A Pot And A Sword

On the battle field one could see a young man holding a pot in his left hand and a sword in his right hand as his figure flashed.


The pot slammed into the helmet of a white knight, the knight's vision grew dark as his body flew up in the air

Tristan's right hand that was holding the sword flashed, the white knight that was in the air fell into two separate parts, he died without knowing the reason

10 sp obtained

Tristan figure flashed across the battlefield, the white armored nights fell like sacks of meat to the ground, on his back one could see a child holding a knife in its hands she swung it about carelessly

150 sp obtained

Soon a huge fire ball flew towards his direction, his figure flashed as he avoiding the huge fire ball, the ground exploded behind him sending dust and mud into the surrounding.

After running for sometime he soon reach the center most part of the battlefield magical light flashed across the battlefield, he looked around for opportunities to join in the madness.

As he looked around Tristan saw what he was up against, a massive wall the height of about 2000 meters stood erect, its white light shown brightly in the smoke covered region

As the gates opened slightly as a majestic army flowed out like a dam opening its floodgates

-Host should switch sides

''Why,'' Tristan asked, the system replied ''host will be rewarded 5000 [sp] if you switch sides,'' upon hearing the number Tristan immediately started to attack the knights in black armor.

Soon one could see a figure slapping the black armored knights with what seemed to be a pot in his hands, he slapped the black knights in the head violently, as his hand that held the titanium sword flashed.

It hacked through the knights splitting them into two as he mowed down the surrounding black armored knights, the armies of the white armored knights seemed to have regained hope

note: Tristan doesn't know how to use a sword he's just swinging it about in a frantic fashion

-host as acquired new skill [Pot Attack] all pot related attacks will have a disorienting effect

-host has acquired skill acquired skill [accurate strike] accuracy of attacks will be increased

Suddenly Tristan's battle effectiveness increased his speed of mowing down the black armored doubled, Tristan started to try new ways to attack with his sword and pot, the little thing on his back waved around the knife in its hands happily.

On top of the white wall that towered into the sky, a white armored knight stared at the figure mowing through the ranks of the black armored knights, a soft and feminine voice could be heard from underneath the helmet, ''ready my battle horse I'm joining the battle.''

As those words where spoken a hundred knights are so scattered in all directions the huge gates creaked open a single white armored knight could be seen riding on a white horse.

The battle suddenly paused, even Tristan who was attacking frantically turned around, he sensed extreme danger, he quickly activated deep meditation for his mind was becoming unstable at a rapid pace.

He stared at the figure for a bit and was about to go on a rampage but as soon as Tristan was about to do so, a bright light flew up to the sky after the light rose to the sky everyone looked closely at the bright light in the sky.

They could see a figure holding a sword, the figure wrapped in light suddenly slashed out a beam of light swept across the battle field nothing happened for the first few seconds.

Then suddenly a loud shing echoed out following that was the sound of explosions and the horrified and pained screams of the black armored knights, Tristan froze for a bit.

He had a weird expression on his face, beside him there was a meter deep crack extending out into the distance, the bright light in the air descended next to him, he stared at the figure next to him, he aid in his head

''Oh big smart system it's a good thing you told this king to switch side or this king would be dead,'' the system replied in a cocky tone, ''yes, yes host should thank this great one for telling you the danger.''

As Tristan and the system conversed, he made sure that the thing next to him didn't make any funny moves, the figure in pure white armor suddenly took of the helmet on its head.

Tristan exclaimed, ''out so pretty''

Hearing his exclamation, she didn't feel anything, she only stared at him and said in a soft tone ''marry me''


beep, beep

It was such a sudden question that even the system was stunned, Tristan stared at the person in front of him with a dumfounded expression.

Tristan said in a somewhat startled tone, ''isn't this too sudden, I mean we just met,'' he then said ''this is weird, I've only met you just now so why would I marry you?''

The expression on her pretty face was resolute and firm as she said ''why don't we become battle companions if you're so concerned, then after sometime we get married.

This questions threw his logic out the window like who asks a question like can we get married upon their first encounter with someone.

The question from earlier disabled his skill deep meditation as Tristan said in his mind ''system fix the problem,'' the system said ''in a weird tone host I can't do nothing at the moment so you better figure something out fast useless...'

Tristan replied back with another question, ''and if I refuse,'' she snorted as she said ''you killed some of my soldiers so there's nothing I can do other than to kill you'' with that reply Tristan's expression grew dark

system beep, beep system beep, beep

Tristan didn't bother calling the useless system he then said in a strange tone

''why don't we get to know each other before we do anything rash.''

An idea popped in his head as he took the little thing of his back and said ''you don't want a man with a child do you, I mean such a beauty going after a man with a child is absurd don't you think.''

she snorted again and said ''do you think you can fool me, my saintly eyes detect that the child isn't yours and that you only have a strange connection with it through some strange power.''

With this reply Tristan's face grew a bit ugly as he side ''your going to pursue the matter aren't you,'' she nodded her head Tristan's face twitched at this moment.