You'll Be Exposed Today.

The news spread around that Aiden had been found, and people of the Tuvalon Kingdom had to stop searching around for him. And there were three reactions to this.

Some people were sad 'cause they were hoping to find Aiden and get the promised rewards, but he's been found already. Some weren't happy or sad, they were searching to see if they'll find out where Aiden was, but they didn't, someone else did.

They wouldn't get the rewards, nothing spoiled, life must go on. And another set of people that gave this same reaction were the people that didn't even search for Aiden at all.

And some were happy Aiden had been found, that he was alive. These were the set of people that weren't searching around for Aiden for the rewards. They just really wanted Aiden to be back with his family, they wanted him to be out of danger.