Chapter 16: Protector of Time.

'There is nothing to do. I am bored.' Veloro wanted to do something, but could not as he was protecting the timelines.

[ Confirmed: The individual Sylvia has gained the Ultimate Skill [ Indra Lord of Thunder ] successfully. ]

As The Voice of The World announced the new Ultimate skill holder.

Veloro felt like the time was still the same, but he still did not know what to do with the other demon lords.

Leon was still not born and there were already multiple demon lords whose EVs are around 400-500 thousand.

There were 5 newly awakened demon lords like Michaela, the queen of entropies.

Entropies are similar to Insectar Queen. They have the same skills, but Michaela is a swordsman, not a magician.

She can produce 10 thousand eggs in a day and already made the entire future Dwargon empire, its territory.

Most of the humans in that place are slaves and live stocks. The two empires of Entropy and Night Rose have similar tactics. It was to make livestock.

'I have to do something about those disgusting bugs.' Veloro spied on them and saw the queen laying eggs again.

'The two kingdoms are still the same.' Veloro looked at the two kingdoms going to war.

The Kingdom of Kumara and the Queen of all the monsters in the surrounding area of Kumara.

She was also the future other of Kumara. They have similar names, so yeah.

Her empire constantly goes to war with Ul Nasca and Mother Forest.

The King of Mother Forest is an elf named, Estes, the so-called king of the full moon.

Kumara was really strong. She had an EV of 500 thousand and is stronger than Luminous who has multiple nuclear spells ready to use at any time.

Her kingdom is full of monsters and she isn't hostile to humans, but the Ul Nasca empire always attacks her kingdom so she kills them all.

The King of Mother Forest is also really strong. He had an EV of 124 thousand and has lived longer than Luminous by a year.

Surprisingly, there were two Ancestors of the elf race and both of them are too strong.

Sylvia has an Ultimate skill and is nowhere to be found. Estes has the blessing of the Goddes Chang'e who is renowned to be the protector of all.

'It seems, Kazaream has already made moves to take over the Mothe Forest. Just like how it's supposed to.' Veloro kept tabs on Kazaream, as he will be the key to making Rimuru strong AF.

'I just need to keep the timeline for over 3-5 thousand years more.' Veloro had a deep sigh and continued to watch Kazaream.

Rudra is also moving and is wanting to take over the Kumara Clan, but it won't be so easy to take care of him.

"I just need more time." The events were going too fast and Veloro could not keep up with it.

'If only I had the skill, [ Parallel Existence ] then maybe, maybe I could be able to keep tabs on all of the events.' Veloro could not even help [ Salamon ] who was keeping tabs on all the other worlds.

'*Sigh* why didn't the show cover the future of Tensura. Then maybe the other space disruption could have been prevented.' Veloro felt tired even though he is not supposed to feel exhausted.

Veloro felt eternal hatred for Veldanava who didn't make a clear plan for the future and only cared for his interests.

'If only.' Veloro felt like giving up and lapped himself on his right cheek. "I've gone too far for this type of sh*t." Veloro stood up and scanned Velgrynd who will have the power to use [ Parallel Existence ].

'[ Salamon ] have you created a similar skill?' Veloro asked as she looked around the empty void.

<{ Negative. There is no time for making new skills as I am currently suppressing the other worlds and dimensions from making a move. }>

'Ok then.: Veloro went back to watching the other people and felt interested in their lives again.

'Another thousand years shouldn't be that long.' Veloro went back to his work and suppressed the other kingdoms.

Veloro didn't even have time to make his subordinates as it was too hard.

The pressure of the entirety of the future collapsing was in his hands.

'Wait, what if I stopped and let time flow as it is.' Veloro wanted to try it but sighed again as it would be impossible.

<{ Mas tee can try it out. The law of cause-effect does not affect the master, but it might change the Tensura Verse completely. }>

'I know.' Ivarage was getting stronger and stronger and the other worlds are also growing at a faster rate than the Cardinal World.

Veloro looked at the sky and a white door opened. 'It seems like the war is going to happen.' Angels poured out of the portal and started to wreak havoc.

'[ Salamon ], will Luminous be ok?' Veloro asked and looked at Luminous.

<{ Yes. The current strength of the individual Luminous Valintine should be able to handle the angels }>

<{ Negative. It is not the first Tenma war. It is just a fight between the individual Guy Crimson and Rudra Nam Ul Nasca }>

'I got excited for nothing then.' Veloro looked at the two people watching and sighed.

Guy Crimson is obviously stronger than Rudra Nam Ul Nasca.

Even with the help of her sister, Lucia Ul Nasca, whose supporting magic can make a B-rank to an S-rank.

'[ Salamon ], why is Lucia's supporting magic so strong?' Veloro felt it was odd that she would be that strong.

<{ Confirmed: It is because of her Ultimate Skill [ Helping Lord Raphael ] }>

'Oh, then can you find out if the backdoor is active.' Veloro wanted to black male Veldanava and scam him with all his skills.

<{ Negative. We did that in the future, not in the past. }>

'Ahh.' Veloro felt sad but still accepted it.

'When will their Lovers Quarrel?' Veloro was angry so is Ramiris who maintained an absolute barrier.

Ramiris is a greater help in maintaining the chaos in the world by always deploying barriers if there are any fights, and she can also just kill them with her overwhelming strength.

'Ramiris is so admiring.' Veloro already fell in love with Ramiris.

It was not a romantic love, but more of an admiring one.

With the time spent protecting the timeline of the Cardinal World and preventing other dimensions and other worlds from invading other worlds, it made her head, a little bit... Special.

Veloro saw Ramiris just standing outside of the barrier and making a huge aura around her.

Even the two True Dragon sisters could not fight each other with her massive presence.

The three of them just coated with each other as Rain and Misery served them food and drinks.

Ramiris kept the massive mana inside a barrier and made the Two True Dragon sisters at bay. It was a feat that even Veloro could not do.