The Auction 3

It may seem like a long time has passed since Elliot was a prisoner who was tortured every day, but only a month has passed. Because of this, Elliot hated the idea of any form of confinement, and Tin, his dog, should not be imprisoned either. Because of this, although he wore a collar for his identification, Tin wore no chains to bind him to Elliot.

"Jimmy, you look in that direction. Alice and I will go to the end of that corridor. I'll see if he went exploring alone and ended up getting lost." Elliot said.

Alice was no longer as pale as before, but she would certainly lose a few nights' sleep. How could that woman, who was doing such acts with the man just seconds before he died, not even care about his death? Even worse, even in front of the body, she had the nerve to try to flirt with Elliot! That was simply revolting!

"All right boss!" Jimmy said and quickly left in search of Tin.

"Any news contact Alice!" Elliot said as he saw Jimmy walking away.