I'll Definitely Do Something About It.

"Do you know those two friends of yours came to check out on you some days ago? I think, the boy goes by the name Oliver according to what you told us, and a girl accompanied him which I've seen before". Hazel said to Aiden.

"Ava and Oliver, they came to check out on me here?". Aiden inquired of Hazel.

"Yes, they were worried since you hadn't been coming to school for days, so they decided to come check out on you, those are what true friends do". Hazel retorted.

A smile appeared on Aiden's face at that moment, that shows they both cared for him, and he cares for them too.

It was morning currently, after Aiden woke up from sleep and strolled straight to the living room, he met Hazel there, and that's when she told him that...there was no need to hide it.