Auction 2

Elliot strolled through the main lobby, looking at all the renowned people who were here. He saw men and women from various parts of Brezik and the world. There were international traffickers, robbers, scammers, slave sellers, corrupt politicians, and more. If Elliot were to think and observe more deeply, he would see even darker and crueler criminals in this place, but Elliot honestly didn't give a damn about them.

Could these people kill Elliot with just an order? So what? If he wished, Elliot could cause a massacre right here and now, and almost none of them would come out alive. The only reason Elliot didn't do this, is because above these people, there are even more dangerous people. For Elliot, the worst enemy is the one who has no face or form. It's like trying to face fire, you know the properties of fire, and you know its destructive power, but if you can't put it out, there's no way to win. Elliot had no idea how to beat the people here.