Chapter 17: Howl of war.

I won't be changing the skill name and will instead make it part of the plot.

Love you all. Well, most of you guys are haters, soo yeah.

Just like before. If you don't like my Fan-fic then F*ck off B*tches.

Loved by: DaoistsLwnnQ.


As Veloro watched the forces of Kumara colliding with the Ul Nasca empire and the Mother Forest empire.

The two empires are suppressing Kumara's forces which could destroy the entire Ul Nasca.

Kumara is a descendant of the Insectar race and is immune to almost all magic and she already has an Ultimate Skill.

It is called [ Beast King Tamer ]. She tamed the entire content of small monsters and promoted them to A ranks.

'Veldanava should really~ adjust the system.' Veloro is also surprised by how strong the Kumara empire is and how they were able to suppress the two empires.

Veloro realized what the King of Mother Forest was doing, but was too late.

[ Notice: All conditions have been met. The individual Estes will now gain an Ultimate Skill. ]

Veloro stood up from his chair. From the last few decades-no centuries, Veloro stood up for the first time in a while.

'The war was not pointless. Estes made a deal with Ul Nasca to let him collect the souls of the past few wars and make the Kingdom of Mother Forest their vessel.' Veloro realized what the treaty meant.

Veloro quickly made a portal where the war was happening and was going to stop the evolution. 'If I don't stop them now. The Ul Nasca Empire will be too strong for the Kumara Kingdom to defend.'

Veloro jumped into the portal and saw it happen with his very own eyes.

[ Notice: The individual Estes has now gained the Ultimate Skill [ Healer King Lailah ] successfully ] ( If I have already used this Ultimate Skill at this timeline then please do tell me. )

'Sh*t. It's already been finished and it's also an Angelic system.' Veloro opened his eyes and scanned Estes.

<{ His EV has reached over 1 million. He is too dangerous. }>

'I know. With the power of the moon and the power to heal all wounds. Then it would mean he immortal.' Veloro knew the dangers of [ Lailah ] and [ Michael ] if they both are combined.

[ Lailah ] might be a healer-type Ultimate Skill now, but in reality, its main power is childbirth, conception, night, and pregnancy.

If it is used properly. Every single child that is born will be controlled by Estes and the power of Conception and Night is terrifying, which is why Veloro is startled.

"There is no other choice, but to kill him." Veloro looked at his target and disappeared.

It is still currently nighttime. The power of Estes is at its peak once the night sets.

Veloro hid his presence completely and started to follow him from his back.

'Suzumebachi will not work on him. His power is at its peak and he can instantly regenerate his wounds.' Veloro knew it would be too dangerous to attack at night.

Veloro's power specialized in assassination, but this time around, Veloro could only wait for the sun to set.

'Let's first watch if he can fully utilize his Ultimate Skill.' It was practically impossible to control an Ultimate Skill in a single night, but if [ Michael ] is involved then it is highly possible.

'[ Salamon ] what do you think about [ Michael ]'s plan to rule over the entire world by manipulating every newborn?' Veloro already knew the most obvious plan and with [ Salamon ] who can scan all lies, it is impossible to be mistaken.

<{ Truth may be told. It is a greater plan, but he never accounted for the fact that there might be other methods for doing this plan. For example. What if Veldanava takes him back? What then? }>

'Yes, you are correct.'

Veldanava already gave [ Michael ] to Rudra as a gift of gratitude.

'Veldanava is too obsessed with humans.' Veloro was dissatisfied with Veldanava's choices and felt he was deeply mistaken.

Veldanava LITERALLY gave the strongest Angelic System Ultimate Skill to a random disciple.

<{ The Individual Veldanava is my creator, but that statement is still the fact. Even I can't defend it. }>

'It's fine. We're not the ones who will suffer his mistakes.' Veloro already knew what will happen to the world and how his precious disciple died from his obsession with their game.

Veloro walked around and saw the full moon shine.

Veloro hid from the moon's shine as it is also one of its powers of Estes.

<{ Master, the time between us is getting shorter and shorter. }>

'I know. We both just need to maintain the timeline. I am willing to sacrifice everything for this world.' Veloro knew the dangers of messing with the Cardinal World's past and was ready to give it all has got.

'[ Salamon ], if I ever die and you transported to a new holder. Please don't forget about me.' Veloro felt sad yet happy at the same time.

<{ I would never forget you master. }>

'I hope so.' Veloro cut through space and disappeared.

With a Howl of a wolf, Estes's body started to dissipate into dust, but his regenerative power exceeded Veloro's expectations and his body turned back to normal.

Veloro stopped and looked at him. Estes was still calm as ever and looked at Veloro with joy.

"I can't believe you would still be able to regenerate there's Hamonkas at their all power." Veloro clapped as he said those words.

<{ Master, the power of the moon is too strong for Suzumebachi. Seems like the individual Veldanava is helping this person by making the moon stronger. }>

'Seems like he still hates me.' Veloro opened his right palm and said. "Incinerate all [ Black Hole ]"

The sudden creation of a black hole surprised Estes yet he still had his composure and said. "[ Moon's Protection ]"

A white transparent light covered every part of the kingdom and Veloro felt the urge to make countermeasures from a simple barrier.

<{ Master, it seems like the entire Kingdom is on the moon. }>

'H-How?' Veloro knew the Ultimate Skill would be dangerous, but not to this extent.

<{ It seems the individual Veldanava is helping the individual Estes. }>

'Then there is no time.' Veloro moved at an incredible speed that even Velgrynd could not do

Veloro's right-hand clashes with Estes's barrier and with a single punch, his entire barrier was destroyed.

'Even if he has helped with Veldanava, he is still moral.' Veloro twisted his body and swung her right log at Estes.

Estes was directly hit and his soul cracked by the attack, but his regenerative ability was so great that it healed his would in a split second.

'This will be tiresome.' Veloro attacked again, but this time Estes was ready and dodged her attack.

They both clashed with Veloro's brute force and his lunar magic.

Estes had access to Lunar magic. Lunar magic is similar to Stardust Magic, but is much, much weaker in comparison.

"I'm really sorry if I did anything bad. Please forgive me." Estes started to apologize, but Veloro was just even more annoyed by his expression.