The Monster Within

Part 78

"This is all just your show, right?" Yurena asked Mr. Lehman, she couldn't hide the anger in her eyes.

"Yes, everything is just my show from me being friends with you to hiring you as a model. All of this has a hidden agenda and that is to kidnap you and get you!" the answer of Mr. Lehman, grinning like a demon. He changed totally from being an angel to a monster!

"But Mao and I's intention to help you in your business is sincere. I didn't think you were a monster Mr. Lehman, no wonder where your daughter Maxine got her attitude from," the young woman answered.

"There are two types of people in the world: A cheater and a cheated. I'm sorry if you and Mao are both fools. And I'm also sorry if you both fall for my plan. Don't worry Yurena, I'll make sure that I use your body in a meaningful way as the main ingredients of my product," Mr. Lehman said.