking at Sophia.

"what," Suzan looked at Sophia "oh I think I boosted the speed a little too much for her to handle, hey Sophia are you alright?"

"Yeah, I guess" Sophia stood up and dusted off herself.

" she your younger sister, ' Sophia the foreseer '" Daniel moved towards Sophia.

"Yes sir, nice to meet you...I will be assisting you in making the antidote from here on out". Sophia greeted him.

"Nice to meet you too, I think I have seen you before so you've studied medicine in the Crimson Medical College if I remember correctly?" he asked.

"Yes Sir, I was the top student at Crimson Medical College, you might have seen me in a newspaper some years ago" Sophia guessed.

"Yes, you're right, then it'll be an honor to work with you, Sophia." Daniel was amazed "Suzan and Zack both of you also stay here until the antidote is made, it'd be more convenient".

"Take this bag of your meds, and get to work now, I'll be taking these brats to do some strength training," Suzan said and left with Ken and Zack.

Daniel and Sophia got to work.

After working sleeplessly for 4 days and nights, the antidote was finally ready.

"It was finished earlier than I anticipated, all thanks to Sophia," Daniel thanked Sophia and gave the antidote doses to both the boys.

"I gave it my all because I didn't want all of Sis' and Zack's endeavors to be wasted". Sophia was relieved.

"Good work both of you" Suzan appreciated.

Zack and Ken took in the antidote, it took about 15 minutes to affect.

"Glad, it's finally back to normal," Zack looked rather satisfied.

"For the first time in my life, I am feeling so free..." Ken felt power flowing through his entire body.

"That's great, Ken if I am not wrong, you've not manipulated Aura or elements ever before?" Suzan asked.

"Yes, you are not wrong" Ken replied.

"Then how are you planning to go through the entrance exam," asked Zack.

"What...damn, man why didn't I think about it before...what should I now, if I don't even know how to manipulate aura and elements, how the hell am I supposed to enter the organization, they'll just kick me out of there" Ken started to mumble.

"shut up kid, you still got two days to learn, it can't make up for the years of training that you've missed, but it'll make some difference" Suzan suggested.

"Yes, mom is right, it wasn't for no reason that the antidote is created earlier" Zack added.

"Okay then, teach me, ma'am, your strength training was amazing," Ken addressed Suzan.

"I can help you instead," Zack said.

"No thanks dude, who wants to train with you when we have this mighty lady here" Ken taunted Zack.

"That was mean," Zack folded his arms.

"Ha ha, alright kid, I'll teach you some basics," Suzan agreed to train him.

Zack along with Ken, Suzan, and Sophia headed to the forest.

Sophia went to her room to rest as she was extremely tired of working without getting proper sleep.

"Ma'am, is this forest your favorite place to train? I mean even for strength training you took us here..." asked Ken.

"Yep, I used to train here with my teammates even before I got a house here, that's the reason I know that this place is perfect for replenishing your powers," Suzan replied.

"Wow great, let's start then". Ken clenched his fists.

" Okay...your physical strength is at a normal level, not too much, not too less, but to be straight, it alone can't get you through the entrance exam, they'll judge your intelligence and most of all the proficiency of your now it all depends on how much strong your abilities are...

First of all, give us a demonstration by letting your power out, and not holding it back even a I can tell you're holding it back even now, it's a childhood habit of yours maybe...but for now, let all barriers down" Suzan started to train Ken, and Zack watched.

"Okay let it all out...let it all out..." Ken blew a little air from his mouth and closed his eyes "let all the barriers down"

Strong breezes began to blow, and a blue glowing light surrounded Ken that made everything look dim in the background, Ken raised a little from the ground like the power was carrying him.

"Incredible," said Zack with his mouth open wide "it's tremendous".

" Now then kid is this under your control? " asked Suzan.

"I guess," Ken got his power under control.

"Good, now we'll go on to manipulating this power, let's start with a punch, try to concentrate this power in your fists and try to punch that tree".

" Yes, mam," he did as Suzan told him to, and the tree cracked "man!! this is completely...awesome".

"Good, practice this a bit more and about manipulating aura while walking on water, Zack will tell you how to do that on your way to the shadow unit," Suzan said.

"Roger that ma'am" Ken began practicing.

"Ma'am what about element manipulation, I have a little idea as I have studied about all of it but when will you guide me about it, " Ken asked.

"Focus on one thing, for now, it'll at least get you passed if you can do this with proficiency because elemental manipulation isn't a criterion for passing, they'll teach it to you themselves if you have the knack for it, and you have a ton of power inside of you, I am sure you'll get through it" Suzan elaborated.

"thank you, ma'am, for explaining" Ken continued training.