Come To An Understanding

Ferdinand entered the operating base, to which it greeted him with so much simplicity and much practicality. This will have to make do for the time being where the thoughts that were running through his mind. He strides from sides to sides inspecting the materials and the things that were used in making this base. He observed from top to the bottom as the icy wind slowly entered through the small holes in the base.

Ferdinand sauntered through the base. He noticed many things, such as gun ports where they could shoot from and a natural camouflage that can cover up the base. Anyway, this base will be upgraded soon enough when he has enough points to summon more manpower, but for the meantime, he had to gather enough points so that he wouldn't eat his words.

Soon enough, after strolling around the base, Ferdinand finally arrived at the command room. There He found his soldiers waiting for him.

"We're awaiting your orders Commander," Simpson uttered

"Oh! Now it's Commander?" Ferdinand inquired

"Yes, we think it's more befitting for you than being a mere general. As you will be always the highest ranking person here and we shall solely swear allegiance to you." Simpson answered.

Ferdinand couldn't no longer keep his curiosity at bay and so he finally asked them.

"May I know what happened?" Ferdinand Inquired

"Commander, us soldiers that you have summoned came from a different world where it's ridden by war and chaos. We also expect that there would be different soldiers coming here from more distinct realities. When we all died from that world, we were sent to burn in eternal hell for a specified amount of time. That time is very long as it could take centuries of being burned alive. That is when suddenly an elegant lady or some sort of goddess appeared before us and told us to help someone and swear allegiance to the person who's trying to save or make an influence towards that world. If we ever betray you, she will send us to burn for eternity back in eternal hell." Simpson answered.

"I understand your situation you people are in now, but fret not, I am not an evil person who's gonna abuse my power or eat you. I swear I will treat my soldiers as humans, not as some tools or something else. Because you are people too and I respect your humanity. Therefore, I wouldn't make you people do any suicidal mission. I, Ferdinand Anshelm, will also take part in battle, as what is use of me if I can't oversee the battle myself? What strategies will I be able to make if I were just sitting around and doing nothing but barks out orders? So I shall also prove myself as a leader and above all, for the goodness of humanity, and I shall declare that we will be independent and foreign interest shall never influence us. Our only goal is for the goodness of humanity and we shall do it by our hands, whether it through warfare, diplomacy or humanitarian aid," Ferdinand said.

The faces of the soldiers were brightly lit, as they believe they have taken a good choice by accepting the lady's offer, but time will only tell whether the commander will prove what he said. Chant of victory rang out through the base as they all happily talked to each other.

"Urah!" "Urah!"

After a few moments of loud cheering and chants of victory, they have finally calmed down and are now preparing for further operations. They would have to reach a consensus on what they should do or what should they prepare to further survive on this world filled with half living and half dead beings.

Before continuing the discussion, Ferdinand had his eyes strolling around observing his soldiers' faces. They were much better and relaxed compared to their faces earlier feared with fear and uncertainty. So, with a good mood in mind, he started the discussion once again.

"I suggest we should first scout our surroundings and then secure our perimeter. We should take out any leftover walkers in the area." Ferdinand said.

"We agree Commander" Every soldier said in unison

"I'm open to suggestion everyone don't be scared just because you swear allegiance to me. I want you all to promise me when the time comes and I am not present, make a choice whether to continue the mission. No matter my orders are, if your life is in danger, you must retreat and return. All is forgiven, but if I found out that you're just a scared cat, then you'll be punished under military law. So that you will think of your actions. Just because of a minor mistake, I wouldn't discard you to burn in eternity. Also, we need to establish military law in this world so that our soldiers would have guidelines to follow and so that they wouldn't always bother me much. Though that would be reserved when we actually have an organisation and soon a nation of our own. So, for the meantime, if I am not present, it will be up to your discretion. "Ferdinand said.

The soldiers looked at each other and exchange knowing looks and so they answered once again in unison.

"We wholeheartedly agree, Commander. "

The soldiers and Ferdinand once again delve deeper into the discussion. A few moments later, they have agreed to a consensus on what they should do for the meantime, given that they lack manpower.

First, they would have to scout the surroundings, then they would eliminate any potential threats and they would also expand the base so that they would have more things to do, like a workshop and an ammunition plant. They also agreed on having the commander fight on the battlefield as the commander or Ferdinand wouldn't budge about it, which earned more respect and admiration from his soldiers. They also had discussed on splitting the task that once everything is done so that their base would be fully functional. Since they could only rely on Ferdinand on expanding their manpower for the meantime, they have also discussed the prospect of grinding for points so that they could have more manpower.…