A Weird Sword Saintes And Buying Stuff From The Shop

Tristan brain couldn't come up with anymore ideas he then grew desperate as he said ''could I run,'' she shook her head and said ''i'll kill you if you run, you stay or die trying to leave,'' with that reply Tristan's expression grew ugly as he regretted ever coming to this battle field.

[Authors note: you see that kids when your too impulsive and blood thirsty it gets you into shit and makes you face endless regrets]

The battle seemed pointless upon the sudden appearance of the battle saint so the black armored troops retreated quickly.

Tristan then remembered what Hailey said the inhabitants had weird traditions in war the people here loved to delve into their carnal desires, kill, grow strong and the process repeated itself endlessly.

He felt weird like an unknown lifeform on a different planet experiencing things unknown to him he then called out

''system you know of a way we can escape''

''beep beep, beep beep'',

''this fcking system''

he stared at her then another bright idea came to mind as he said

''your people attacked me first so'', as he was about to say more she said in a slightly angry tone

''stop it with your squabbling or i'll kill you''

Tristan didn't want to accept this bullsh*t as he asked ''why do you want to marry me'', she stared at him for a bit before answering, ''no reason, I just want you to be mine''

Tristan's expression warped several times as his expression grew twisted a terrifying aura spread outwards from his body but this had no effect on the sword Saintes so he asked in an angry tone

''system can I use points on my stats''

The system replied in a stiff tone, ''no,'' annoyed Tristan stared at the woman in front of him with annoyance,

His haughty nature was flaring up, no emperor liked to be backed into a corner, the only reason a emperor would back into a corner was unless he was a down right retard.

Time ticked by as Tristan stood their annoyed, the more he thought about his situation the more annoyed he became, Tristan then asked in an annoyed tone ''why me,'' she replied almost instantly ''I don't know''

Tristan's face dropped as his expression grew as black as black could be, he turned around and started to walk away seeing him walk away she said in a commanding tone, ''stop''

Tristan didn't stop, she then said ''I'll kill you''

He didn't stop, Tristan thought ''I didn't come to this world to be commanded around.''

Seeing that Tristan didn't stop she drew her sword and slashed out, a white line flew past him causing the ground to be split open but he didn't stop he kept on walking.

-host has acquired skill [willpower] host can use will to increase fighting spirit and host can infuse will with the body

[Skill willpower lv1]

-host unlocked hidden skill [skill increase] host can improve skills with survival points

She then said ''three years i'll give you three years and if you can beat me in a fight i'll stop pursuing you"

Hearing this Tristan's steps paused, he thought about it for a bit

The saint was already strong, ''who knows how strong she'll be in three years but if I don't accept now i'll be annoyed to death so its best to accept and leave plus I have a system, a stingy system"

He nodded his head and said "in three years time i'll fight you and if I win we cut ties completely and if I lose you get me sounds fair"

she nodded her head quickly as if not wanting him to change his mind, his body flashed as he was now traveling at supersonic speed as he left the battle field a disappointed expression could be seen on her face she then stomped her foot like a child that didn't get it's favorite toy.

She mumbled ''I thought that if I showed of my beauty I would have any man groveling at my feet begging me to be in bed with them.''

She then said ''A young man like that is hard to find in these parts, i'll get him and add him to my collection,'' as Tristan left the battlefield he felt a chill running down his spine

-host has been marked by the Saintes, host can remove mark

Tristan immediately said ''remove that thing, I don't want no mark of nobody on me,'' as he ran Tristan vowed to never enter any more battlefields.

The only time he would enter was when he had the strength to wipe out an army with a single move.




Two days had passed since Tristan left the battle field, he was now walking near a hilly area he had already forgotten about the previous events Tristan was thinking about a more serious matter.

He said ''system I need more skills, skills that are compatible with each other so I can combine them and get new skills,'' ''host in order for you to get more skills you can just buy them you idiot.''

''Remember we have a store now so you can buy items, skills manuals ect. any where in the universe,'' hearing this Tristan's brain almost short circuited

''So your saying I could have just have bought a really op skill beat that annoying woman to death then escaped, no?''

Tristan then said ''oh great system open up the shop menu,'' hearing the praise the system said in an excited tone, ''yes i'll bring it up right away sir host''

Search for weapons, skills, manuals, etc. to buy with survival points

Tristan then said ''i'll just have to search for the skills name or item right,'' the system beeped in approval Tristan took the child of his back and sat down, he then took the knife from her.

Seeing that her toy had been taken away she teared up and started ball her eyes out Tristan payed this no heed as he then started to search.

First things first he needed something to carry the child on his back, he muttered ''baby carrying thing,'' as he said that multiple option showed up, he looked through it for a bit he then found one that could strap on to his back and front.

He then purchased it, [9150 sp], sp deducted from purchase [50] thank you for shopping at the systems shop, next to him the baby carrying device appeared he then said ''baby sleeping bag,'' multiple items appeared.

He then purchased the best option [9050 sp] sp deducted from purchase [100] thank you for shopping at the systems shop, the sleeping bag appeared next to him.

The little thing was stunned it saw these strange items appearing from out of thin air, Tristan then said ''does the shop have a shopping cart,'' ''yes but customer has to purchase it before use,'' hearing this Tristan asked ''how much for the shopping cart''

-Shopping cart 500 sp

Hearing the price Tristan's eyes widened for a bit then he said ''purchase'' [8950 sp] sp deducted [500] congratulations customer for buying the shopping cart, customer can now buy items on bulk hearing this Tristan thought that it was worth the 500 sp.

He then continued to search.